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Various helper functions for plotting.
import numpy as np
def set_axis_property(group_, setter, value, default_setter=None):
Set a property on an axis at render time.
:param group_: The subplot for this axis.
:param setter: The setter to use to set the axis property.
:param value: The value for the property, either a value or a dict with \
group as key.
:param default_setter: Default setter to call if ``value`` is a dict but \
has no key for the given subplot.
:returns: None.
if isinstance(value, dict):
if value[group_] is not None:
except KeyError:
# No entry for this axis in the dict, use default argument
if default_setter is not None:
if value is not None:
def linewidth_from_data_units(linewidth, axis, reference='y'):
Convert a linewidth in data units to linewidth in points.
linewidth: float
Linewidth in data units of the respective reference-axis
axis: matplotlib axis
The axis which is used to extract the relevant transformation
data (data limits and size must not change afterwards)
reference: string
The axis that is taken as a reference for the data width.
Possible values: 'x' and 'y'. Defaults to 'y'.
linewidth: float
Linewidth in points
fig = axis.get_figure()
if reference == 'x':
length = fig.bbox_inches.width * axis.get_position().width
value_range = np.diff(axis.get_xlim())
elif reference == 'y':
length = fig.bbox_inches.height * axis.get_position().height
value_range = np.diff(axis.get_ylim())
# Convert length to points
length *= 72 # Inches to points is a fixed conversion in matplotlib
# Scale linewidth to value range
return linewidth * (length / value_range)
def data_units_from_points(points, axis, reference='y'):
Convert points to data units on the given axis.
points: float
Value in points to convert.
axis: matplotlib axis
The axis which is used to extract the relevant transformation
data (data limits and size must not change afterwards)
reference: string
The axis that is taken as a reference for the data width.
Possible values: 'x' and 'y'. Defaults to 'y'.
points: float
Converted value.
fig = axis.get_figure()
if reference == 'x':
length = fig.bbox_inches.width * axis.get_position().width
value_range = np.diff(axis.get_xlim())
elif reference == 'y':
length = fig.bbox_inches.height * axis.get_position().height
value_range = np.diff(axis.get_ylim())
# Convert length to points
length *= 72 # Inches to points is a fixed conversion in matplotlib
# Scale linewidth to value range
return points / (length / value_range)