try: import tempfile, wave, subprocess, os, signal, struct except: print("E: sound4python is unable to import a combination of %s"% ("tempfile, wave, subprocess, os, signal, struct")) FNULL = open(os.devnull,'w') def launchWithoutConsole(args,output=False): """Launches args windowless and waits until finished""" startupinfo = None if( 'STARTUPINFO' in dir(subprocess) ): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW if( output ): return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,startupinfo=startupinfo, ) else: return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=FNULL ,stderr=FNULL, startupinfo=startupinfo) # sound4python def sound(itr,samprate=16000,autoscale=True,output=False): try: import numpy as np; foundNumpy=True; except: foundNumpy=False; #for now, assume 1-D iterable mult = 1 if( autoscale ): mult = 32767.0 / max(itr) #mult = 128.0 / max(itr) #create file in memory #with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as memFile: memFile = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() #create wave write objection pointing to memFile waveWrite =,'wb') waveWrite.setsampwidth(2) # int16 default waveWrite.setnchannels(1) # mono default waveWrite.setframerate(samprate) # 8kHz default wroteFrames=False #Let's try to create sound from NumPy vector if( foundNumpy ): if( type(itr)==np.array ): if( itr.ndim == 1 or itr.shape.count(1) == itr.ndim - 1 ): waveWrite.writeframes( (mult*itr.flatten()).astype(np.int16).tostring() ) wroteFrames=True else: #we have np, but the iterable isn't a vector waveWrite.writeframes( (mult*np.array(itr)).astype(np.int16).tostring() ) wroteFrames=True if( not wroteFrames and not foundNumpy ): #python w/o np doesn't have "short"/"int16", "@h" is "native,aligned short" waveWrite.writeframes( struct.pack(len(itr)*"@h",[int(mult*itm) for itm in itr]) ) wroteFrames=True if( not wroteFrames ): print("E: Unable to create sound. Only 1D numpy arrays and numerical lists are supported.") waveWrite.close() return None #configure the file object, memFile, as if it has just been opened for reading try: # getting here means wroteFrames == True #print("\nAttempting to play a mono audio stream of length") #print(" %.2f seconds (%.3f thousand samples at sample rate of %.3f kHz)"% # ( 1.0*len(itr)/samprate , len(itr)/1000. , int(samprate)/1000.) ) p=launchWithoutConsole(['sox','-','-d']) except: print("E: Unable to launch sox.") print("E: Please ensure that sox is installed and on the path.") print("E: Try 'sox -h' to test sox installation.") waveWrite.close() return None try: p.communicate( p.wait() except: print("E: Unable to send in-memory wave file to stdin of sox subprocess.") waveWrite.close() return None #os.kill(,signal.CTRL_C_EVENT) #end def sound(itr,samprate=8000,autoscale=True)