# FacebookResponse for the Facebook SDK for PHP Represents a response from the Graph API. ## Facebook\FacebookResponse {#overview} Usage: ~~~~ // A FacebookResponse is returned from an executed FacebookRequest try { $response = (new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me'))->execute(); // You can get the request back: $request = $response->getRequest(); // You can get the response as a GraphObject: $object = $response->getGraphObject(); // You can get the response as a subclass of GraphObject: $me = $response->getGraphObject(GraphUser::className()); // If this response has multiple pages, you can get a request for the next or previous pages: $nextPageRequest = $response->getRequestForNextPage(); $previousPageRequest = $response->getRequestForPreviousPage(); } catch (FacebookRequestException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); } // You can also chain the methods together: $me = (new FacebookRequest( $session, 'GET', '/me' ))->execute()->getGraphObject(GraphUser::className); echo $me->getName(); ~~~~ ## Instance Methods {#instance-methods} ### getGraphObject {#getgraphobject} `getGraphObject(string $type = 'Facebook\GraphObject')` Returns the result as a `GraphObject`. If specified, a strongly-typed subclass of `GraphObject` is returned. ### getGraphObjectList {#getgraphobjectlist} `getGraphObjectList(string $type = 'Facebook\GraphObject')` Returns an array of `GraphObject` returned by this request. If specified, a strongly-typed subclass of `GraphObject` is returned. ### getRequest {#getrequest} `getRequest()` Returns the `FacebookRequest` that produced this response. ### getRequestForNextPage {#getnextpage} `getRequestForNextPage()` If the response has paginated data, produces a `FacebookRequest` for the next pge of data. ### getRequestForPreviousPage {#getpreviouspage} `getRequestForPreviousPage()` If the response has paginated data, produces a `FacebookRequest` for the previous page of data.