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/* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
* MathJax/jax/output/SVG/autoload/mtable.js
* Implements the SVG output for <mtable> elements.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("SVG Jax Ready",function () {
var VERSION = "2.3";
var MML = MathJax.ElementJax.mml,
SVG = MathJax.OutputJax.SVG,
toSVG: function (span) {
var svg = this.SVG();
if (this.data.length === 0) {this.SVGsaveData(svg);return svg}
var values = this.getValues("columnalign","rowalign","columnspacing","rowspacing",
// Handle relative width as fixed width in relation to container
if (values.width.match(/%$/))
{svg.width = values.width = Math.floor(SVG.cwidth*parseFloat(values.width)/100)+"px"}
var scale = this.SVGgetScale(), mu = this.SVGgetMu(svg);
var LABEL = -1;
var H = [], D = [], W = [], A = [], C = [], i, j, J = -1, m, M, s, row, cell, mo;
var LHD = SVG.FONTDATA.baselineskip * scale * values.useHeight, HD,
LH = SVG.FONTDATA.lineH * scale, LD = SVG.FONTDATA.lineD * scale;
// Create cells and measure columns and rows
for (i = 0, m = this.data.length; i < m; i++) {
row = this.data[i]; s = (row.type === "mlabeledtr" ? LABEL : 0);
A[i] = []; H[i] = D[i] = 0;
for (j = s, M = row.data.length + s; j < M; j++) {
if (W[j] == null) {
if (j > J) {J = j}
C[j] = BBOX.G();
cell = row.data[j-s];
A[i][j] = cell.toSVG();
// if (row.data[j-s].isMultiline) {A[i][j].style.width = "100%"}
if (cell.isEmbellished()) {
mo = cell.CoreMO();
var min = mo.Get("minsize",true);
if (min) {
if (mo.SVGcanStretch("Vertical")) {
HD = mo.SVGdata.h + mo.SVGdata.d;
if (HD) {
min = SVG.length2em(min,mu,HD);
if (min*mo.SVGdata.h/HD > H[j]) {H[j] = min*mo.SVGdata.h/HD}
if (min*mo.SVGdata.d/HD > D[j]) {D[j] = min*mo.SVGdata.d/HD}
} else if (mo.SVGcanStretch("Horizontal")) {
min = SVG.length2em(min,mu,mo.SVGdata.w);
if (min > W[j]) {W[j] = min}
if (A[i][j].h > H[i]) {H[i] = A[i][j].h}
if (A[i][j].d > D[i]) {D[i] = A[i][j].d}
if (A[i][j].w > W[j]) {W[j] = A[i][j].w}
if (H[0]+D[0]) {H[0] = Math.max(H[0],LH)}
if (H[A.length-1]+D[A.length-1]) {D[A.length-1] = Math.max(D[A.length-1],LD)}
// Determine spacing and alignment
var SPLIT = MathJax.Hub.SplitList;
var CSPACE = SPLIT(values.columnspacing),
RSPACE = SPLIT(values.rowspacing),
CALIGN = SPLIT(values.columnalign),
RALIGN = SPLIT(values.rowalign),
CLINES = SPLIT(values.columnlines),
RLINES = SPLIT(values.rowlines),
CWIDTH = SPLIT(values.columnwidth),
for (i = 0, m = CSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {CSPACE[i] = SVG.length2em(CSPACE[i],mu)}
for (i = 0, m = RSPACE.length; i < m; i++) {RSPACE[i] = SVG.length2em(RSPACE[i],mu)}
while (CSPACE.length < J) {CSPACE.push(CSPACE[CSPACE.length-1])}
while (CALIGN.length <= J) {CALIGN.push(CALIGN[CALIGN.length-1])}
while (CLINES.length < J) {CLINES.push(CLINES[CLINES.length-1])}
while (CWIDTH.length <= J) {CWIDTH.push(CWIDTH[CWIDTH.length-1])}
while (RSPACE.length < A.length) {RSPACE.push(RSPACE[RSPACE.length-1])}
while (RALIGN.length <= A.length) {RALIGN.push(RALIGN[RALIGN.length-1])}
while (RLINES.length < A.length) {RLINES.push(RLINES[RLINES.length-1])}
if (C[LABEL]) {
CALIGN[LABEL] = (values.side.substr(0,1) === "l" ? "left" : "right");
// Override row data
for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++) {
row = this.data[i]; RCALIGN[i] = [];
if (row.rowalign) {RALIGN[i] = row.rowalign}
if (row.columnalign) {
RCALIGN[i] = SPLIT(row.columnalign);
while (RCALIGN[i].length <= J) {RCALIGN[i].push(RCALIGN[i][RCALIGN[i].length-1])}
// Handle equal heights
if (values.equalrows) {
// FIXME: should really be based on row align (below is for baseline)
var Hm = Math.max.apply(Math,H), Dm = Math.max.apply(Math,D);
for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++)
{s = ((Hm + Dm) - (H[i] + D[i])) / 2; H[i] += s; D[i] += s}
// FIXME: do background colors for entire cell (include half the intercolumn space?)
// Determine array total height
HD = H[0] + D[A.length-1];
for (i = 0, m = A.length-1; i < m; i++)
{HD += Math.max((H[i]+D[i] ? LHD : 0),D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i])}
// Determine frame and line sizes
var fx = 0, fy = 0, fW, fH = HD;
if (values.frame !== "none" ||
(values.columnlines+values.rowlines).match(/solid|dashed/)) {
var frameSpacing = SPLIT(values.framespacing);
if (frameSpacing.length != 2) {
// invalid attribute value: use the default.
frameSpacing = SPLIT(this.defaults.framespacing);
fx = SVG.length2em(frameSpacing[0],mu);
fy = SVG.length2em(frameSpacing[1],mu);
fH = HD + 2*fy; // fW waits until svg.w is determined
// Compute alignment
var Y, fY, n = "";
if (typeof(values.align) !== "string") {values.align = String(values.align)}
if (values.align.match(/(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)( +(-?\d+))?/))
{n = RegExp.$3; values.align = RegExp.$1} else {values.align = this.defaults.align}
if (n !== "") {
// Find the height of the given row
n = parseInt(n);
if (n < 0) {n = A.length + 1 + n}
if (n < 1) {n = 1} else if (n > A.length) {n = A.length}
Y = 0; fY = -(HD + fy) + H[0];
for (i = 0, m = n-1; i < m; i++) {
// FIXME: Should handle values.align for final row
var dY = Math.max((H[i]+D[i] ? LHD : 0),D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i]);
Y += dY; fY += dY;
} else {
Y = ({
top: -(H[0] + fy),
bottom: HD + fy - H[0],
center: HD/2 - H[0],
baseline: HD/2 - H[0],
axis: HD/2 + SVG.TeX.axis_height*scale - H[0]
fY = ({
top: -(HD + 2*fy),
bottom: 0,
center: -(HD/2 + fy),
baseline: -(HD/2 + fy),
axis: SVG.TeX.axis_height*scale - HD/2 - fy
var WW, WP = 0, Wt = 0, Wp = 0, p = 0, f = 0, P = [], F = [], Wf = 1;
if (values.equalcolumns && values.width !== "auto") {
// Handle equalcolumns for percent-width and fixed-width tables
// Get total width minus column spacing
WW = SVG.length2em(values.width,mu);
for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW -= CSPACE[i]}
// Determine individual column widths
WW /= J+1;
for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CWIDTH.length); i < m; i++) {W[i] = WW}
} else {
// Get column widths for fit and percentage columns
// Calculate the natural widths and percentage widths,
// while keeping track of the fit and percentage columns
for(i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CWIDTH.length); i < m; i++) {
if (CWIDTH[i] === "auto") {Wt += W[i]}
else if (CWIDTH[i] === "fit") {F[f] = i; f++; Wt += W[i]}
else if (CWIDTH[i].match(/%$/))
{P[p] = i; p++; Wp += W[i]; WP += SVG.length2em(CWIDTH[i],mu,1)}
else {W[i] = SVG.length2em(CWIDTH[i],mu); Wt += W[i]}
// Get the full width (excluding inter-column spacing)
if (values.width === "auto") {
if (WP > .98) {Wf = Wp/(Wt+Wp); WW = Wt + Wp} else {WW = Wt / (1-WP)}
} else {
WW = SVG.length2em(values.width,mu);
for (i = 0, m = Math.min(J+1,CSPACE.length); i < m; i++) {WW -= CSPACE[i]}
// Determine the relative column widths
for (i = 0, m = P.length; i < m; i++) {
W[P[i]] = SVG.length2em(CWIDTH[P[i]],mu,WW*Wf); Wt += W[P[i]];
// Stretch fit columns, if any, otherwise stretch (or shrink) everything
if (Math.abs(WW - Wt) > .01) {
if (f && WW > Wt) {
WW = (WW - Wt) / f; for (i = 0, m = F.length; i < m; i++) {W[F[i]] += WW}
} else {WW = WW/Wt; for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) {W[j] *= WW}}
// Handle equal columns
if (values.equalcolumns) {
var Wm = Math.max.apply(Math,W);
for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) {W[j] = Wm}
// Lay out array columns
var y = Y, dy, align; s = (C[LABEL] ? LABEL : 0);
for (j = s; j <= J; j++) {
C[j].w = W[j];
for (i = 0, m = A.length; i < m; i++) {
if (A[i][j]) {
s = (this.data[i].type === "mlabeledtr" ? LABEL : 0);
cell = this.data[i].data[j-s];
if (cell.SVGcanStretch("Horizontal")) {
A[i][j] = cell.SVGstretchH(W[j]);
} else if (cell.SVGcanStretch("Vertical")) {
mo = cell.CoreMO();
var symmetric = mo.symmetric; mo.symmetric = false;
A[i][j] = cell.SVGstretchV(H[i],D[i]);
mo.symmetric = symmetric;
align = cell.rowalign||this.data[i].rowalign||RALIGN[i];
dy = ({top: H[i] - A[i][j].h,
bottom: A[i][j].d - D[i],
center: ((H[i]-D[i]) - (A[i][j].h-A[i][j].d))/2,
baseline: 0, axis: 0})[align] || 0; // FIXME: handle axis better?
align = (cell.columnalign||RCALIGN[i][j]||CALIGN[j])
if (i < A.length-1) {y -= Math.max((H[i]+D[i] ? LHD : 0),D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i])}
y = Y;
// Place the columns and add column lines
var lw = 1.5*SVG.em;
var x = fx - lw/2;
for (j = 0; j <= J; j++) {
svg.Add(C[j],x,0); x += W[j] + CSPACE[j];
if (CLINES[j] !== "none" && j < J && j !== LABEL)
svg.w += fx; svg.d = -fY; svg.h = fH+fY;
fW = svg.w;
// Add frame
if (values.frame !== "none") {
// Add row lines
y = Y - lw/2;
for (i = 0, m = A.length-1; i < m; i++) {
dy = Math.max(LHD,D[i]+H[i+1]+RSPACE[i]);
if (RLINES[i] !== "none")
y -= dy;
// Finish the table
// Place the labels, if any
if (C[LABEL]) {
var indent = this.getValues("indentalignfirst","indentshiftfirst","indentalign","indentshift");
if (indent.indentalignfirst !== MML.INDENTALIGN.INDENTALIGN) {indent.indentalign = indent.indentalignfirst}
if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.AUTO) {indent.indentalign = this.displayAlign}
if (indent.indentshiftfirst !== MML.INDENTSHIFT.INDENTSHIFT) {indent.indentshift = indent.indentshiftfirst}
if (indent.indentshift === "auto") {indent.indentshift = this.displayIndent}
var shift = (indent.indentshift ? SVG.length2em(indent.indentshift,mu) : 0);
var labelshift = SVG.length2em(values.minlabelspacing,mu);
var eqn = svg; svg = this.SVG();
if (indent.indentalign === MML.INDENTALIGN.CENTER) {
svg.w = svg.r = SVG.length2em(SVG.cwidth+"px"); shift = 0; svg.hasIndent = true;
} else if (CALIGN[LABEL] !== indent.indentalign) {
svg.w = svg.r = SVG.length2em(SVG.cwidth+"px") - shift - labelshift;
shift = labelshift = 0;
} else {
svg.w = svg.r = eqn.w + shift;
svg.hasIndent = true;
return svg;
SVGhandleSpace: function (svg) {
if (!this.hasFrame && !svg.width) {svg.x = svg.X = 167}
toSVG: function (HW,D) {
var svg = this.svg = this.SVG();
if (this.data[0]) {
return svg;
MathJax.Hub.Startup.signal.Post("SVG mtable Ready");