""" This file contains all the functions to extract DOIs of citations from .bbl files. """ import os import re import subprocess from libbmc import tools from libbmc.citations import plaintext # Regex to match bibitems BIBITEMS_REGEX = re.compile(r"\\bibitem\{.+?\}") # Regex to match end of bibliography ENDTHEBIBLIOGRAPHY_REGEX = re.compile(r"\\end\{thebibliography}.*") def bibitem_as_plaintext(bibitem): """ Return a plaintext representation of a bibitem from the ``.bbl`` file. .. note:: This plaintext representation can be super ugly, contain URLs and so \ on. .. note:: You need to have ``delatex`` installed system-wide, or to build it in \ this repo, according to the ``README.md`` before using this \ function. :param bibitem: The text content of the bibitem. :returns: A cleaned plaintext citation from the bibitem. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(["delatex", "-s"], input=bibitem.encode("utf-8")) except FileNotFoundError: script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) output = subprocess.check_output(["%s/../external/opendetex/delatex" % (script_dir,), "-s"], input=bibitem.encode("utf-8")) output = output.decode("utf-8") output = tools.clean_whitespaces(output) return output def get_plaintext_citations(bbl): """ Parse a ``*.bbl`` file to get a clean list of plaintext citations. :param bbl: Either the path to the .bbl file or the content of a ``.bbl`` \ file. :returns: A list of cleaned plaintext citations. """ # Handle path or content if os.path.isfile(bbl): with open(bbl, 'r') as fh: bbl_content = fh.read() else: bbl_content = bbl # Get a list of bibitems, taking the first item out as it is *before* the # first \bibitem bibitems = BIBITEMS_REGEX.split(bbl_content)[1:] # Delete the text after the \end{thebibliography} bibitems = [ENDTHEBIBLIOGRAPHY_REGEX.sub("", i).strip() for i in bibitems] # Clean every bibitem to have plaintext cleaned_bbl = [bibitem_as_plaintext(bibitem) for bibitem in bibitems] return cleaned_bbl def get_cited_dois(bbl): """ Get the DOIs of the papers cited in a .bbl file. :param bbl: Either the path to a .bbl file or the content \ of a .bbl file. :returns: A dict of cleaned plaintext citations and their associated DOI. """ # Get the plaintext citations from the bbl file plaintext_citations = get_plaintext_citations(bbl) # Use the plaintext citations parser on these citations return plaintext.get_cited_dois(plaintext_citations)