- In the beginning.
- There was SQL.
- And it was okay.
- And then...
- There was noSQL!
- And it scaled and it was all javascripty and all the hipsters loved it and everyone was happy.
- But then you want to actually use it
-var request = http.request({
- host: 'couchdb.internet.com',
- path: '/awesomedb/_all_docs',
- auth: 'zer0c00l:God'
-var newrows = []
-request.on('response', function (response) {
- response.on('data', function (data) {
- data.rows.forEach(function(row){
- row.value.walkThe = "dinosaur";
- newrows.push(row.value);
- });
- });
-var request = http.request({
- host: 'couchdb.internet.com',
- method: 'post'
- path: '/awesomedb/_bulk_docs',
- auth: 'zer0c00l:God'
- Deletin' stuff
-> delete from checkins where username.match(/\d{4}$/) && timestamp > (new Date()).getTime()-1000*60*60*24*7
- Why don't we take all the data...
-> create collection nag_old_users
-> insert into nag_old_users select {username: username, email: email} from user where last_login < (new Date()).getTime()-1000*60*60*24*7
- And put it over here!
- Want to see my awesome LALR recursive descent parser?
- Nope!
-handle /delete from (\S+)(?: where (.*))?/, (db, expr, cb) ->
- query = "update #{db} set _deleted = true"
- query += " where #{expr}" if expr
- processExpr query, cb
- There I fixed it.
- noDB
- So you want to add some persistence to your simple web app.
- Okay so just require that each user have a couch installation.
- Or make redis a dependency. Probably include some build scripts or something to make it easier since it's the only thing in the app that needs to be compiled.
- Maybe it would be easier to build SQLite?
- Nope!
- noDB
- SQL < noSQL < noDB
- Super simple
-var users = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data/users.json'))
-users.push({name: "newguy"});
-fs.writeFileSync('data/users.json', JSON.stringify(users));
- Session storage too!
-var store = new express.session.MemoryStore;
-store.sessions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data/sessions.json'));
- fs.writeFileSync('data/sessions.json', JSON.stringify(store.sessions));
-}, 2000);
- It's basically Redis
- It's not really
- But it is:
- - Deployable
- - Dependency free
- - Easily backed up
- - Debuggable
- Databases: Fixed
- I would like to make some information available on the internet.
- So find a shared hosting provider or something.
- But they're kind of crappy
- So I'll just run my own
- On nginx or express or something!
- But load balancing and updates and bugs and oh no.
- Oh I know!
- Augh. I wish I could just shove all this right on Akamai
- Step 0: Generate static site
- Use whatever you want. We really like Jade.
-!!! 5
-include includes/head.jade
- include includes/header.jade
- // BEGIN Content
- .inner-bg
- #content-wrapper
- Welcome to zombocom!
- make
-JADE = $(shell find pages/*.jade)
-HTML = $(JADE:.jade=.html)
-all: $(HTML)
-%.html: %.jade
- ./jade/bin/jade < $< --path $< > $@
- rm -f $(HTML)
-.PHONY: clean
- Deep magic
-curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-User: pinion" -H "X-Auth-Key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "https://auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0"
-curl -X POST -H "X-Container-Meta-Web-Index: index.html" -H "X-Auth-Token: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" "https://storage101.dfw1.clouddrive.com/v1/MossoCloudFS_ad499859-aaed-43c6-813b-5e1c545f85cf/pinion-www
- Relax
- Never ever care about whether your website is up.
- Go do something useful instead.
- Yeah, it's harder to do pretty URLs.
- So fixed