#!/usr/bin/env python try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: print('[replot] setuptools not found.') raise with open('replot/__init__.py') as fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('__VERSION__'): version = line.split()[-1][1:-1] break try: from pip.req import parse_requirements from pip.download import PipSession except ImportError: print('[replot] pip not found.') raise # parse_requirements() returns generator of pip.req.InstallRequirement objects parsed_requirements = parse_requirements("requirements.txt", session=PipSession()) # reqs is a list of requirement # e.g. ['django==1.5.1', 'mezzanine==1.4.6'] install_requires = [str(ir.req) for ir in parsed_requirements] setup( name='replot', version=version, url='https://github.com/Phyks/replot/', author='Phyks (Lucas Verney)', author_email='phyks@phyks.me', license='MIT License', description='A (sane) Python plotting module, abstracting on top of Matplotlib.', packages=['replot'], install_requires=install_requires )