@link http://www.phyks.me @licence BEERWARE (See README.md file) @version 2.0.0 @description The adblock plugin for leed allows to block embedded flash contents and / or images in feeds. You can set it fine-grained for each feed. You can also disable images only for mobile devices. */ function adblock_isMobileDevice() { return preg_match("/(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\.browser|up\.link|webos|wos)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); } function adblock_trim_list($input) { $output = array(); foreach($input as $key=>$value) { $output[$key] = trim($value, "\t\n\r\0\x0B,"); } return $output; } function adblock_plugin_treat_events(&$events) { //Set params $adblock_constants = file_get_contents("plugins/adblock/adblock_constants.php"); $adblock_constants = explode("\n", $adblock_constants); $adblock_params = array(); foreach($adblock_constants as $adblock_constant) { if(trim($adblock_constant) != "") { $adblock_constant = explode("=", $adblock_constant); $adblock_params[trim($adblock_constant[0])] = trim($adblock_constant[1]); } } if(isset($adblock_params["flash_enabled"]) && $adblock_params["flash_enabled"] == "1") { $filter_flash = true; if(isset($adblock_params["flash_block"]) && $adblock_params["flash_block"] == "1") { $block_flash = true; } else { $block_flash = false; } } else { $filter_flash = false; } $flash_except_list = explode(',', trim($adblock_params["flash_list"], "\t\n\r\0\x0B,")); $flash_except_list = adblock_trim_list($flash_except_list); if(isset($adblock_params["img_enabled"]) && $adblock_params["img_enabled"] == "1") { $filter_img = true; if(isset($adblock_params["img_block"]) && $adblock_params["img_block"] == "1") { $block_img = true; } else { $block_img = false; } if(isset($adblock_params["img_block"]) && $adblock_params["img_block"] == "1" && !adblock_isMobileDevice()) { //If filter only on mobile devices and not a mobile device $filter_img = false; } } else { $filter_img = false; } $img_except_list = explode(',', trim($adblock_params["img_list"], "\t\n\r\0\x0B,")); $img_except_list = adblock_trim_list($flash_except_list); foreach($events as $event) { $old_content = $event->getContent(); // Flash handling if($filter_flash) { if(($block_flash && !in_array($event->getFeed(), $flash_except_list)) || (!$block_flash && in_array($event->getFeed(), $flash_except_list))) { //Replace flash content $event->setContent($old_content); // TODO } } // Images handling if($filter_img) { if(($block_img && !in_array("", $img_except_list)) || (!$block_img && in_array("", $img_except_list))) { //Replace imges $event->setContent($old_content); // TODO } } } } function adblock_plugin_setting_link(&$myUser) { echo '
  • Adblock
  • '; } function adblock_plugin_setting_bloc(&$myUser) { $adblock_constants = file_get_contents('plugins/adblock/adblock_constants.php'); $adblock_constants = explode("\n", $adblock_constants); $adblock_params = array(); foreach($adblock_constants as $adblock_constant) { if(trim($adblock_constant) != "") { $adblock_constant = explode("=", $adblock_constant); $adblock_params[trim($adblock_constant[0])] = trim($adblock_constant[1]); } } $flash_enabled = (isset($adblock_params["flash_enabled"]) && $adblock_params["flash_enabled"] == "1") ? true : false; $flash_block = (isset($adblock_params["flash_block"]) && $adblock_params["flash_block"] == "1") ? true : false; if(isset($adblock_params["flash_list"])) $flash_list = str_replace(",", "\n", trim($adblock_params["flash_list"], "\t\n\r\0\x0B,")); else $flash_list = ""; $img_enabled = (isset($adblock_params["img_enabled"]) && $adblock_params["img_enabled"] == "1") ? true : false; $img_only_mobiles = (isset($adblock_params["img_only_mobiles"]) && $adblock_params["img_only_mobiles"] == 1) ? true : false; $img_block = (isset($adblock_params["img_block"]) && $adblock_params["img_block"] == "1") ? true : false; if(isset($adblock_params["img_list"])) $img_list = str_replace(",", "\n", trim($adblock_params["img_list"], "\t\n\r\0\x0B,")); else $img_list = ""; echo '

    Plugin Adblock

    Note :
    You must enter a list of id of feeds in the blacklist / whitelist fields. This list must be one id per line. You can find the id of the feed you want in the address bar on the page of the feed in Leed (http://LEED_URL/index.php?action=selectedFeed&feed=ID).

    Flash embedded contents :

    Enable / Disable blocking of flash contents in events :

    Default behavior :

    '.(($flash_block) ? 'Blacklist :' : 'Whitelist :').'

    Images :

    Enable / Disable blocking of images in events :

    Default behavior :

    Block images only on mobile devices ?

    '.(($img_block) ? 'Blacklist :' : 'Whitelist :').'

    '; } function adblock_plugin_setting_update($_) { if($_['action'] == 'adblock_update') { $flash_enabled = (int) $_['flash_adblock_enable']; $flash_block = (int) $_['flash_adblock_default_behavior']; $flash_list = str_replace("\r\n", ",", trim($_["flash_adblock_list"])); $flash_list = str_replace("\n", ",", trim($flash_list)); $img_enabled = (int) $_['img_adblock_enable']; $img_block = (int) $_['img_adblock_default_behavior']; $img_only_mobiles = (int) $_["img_adblock_only_mobiles"]; $img_list = str_replace("\r\n", ",", trim($_["img_adblock_list"])); $img_list = str_replace("\n", ",", trim($img_list)); if(file_put_contents("plugins/adblock/adblock_constants.php", "flash_enabled = ".$flash_enabled."\nflash_block = ".$flash_block."\nflash_list = ".$flash_list."\nimg_enabled = ".$img_enabled."\nimg_block = ".$img_block."\nimg_only_mobiles = ".$img_only_mobiles."\nimg_list = ".$img_list)) header('location: settings.php'); else exit("Unable to write parameters to plugins/adblock/adblock_constants.php. Check permissions on the folders."); } } Plugin::addCSS("/css/adblock_plugin_css.css"); Plugin::addJS("/js/adblock_plugin_js.js"); Plugin::addHook("index_post_treatment", "adblock_plugin_treat_events"); Plugin::addHook("setting_post_link", "adblock_plugin_setting_link"); Plugin::addHook("setting_post_section", "adblock_plugin_setting_bloc"); Plugin::addHook("action_post_case", "adblock_plugin_setting_update"); ?>