
27 lines
583 B

-- nice-frac.hs
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Regex
-- Usefull regex elements
space :: String
space = "[ \\t\\n\\r]*"
num :: String
num = "([0-9]+)"
-- Replace fractions like "(42 / 1)" by "\frac{42}{1}"
fracReg :: Regex
fracReg = mkRegex $
"\\(" ++ space ++ num ++ space ++ "/" ++ space ++ num ++ space ++ "\\)"
frac :: String -> String
frac s = subRegex fracReg s "\\\\frac{\\1}{\\2}"
-- Apply the substitution to all Latex parts on the AST
niceFrac :: Inline -> Inline
niceFrac (Math t s) = Math t (frac s)
niceFrac x = x
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter niceFrac