
202 lines
6.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// NPM imports
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from "react";
import { bindActionCreators } from "redux";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
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import { defineMessages, injectIntl, intlShape } from "react-intl";
import { Howler, Howl } from "howler";
// Local imports
import { messagesMap, handleErrorI18nObject } from "../utils";
// Actions
import * as actionCreators from "../actions";
// Components
import WebPlayerComponent from "../components/elements/WebPlayer";
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// Translations
import messages from "../locales/messagesDescriptors/elements/WebPlayer";
// Define translations
const webplayerMessages = defineMessages(messagesMap(Array.concat([], messages)));
* Webplayer container.
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class WebPlayerIntl extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// Data attributes
this.howl = null;
// Bind this
this.startPlaying = this.startPlaying.bind(this);
this.stopPlaying = this.stopPlaying.bind(this);
this.isPlaying = this.isPlaying.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
// Start playback upon component mount
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
// Handle stop
if (
// No current song in updated props
!nextProps.currentSong ||
// No playlist in updated props
nextProps.playlist.size < 1 ||
// Song played is not the song currently played
(this.props.currentSong && nextProps.currentSong.get("id") != this.props.currentSong.get("id"))
) {
if (this.howl) {
// Toggle play / pause
if (
// This check ensure we do not start playing multiple times the
// same song
(nextProps.isPlaying != this.props.isPlaying) ||
// Or we should be playing but there is no howl object playing
(nextProps.isPlaying && !this.isPlaying())
) {
// If something is playing back
if (this.howl) {
// Set mute / unmute
// Set volume
this.howl.volume(nextProps.volume / 100);
* Handle playback through Howler and Web Audio API.
* @params props A set of props to use for setting play parameters.
startPlaying(props) {
if (props.isPlaying && props.currentSong) {
// If it should be playing any song
const url = props.currentSong.get("url");
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if (Howler.codecs(url.split(".").pop())) {
// Build a new Howler object with current song to play
this.howl = new Howl({
src: [url],
html5: true, // Use HTML5 by default to allow streaming
mute: props.isMute,
volume: props.volume / 100, // Set current volume
autoplay: false, // No autoplay, we handle it manually
onend: () => props.actions.playNextSong(), // Play next song at the end
// Start playing;
} else {
else {
// If it should not be playing
if (this.howl) {
// Pause any running music
* Stop playback through Howler and Web Audio API.
stopPlaying() {
// Stop music playback
// Reset howl object
this.howl = null;
* Check whether some music is currently playing or not.
* @return True / False whether music is playing.
isPlaying() {
if (this.howl) {
return this.howl.playing();
return false;
render() {
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const { formatMessage } = this.props.intl;
const webplayerProps = {
isPlaying: this.props.isPlaying,
isRandom: this.props.isRandom,
isRepeat: this.props.isRepeat,
isMute: this.props.isMute,
volume: this.props.volume,
currentIndex: this.props.currentIndex,
playlist: this.props.playlist,
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error: handleErrorI18nObject(this.props.error, formatMessage, webplayerMessages),
currentSong: this.props.currentSong,
currentArtist: this.props.currentArtist,
// Use a lambda to ensure no first argument is passed to
// togglePlaying
onPlayPause: (() => this.props.actions.togglePlaying()),
onPrev: this.props.actions.playPreviousSong,
onSkip: this.props.actions.playNextSong,
onRandom: this.props.actions.toggleRandom,
onRepeat: this.props.actions.toggleRepeat,
onMute: this.props.actions.toggleMute,
isPlaylistViewActive: (
(this.props.location && this.props.location.pathname == "/playlist")
? true
: false
return (
(this.props.playlist.size > 0)
? <WebPlayerComponent {...webplayerProps} />
: <div></div>
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WebPlayerIntl.propTypes = {
location: PropTypes.object,
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intl: intlShape.isRequired,
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const currentIndex = state.webplayer.currentIndex;
const playlist = state.webplayer.playlist;
// Get current song and artist from entities store
const currentSong = state.entities.getIn(["entities", "song", playlist.get(currentIndex)]);
let currentArtist = undefined;
if (currentSong) {
currentArtist = state.entities.getIn(["entities", "artist", currentSong.get("artist")]);
return {
isPlaying: state.webplayer.isPlaying,
isRandom: state.webplayer.isRandom,
isRepeat: state.webplayer.isRepeat,
isMute: state.webplayer.isMute,
volume: state.webplayer.volume,
currentIndex: currentIndex,
playlist: playlist,
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error: state.webplayer.error,
currentSong: currentSong,
currentArtist: currentArtist,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
actions: bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch),
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export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(injectIntl(WebPlayerIntl));