#!/bin/bash # This script will help you set up a Huginn instance inside a VirtualBox # virtual machine. You will need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed to use # it. Huginn itself will be automatically downloaded. This script is not # clever and is not idempotent, so using it more than once might produce # unexpected results. The files you need to amend are suitably commented # so you could always change them using your favourite editor if needed. # -- Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- DIALOG=$(which dialog) || $(which whiptail) function genpw { echo $(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-16}) } function genkey { echo $(< /dev/urandom tr -dc a-f0-9 | head -c${1:-64}) } function quit { $DIALOG --defaultno --title "Quit Installer?" --yesno "Do you want to quit? No changes have been made yet." 6 60 [[ "$?" = "0" ]] && exit } # -- Greetings ----------------------------------------------------------------- read -r -d '' MESSAGE <<"EOMESSAGE" This script will guide you through providing configuration information for the Huginn Vagrant setup scripts available from https://github.com/m0nty/huginn-vagrant. This is mostly passwords, usernames and email settings. Default passwords are provided so you don't have to do too much yourself. Huginn itself is the creation of Andrew Cantino and others, available from https://github.com/cantino/huginn/. It, and its dependencies, will be automatically downloaded and installed into a VirtualBox VM for you when you type 'vagrant up' in this directory. So you will need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed first. Note that this script will not check your input - if you want to provide empty or nonsense values, I'm not sure why you'd do that, but it's up to you. Press to proceed. EOMESSAGE OK=$(dialog --title "Huginn/VirtualBox Configurator" --msgbox --stdout "$MESSAGE" 22 72) # -- Email Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------- SMTP_DOMAIN=example.com SMTP_USER_NAME=huginn@mail.example.com SMTP_PASSWORD=mailpassword SMTP_SERVER=smtp.example.com SMTP_PORT=587 SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=plain SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=true EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=huginn@example.com VALUES=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Submit" \ --backtitle "Configure Email" \ --title "Email Config" \ --form "Enter values in each field and select " \ --stdout \ 16 80 0 \ "SMTP_DOMAIN" 1 2 "$SMTP_DOMAIN" 1 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_USER_NAME (for authentication)" 2 2 "$SMTP_USER_NAME" 2 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_PASSWORD (for authentication)" 3 2 "$SMTP_PASSWORD" 3 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_SERVER" 4 2 "$SMTP_SERVER" 4 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_PORT (25, 462, 587 etc)" 5 2 "$SMTP_PORT" 5 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_AUTHENTICATION (plain, login)" 6 2 "$SMTP_AUTHENTICATION" 6 42 32 0 \ "SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO (true, false)" 7 2 "$SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO" 7 42 32 0 \ "EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS" 8 2 "$EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS" 8 42 32 0 ) # | | | | | | # Label Vertical Offset____/ / Field Vertical Offset____/ / / / # / / / / # Label Horizontal Offset____/ Field Horizontal Offset______/ / / # / / # Field Length (cannot be altered if 0)_____/ / # / # Input Length (same as field length when 0)___/ [[ ${#VALUES} -gt 0 ]] || quit readarray -t EMAIL_SETTINGS <<<"$VALUES" SMTP_DOMAIN=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[0]} SMTP_USER_NAME=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[1]} SMTP_PASSWORD=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[2]} SMTP_SERVER=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[3]} SMTP_PORT=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[4]} SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[5]} SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[6]} EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=${EMAIL_SETTINGS[7]} # -- Database Parameters ------------------------------------------------------- unset VALUES DATABASE_USERNAME=huginn DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(genpw) DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(genpw) VALUES=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Submit" \ --backtitle "Configure Database" \ --title "DB Config" \ --form "Enter values in each field and select " \ --stdout \ 10 80 0 \ "DATABASE_USERNAME" 1 2 "$DATABASE_USERNAME" 1 42 32 0 \ "DATABASE_PASSWORD" 2 2 "$DATABASE_PASSWORD" 2 42 32 0 \ "DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD" 3 2 "$DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD" 3 42 32 0 ) [[ ${#VALUES} -gt 0 ]] || quit readarray -t DB_SETTINGS <<<"$VALUES" DATABASE_USERNAME=${DB_SETTINGS[0]} DATABASE_PASSWORD=${DB_SETTINGS[1]} DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD=${DB_SETTINGS[2]} # -- Miscellaneous Parameters ------------------------------------------------------- unset VALUES LISTEN_IP= LISTEN_PORT=3000 DOMAIN=localhost APP_SECRET_TOKEN=$(genkey) TIMEZONE=London VALUES=$(dialog \ --ok-label "Submit" \ --backtitle "Configure Miscellaneous" \ --title "Misc Config" \ --form "Enter values in each field and select " \ --stdout \ 10 80 0 \ "LISTEN_IP" 1 2 "$LISTEN_IP" 1 42 32 0 \ "LISTEN_PORT" 2 2 "$LISTEN_PORT" 2 42 32 0 \ "DOMAIN" 3 2 "$DOMAIN" 3 42 32 0 \ "TIMEZONE" 4 2 "$TIMEZONE" 4 42 32 0 \ "APP_SECRET_TOKEN (for rails app)" 5 2 "$APP_SECRET_TOKEN" 5 42 32 64 ) [[ ${#VALUES} -gt 0 ]] || quit readarray -t MISC_SETTINGS <<<"$VALUES" LISTEN_IP=${MISC_SETTINGS[0]} LISTEN_PORT=${MISC_SETTINGS[1]} DOMAIN=${MISC_SETTINGS[2]} TIMEZONE=${MISC_SETTINGS[3]} APP_SECRET_TOKEN=${MISC_SETTINGS[4]} # -- Substitute Values in Files ----------------------------------------------------- # Mail Settings sed -i "s/^SMTP_DOMAIN=.*$/SMTP_DOMAIN=$SMTP_DOMAIN/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_USER_NAME=.*$/SMTP_USER_NAME=$SMTP_USER_NAME/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_PASSWORD=.*$/SMTP_PASSWORD=$SMTP_PASSWORD/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_SERVER=.*$/SMTP_SERVER=$SMTP_SERVER/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_PORT=.*$/SMTP_PORT=$SMTP_PORT/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=.*$/SMTP_AUTHENTICATION=$SMTP_AUTHENTICATION/" env sed -i "s/^SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=.*$/SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=$SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO/" env sed -i "s/^EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=.*$/EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=$EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS/" env # DB Settings sed -i "s/^DATABASE_USERNAME=.*/DATABASE_USERNAME=$DATABASE_USERNAME/" env sed -i "s/^DATABASE_PASSWORD=.*/DATABASE_PASSWORD=$DATABASE_PASSWORD/" env sed -i "s/DATABASE_USERNAME/$DATABASE_USERNAME/g" provision.sh sed -i "s/DATABASE_PASSWORD/$DATABASE_PASSWORD/g" provision.sh sed -i "s/DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD/$DATABASE_ROOT_PASSWORD/g" provision.sh # Misc Settings sed -i "s/^APP_SECRET_TOKEN=.*/APP_SECRET_TOKEN=$APP_SECRET_TOKEN/" env sed -i "s/^TIMEZONE=.*/TIMEZONE=\"$TIMEZONE\"/" env sed -i "s/^DOMAIN=.*/DOMAIN=$DOMAIN:$LISTEN_PORT/" env sed -ri "s/^ listen [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+:[0-9]+ default_server;/ listen $LISTEN_IP:$LISTEN_PORT default_server;/" huginn sed -ri "s/PORT-[0-9]+/PORT-$LISTEN_PORT/" Procfile sed -ri "s/IP-[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+/IP-$LISTEN_IP/" Procfile sed -ri "s/guest:[0-9]+/guest:$LISTEN_PORT/" Vagrantfile sed -ri "s/host:[0-9]+/host:$LISTEN_PORT/" Vagrantfile echo "All done, you should be able to type 'vagrant up' to provision your" echo "new virtual machine containing a working Huginn installation."