#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import logging import sys import urllib.parse import bottle import requests from pyicloud import PyiCloudService from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth class StoppableCherootServer(bottle.ServerAdapter): """ We need a stoppable HTTP server, which can be stopped from within a route. This is not doable out of the box in bottle and is quite hacky using plain WSGIRef. This is easier and cleaner with Cheroot (formally CherryPy) backend. """ def run(self, handler): # pragma: no cover from cheroot import wsgi self.options['bind_addr'] = (self.host, self.port) self.options['wsgi_app'] = handler self.server = wsgi.Server(**self.options) try: self.server.start() finally: self.server.stop() ############################################ # Web app to fetch 2FA code from the user. # ############################################ code_2fa = None # Global for passing 2FA code from web app to main script app = bottle.Bottle() server = None @app.route('/') def get_2fa(): """ Main HTTP route, display an HTML form to fetch 2FA code from user. """ return """ iCloud 2FA protection

""" @app.post('/2fa') def set_2fa(): """ Handle form submission and store 2FA code to pass along the rest of the code. """ global code_2fa global server code_2fa = bottle.request.forms.get('2FA') server.server.stop() return "OK" ############### # Main script # ############### def load_config(config_str=None): """ Load and parse config from string provided. Defaults to reading from stdin. """ if not config_str: config_str = sys.stdin.read() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(config_str) return config def get_icloud_location(config): """ Fetch latest iPhone location from iCloud """ global server global code_2fa email = config['apple']['email'] password = config['apple']['password'] api = PyiCloudService(email, password) if api.requires_2fa: print( "Two-factor authentication required. " "Head over to http://localhost:8080 and fill-in the 2FA code." ) server = StoppableCherootServer(port=8080) app.run(server=server) result = api.validate_2fa_code(code_2fa) print("Code validation result: %s" % result) if not result: print("Failed to verify security code") sys.exit(1) if not api.is_trusted_session: print("Session is not trusted. Requesting trust...") result = api.trust_session() print("Session trust result %s" % result) if not result: print( "Failed to request trust. " "You will likely be prompted for the code again " "in the coming weeks" ) elif api.requires_2sa: import click print("Two-step authentication required. Your trusted devices are:") devices = api.trusted_devices for i, device in enumerate(devices): print( " %s: %s" % ( i, device.get( 'deviceName', "SMS to %s" % device.get('phoneNumber') ) ) ) device = click.prompt('Which device would you like to use?', default=0) device = devices[device] if not api.send_verification_code(device): print("Failed to send verification code") sys.exit(1) code = click.prompt('Please enter validation code') if not api.validate_verification_code(device, code): print("Failed to verify verification code") sys.exit(1) iphone = next( device for device in api.devices if 'iPhone' in device.status()['name'] ) iphone_location = iphone.location() iphone_status = iphone.status() return iphone_location, iphone_status def store_location_in_nextcloud(config, iphone_location, iphone_status): """ Store provided iPhone location to Nextcloud. """ if iphone_location is None: print('Could not retrieved iPhone location. Try again.') sys.exit(1) nextcloud_location_args = { "user_agent": iphone_status['name'], "lat": iphone_location['latitude'], "lng": iphone_location['longitude'], "accuracy": iphone_location['horizontalAccuracy'], "timestamp": iphone_location['timeStamp'] // 1000, "altitude": iphone_location['altitude'], "battery": iphone_status['batteryLevel'], } logging.info('Got location data from iCloud: %s.', nextcloud_location_args) logging.debug( "curl -X POST -u '%s:%s' '%s'", config['nextcloud']['user'], config['nextcloud']['password'], ( '%s?%s' % ( urllib.parse.urljoin( config['nextcloud']['server'], '/apps/maps/api/1.0/devices' ), urllib.parse.urlencode(nextcloud_location_args), ) ), ) r = requests.post( urllib.parse.urljoin( config['nextcloud']['server'], '/apps/maps/api/1.0/devices' ), params=nextcloud_location_args, auth=HTTPBasicAuth( config['nextcloud']['user'], config['nextcloud']['password'] ) ) r.raise_for_status() if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) config = load_config() iphone_location, iphone_status = get_icloud_location(config) store_location_in_nextcloud(config, iphone_location, iphone_status)