
235 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File

* The reveal.js markdown plugin. Handles parsing of
* markdown inside of presentations as well as loading
* of external markdown documents.
if( typeof marked === 'undefined' ) {
throw 'The reveal.js Markdown plugin requires marked to be loaded';
if( typeof hljs !== 'undefined' ) {
highlight: function( lang, code ) {
return hljs.highlightAuto( lang, code ).value;
function stripLeadingWhitespace( section ) {
var template = section.querySelector( 'script' );
// strip leading whitespace so it isn't evaluated as code
var text = ( template || section ).textContent;
var leadingWs = text.match( /^\n?(\s*)/ )[1].length,
leadingTabs = text.match( /^\n?(\t*)/ )[1].length;
if( leadingTabs > 0 ) {
text = text.replace( new RegExp('\\n?\\t{' + leadingTabs + '}','g'), '\n' );
else if( leadingWs > 1 ) {
text = text.replace( new RegExp('\\n? {' + leadingWs + '}','g'), '\n' );
return text;
function createSlide( data ) {
var content = data.content || data;
if( data.notes ) {
content += '<aside class="notes" data-markdown>' + data.notes + '</aside>';
return '<script type="text/template">' + content + '</script>';
function getForwardedAttributes( section ) {
var attributes = section.attributes;
var result = [];
for( var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var name = attributes[i].name,
value = attributes[i].value;
// disregard attributes that are used for markdown loading/parsing
if( /data\-(markdown|separator|vertical|notes)/gi.test( name ) ) continue;
if( value ) {
result.push( name + '=' + value );
else {
result.push( name );
return result.join( ' ' );
function slidifyMarkdown( markdown, separator, verticalSeparator, noteSeparator, attributes ) {
separator = separator || '^\n---\n$';
noteSeparator = noteSeparator || 'note:';
var separatorRegex = new RegExp( separator + ( verticalSeparator ? '|' + verticalSeparator : '' ), 'mg' ),
horizontalSeparatorRegex = new RegExp( separator ),
notesSeparatorRegex = new RegExp( noteSeparator, 'mgi' ),
lastIndex = 0,
wasHorizontal = true,
sectionStack = [],
markdownSections = '';
// iterate until all blocks between separators are stacked up
while( matches = separatorRegex.exec( markdown ) ) {
notes = null;
// determine direction (horizontal by default)
isHorizontal = horizontalSeparatorRegex.test( matches[0] );
if( !isHorizontal && wasHorizontal ) {
// create vertical stack
sectionStack.push( [] );
// pluck slide content from markdown input
content = markdown.substring( lastIndex, matches.index );
noteMatch = content.split( notesSeparatorRegex );
if( noteMatch.length === 2 ) {
content = noteMatch[0];
notes = noteMatch[1].trim();
slide = {
content: content,
notes: notes || ''
if( isHorizontal && wasHorizontal ) {
// add to horizontal stack
sectionStack.push( slide );
} else {
// add to vertical stack
sectionStack[sectionStack.length-1].push( slide );
lastIndex = separatorRegex.lastIndex;
wasHorizontal = isHorizontal;
// add the remaining slide
( wasHorizontal ? sectionStack : sectionStack[sectionStack.length-1] ).push( markdown.substring( lastIndex ) );
// flatten the hierarchical stack, and insert <section data-markdown> tags
for( var k = 0, klen = sectionStack.length; k < klen; k++ ) {
// vertical
if( sectionStack[k].propertyIsEnumerable( length ) && typeof sectionStack[k].splice === 'function' ) {
markdownSections += '<section '+ attributes +'>' +
'<section data-markdown>' + sectionStack[k].map( createSlide ).join( '</section><section data-markdown>' ) + '</section>' +
} else {
markdownSections += '<section '+ attributes +' data-markdown>' + createSlide( sectionStack[k] ) + '</section>';
return markdownSections;
function queryExternalMarkdown() {
var sections = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-markdown]'),
for( var j = 0, jlen = sections.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
section = sections[j];
if( section.getAttribute( 'data-markdown' ).length ) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
url = section.getAttribute( 'data-markdown' );
datacharset = section.getAttribute( 'data-charset' );
// see
if( datacharset != null && datacharset != '' ) {
xhr.overrideMimeType( 'text/html; charset=' + datacharset );
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
if ( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) {
section.outerHTML = slidifyMarkdown( xhr.responseText, section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ), section.getAttribute( 'data-vertical' ), section.getAttribute( 'data-notes' ), getForwardedAttributes( section ) );
else {
section.outerHTML = '<section data-state="alert">ERROR: The attempt to fetch ' + url + ' failed with the HTTP status ' + xhr.status +
'. Check your browser\'s JavaScript console for more details.' +
'<p>Remember that you need to serve the presentation HTML from a HTTP server and the Markdown file must be there too.</p></section>';
}; 'GET', url, false );
try {
catch ( e ) {
alert( 'Failed to get the Markdown file ' + url + '. Make sure that the presentation and the file are served by a HTTP server and the file can be found there. ' + e );
} else if( section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ) ) {
var markdown = stripLeadingWhitespace( section );
section.outerHTML = slidifyMarkdown( markdown, section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ), section.getAttribute( 'data-vertical' ), section.getAttribute( 'data-notes' ), getForwardedAttributes( section ) );
function queryMarkdownSlides() {
var sections = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-markdown]');
for( var j = 0, jlen = sections.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
makeHtml( sections[j] );
function makeHtml( section ) {
var notes = section.querySelector( 'aside.notes' );
var markdown = stripLeadingWhitespace( section );
section.innerHTML = marked( markdown );
if( notes ) {
section.appendChild( notes );