#!/bin/bash set -e # Install OVH orchestrator dependencies python3 -m venv .venv ./.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt # Set up an OVH instance to run the build printf "%s" "Waiting for OVH instance ..." IP_ADDRESS=$(./.venv/bin/python3 -m ovh_orchestrator init) while ! timeout 0.2 ping -c 1 -n ${IP_ADDRESS} &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done # Run the build on the OVH instance scp ./build_android.sh ubuntu@${IP_ADDRESS}:~ ssh -f ubuntu@${IP_ADDRESS} 'screen -S build -dm bash ./build_android.sh' # Wait for build to complete set +e printf "%s" "Building ..." until ssh ubuntu@${IP_ADDRESS} 'ls ~/BUILD_DONE'; do printf "%c" "." done set -e # Fetch back the built images rsync -azr --progress ubuntu@${IP_ADDRESS}:~/android/lineage/out/target/product/h870/\*.{zip,md5sum,img} . # Purge the OVH instance ./.venv/bin/python3 -m ovh_orchestrator purge ${IP_ADDRESS}