
136 lines
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This files contains all the functions to extract DOIs of citations from
PDF files.
# TODO: Unittests
import requests
import subprocess
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from libbmc.citations import plaintext
def cermine(pdf_file):
Run `CERMINE <>`_ to extract procedure on \
the given PDF file, to retrieve citations (and more) from the \
provided PDF file.
.. note::
This uses the `CERMINE API <>`_, and \
hence, uploads the PDF file (so uses network). Check out \
the CERMINE API terms.
:param pdf_file: Path to the PDF file to handle.
:returns: Raw output from CERMINE API or ``None`` if an error occurred. \
No post-processing is done.
with open(pdf_file, "rb") as fh:
r =
headers={"Content-Type": "application/binary"},
files={"file": fh}
return r.text
except (RequestException, FileNotFoundError):
return None
def grobid(pdf_file):
Run `Grobid <>`_ on a given PDF file to \
extract references.
.. note::
Before using this function, you have to download and build Grobid on \
your system. See \
`<>`_ \
for more infos on this. You need Java and \
``grobid-core-`<current version>`.one-jar.jar`` to be in your \
:param pdf_file: Path to the PDF file to handle.
:returns: Raw output from ``Grobid`` or ``None`` if an error occurred.
# TODO + update docstring
# TODO: Use
"-jar", "",
"-Xmx1024m", # Avoid OutOfMemoryException
"-gH", "/path/to/Grobid/grobid/grobid-home",
"-gP", "/path/to/Grobid/grobid-home/config/",
"-dIn", "/path/to/input/directory",
"-dOut", "/path/to/output/directory",
"-exe", "processReferences"])
def pdfextract(pdf_file):
Run `pdfextract <>`_ on a given PDF \
file to extract references.
.. note::
Before using this function, you have to install pdfextract on \
your system. See \
`<>`_ \
for more infos on this. You need the ``pdf-extract`` command \
to be in your ``$PATH``. This can be done easily using \
``gem install pdf-extract``, provided that you have a correct \
Ruby install on your system.
.. note::
``pdfextract`` is full a bugs and as the time of writing this, \
you had to manually ``gem install pdf-reader -v 1.2.0`` \
before installing ``pdfextract`` or you would get errors. See \
`this Github issue <>`_.
:param pdf_file: Path to the PDF file to handle.
:returns: Raw output from ``pdfextract`` or ``None`` if an error \
occurred. No post-processing is done. See \
``libbmc.citations.pdf.pdfextract_dois`` for a similar function \
with post-processing to return DOIs.
# Run pdf-extract
references = subprocess.check_output(["pdf-extract",
"extract", "--references",
return references
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def pdfextract_dois(pdf_file):
Extract DOIs of references using \
`pdfextract <>`_.
.. note::
See ``libbmc.citations.pdf.pdfextract`` function as this one is just \
a wrapper around it.
See ``libbmc.citations.plaintext.get_cited_dois`` as well for the \
returned value, as it is ultimately called by this function.
:param pdf_file: Path to the PDF file to handle.
:returns: A dict of cleaned plaintext citations and their associated DOI.
# Call pdf-extract on the PDF file
references = pdfextract(pdf_file)
# Parse the resulting XML
root = ET.fromstring(references)
plaintext_references = [e.text for e in root.iter("reference")]
# Call the plaintext methods to fetch DOIs
return plaintext.get_cited_DOIs(plaintext_references)