Working on code for Noel2013

Started serial handling

TODO : Serial in main loop + args
This commit is contained in:
hackEns 2013-12-14 02:13:34 +01:00
parent c59cbd10e7
commit 4d96e938c6
2 changed files with 185 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
from sound4python import sound from sound4python import sound
from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing import Process
import math import math
import serial
import sys
import getopt
class _Getch: class _Getch:
@ -46,45 +49,109 @@ def play_wave(frequency=440, nb_secs=1.):
sine_wave = [] sine_wave = []
for i in range(math.ceil(nb_secs*framerate)+1): for i in range(math.ceil(nb_secs*framerate)+1):
sine_wave.append(int(16384*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency*i/framerate))) sine_wave.append(int(16384*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency*i/framerate)))
sound(sine_wave) sound(sine_wave)
def read_serial(ser):
line = ser.readline()
line = line.decode().strip("\r\n")
line = line.split(" ")
return [int(i or 0) for i in line]
framerate = 16000 framerate = 16000
processes = [] processes = []
frequency = 440 frequencies = {"FA": 698.5, "SOL": 784, "LA": 880, "SIb": 932, "DO": 1046.5}
notes = frequencies.keys()
thresholds = []
measures = []
serial_port = "/dev/ttyACM0"
serial_speed = 115200
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:", ["help", "serial="])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
print("Touchless 3D tracking with color mapping")
print("\nUsage : "+sys.argv[0]+" [OPTIONS]")
print("\nTrack the position of your hand in 3D and map it " +
"in RGB space")
print("\nOptions :")
print("\t-h (--help) \t display this help message")
print("\t-s (--serial=) \t change serial port (default is " +
elif opt in ("-s", "--serial"):
serial_port = arg
except getopt.GetoptError:
# Handle serial opening # Handle serial opening
# *** TODO *** try:
ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, serial_speed)
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Invalid serial port options : "+str(e))
except Exception as e:
sys.exit("Error while opening serial port : "+str(e))
if not ser.isOpen():
sys.exit("Serial port not opened")
# Handle calibration # Handle calibration
# *** TODO *** for i in len(notes):
print("Calibrating note "+notes[i])
print("Touch and release the key now... Will get 10k samples.")
for sample in range(10000):
measures[sample] = read_serial(ser)
max_diff = 0
max_diff_index = 0
for sample in range(10000-1):
if measures[sample+1]-measures[sample]:
max_diff = measures[sample+1]-measures[sample]
max_diff_index = sample
thresholds[i] = (measures[max_diff_index+1]+measures[max_diff_index])/2
# Main loop # Main loop
# *** TODO *** : Add fetch from the serial also # *** TODO *** : Add fetch from the serial also
print("Running... Press q to quit.") print("Running... Press q to quit.")
running = True running = True
while running: while running:
serial_input = read_serial(ser)
for note in range(notes):
char = getch() char = getch()
if char == "q": if char == "q":
print("Exiting...") print("Exiting...")
running = False running = False
continue continue
elif char == "a": if char == "a":
frequency = 440 frequency = frequencies[0]
elif char == "b": if char == "b":
frequency = 493.88 frequency = frequencies[1]
elif char == "c": if char == "c":
frequency = 523.25 frequency = frequencies[2]
elif char == "d": if char == "d":
frequency = 587.33 frequency = frequencies[3]
elif char == "e": if char == "e":
frequency = 659.26 frequency = frequencies[4]
elif char == "f": if char == "f":
frequency = 698.46 frequency = frequencies[5]
elif char == "g": if char == "g":
frequency = 783.99 frequency = frequencies[6]
else: else:
continue continue

Noel2013/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
try: import tempfile, wave, subprocess, os, signal, struct
print("E: sound4python is unable to import a combination of %s"%
("tempfile, wave, subprocess, os, signal, struct"))
FNULL = open(os.devnull,'w')
def launchWithoutConsole(args,output=False):
"""Launches args windowless and waits until finished"""
startupinfo = None
if( 'STARTUPINFO' in dir(subprocess) ):
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
if( output ):
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE,startupinfo=startupinfo, )
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=FNULL ,stderr=FNULL, startupinfo=startupinfo)
# sound4python
def sound(itr,samprate=16000,autoscale=True,output=False):
try: import numpy as np; foundNumpy=True;
#for now, assume 1-D iterable
mult = 1
if( autoscale ):
mult = 32767.0 / max(itr)
#mult = 128.0 / max(itr)
#create file in memory
#with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as memFile:
memFile = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
#create wave write objection pointing to memFile
waveWrite =,'wb')
waveWrite.setsampwidth(2) # int16 default
waveWrite.setnchannels(1) # mono default
waveWrite.setframerate(samprate) # 8kHz default
# Not satisfied by the numpy implementation, buzzing and so...
#Let's try to create sound from NumPy vector
#if( foundNumpy ):
# if( type(itr)==np.array ):
# if( itr.ndim == 1 or itr.shape.count(1) == itr.ndim - 1 ):
# waveWrite.writeframes( (mult*itr.flatten()).astype(np.int16).tostring() )
# wroteFrames=True
# else: #we have np, but the iterable isn't a vector
# waveWrite.writeframes( (mult*np.array(itr)).astype(np.int16).tostring() )
# wroteFrames=True
#if( not wroteFrames and not foundNumpy ):
#python w/o np doesn't have "short"/"int16", "@h" is "native,aligned short"
# BAD : waveWrite.writeframes( struct.pack(len(itr)*"@h",[int(mult*itm) for itm in itr]) )
writeValues = []
for itm in itr:
packed_value = struct.pack('h', int(mult*itm))
if( not wroteFrames ):
print("E: Unable to create sound. Only 1D numpy arrays and numerical lists are supported.")
return None
#configure the file object, memFile, as if it has just been opened for reading
# getting here means wroteFrames == True
#print("\nAttempting to play a mono audio stream of length")
#print(" %.2f seconds (%.3f thousand samples at sample rate of %.3f kHz)"%
# ( 1.0*len(itr)/samprate , len(itr)/1000. , int(samprate)/1000.) )
print("E: Unable to launch sox.")
print("E: Please ensure that sox is installed and on the path.")
print("E: Try 'sox -h' to test sox installation.")
return None
print("E: Unable to send in-memory wave file to stdin of sox subprocess.")
return None
#end def sound(itr,samprate=8000,autoscale=True)