#!/usr/bin/env python3 from config import * import datetime import json import requests import os import sqlite3 import sys import time def db_init(): """ Initialize a database connection, initialize the tables. Returns a new connection. """ now = datetime.datetime.now() db_name = "week_%s.db" % now.strftime("%V") db_folder = os.path.join( 'data', now.strftime('%Y') ) if not os.path.isdir(db_folder): os.makedirs(db_folder) conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(db_folder, db_name)) c = conn.cursor() # Init tables c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stations(" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "name TEXT, " + "address TEXT, " + "latitude REAL, " + "longitude REAL, " + "banking INTEGER, " + "bonus INTEGER, " + "bike_stands INTEGER)") c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stationsstats(" + "station_id INTEGER, " + "available_bikes INTEGER, " + "free_stands INTEGER, " + "status TEXT, " + "updated INTEGER, " + "FOREIGN KEY(station_id) REFERENCES stations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)") c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stationsevents(" + "station_id INTEGER, " + "timestamp INTEGER, " + "event TEXT, " + "FOREIGN KEY(station_id) REFERENCES stations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE)") c.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stationstats_station_id ON stationsstats (station_id)"); c.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stationsstats_updated ON stationsstats (updated)"); c.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stationsevents_station_id ON stationsevents (station_id)"); c.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS stationsevents_timestamp ON stationsevents (timestamp)"); conn.commit() return conn def retrieve_stations(): """ Retrieve list of stations. Returns the new stations list. """ # Fetch the endpoint r = requests.get(api_endpoint, params={"apiKey": api_key, "contract": contract}) # Handle the JSON response try: stations_list_json = json.loads(r.text) except ValueError: sys.exit("Got invalid JSON payload:\n" + r.text) stations_list = [] for station in stations_list_json: stations_list.append(station) return stations_list def update_stations(): """ Update the stored station list. """ conn = db_init() c = conn.cursor() stations = retrieve_stations() database_stations = {i[0]: i for i in c.execute("SELECT id, name, address, latitude, longitude, banking, bonus, bike_stands FROM stations").fetchall()} for station in stations: try: # Get old station entry if it exists old_station = database_stations[station["number"]] # Diff the two stations event = [] if station["name"] != old_station[1]: event.append({"key": "name", "old_value": old_station[1], "new_value": station["name"]}) if station["address"] != old_station[2]: event.append({"key": "address", "old_value": old_station[2], "new_value": station["address"]}) if station["position"]["lat"] != old_station[3]: event.append({"key": "latitude", "old_value": old_station[3], "new_value": station["position"]["lat"]}) if station["position"]["lng"] != old_station[4]: event.append({"key": "longitude", "old_value": old_station[4], "new_value": station["position"]["lng"]}) if station["banking"] != old_station[5]: event.append({"key": "banking", "old_value": old_station[5], "new_value": station["banking"]}) if station["bonus"] != old_station[6]: event.append({"key": "bonus", "old_value": old_station[6], "new_value": station["bonus"]}) if station["bike_stands"] != old_station[7]: event.append({"key": "bike_stands", "old_value": old_station[7], "new_value": station["bike_stands"]}) # If diff was found if len(event) > 0: # Update c.execute("UPDATE " + "stations " + "SET name=?, address=?, latitude=?, longitude=?, " + "banking=?, bonus=?, bike_stands=? WHERE id=?", (station["name"], station["address"], station["position"]["lat"], station["position"]["lng"], station["banking"], station["bonus"], station["bike_stands"], station["number"])) # And insert event in the table c.execute("INSERT INTO " + "stationsevents(station_id, timestamp, event) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?)", (station["number"], time.time(), json.dumps(event))) except KeyError: c.execute("INSERT INTO " + "stations(id, name, address, latitude, longitude, banking, bonus, bike_stands) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (station["number"], station["name"], station["address"], station["position"]["lat"], station["position"]["lng"], station["banking"], station["bonus"], station["bike_stands"])) except TypeError: conn.rollback() return c.execute("INSERT INTO " + "stationsstats(station_id, available_bikes, free_stands, status, updated) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (station["number"], station["available_bikes"], station["available_bike_stands"], station["status"], station["last_update"])) conn.commit() def main(): """ Handle main operations. """ # Get updated list of stations update_stations() if __name__ == "__main__": main()