2017-11-27 10:42:22 +01:00

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<template v-if="isLoading">
<p>{{ $t("common.loading") }}</p>
<div class="grid" v-else-if="flat && timeToPlaces">
<div class="left-panel">
--><router-link :to="{ name: 'status', params: { status: flat.status }}"><!--
-->{{ flat.status ? capitalize($t("status." + flat.status)) : '' }}<!--
-->) {{ flat.title }} [{{ flat.id.split("@")[1] }}]
<div class="grid">
<div class="left-panel">
{{ flat.cost }} {{ flat.currency }}
<template v-if="flat.utilities === 'included'">
{{ $t("flatsDetails.utilities_included") }}
<template v-else-if="flat.utilities === 'excluded'">
{{ $t("flatsDetails.utilities_excluded") }}
<p class="right-panel right">
{{ flat.area ? flat.area : '?' }} m<sup>2</sup>,
{{ flat.rooms ? flat.rooms : '?' }} {{ $tc("flatsDetails.rooms", flat.rooms) }} /
{{ flat.bedrooms ? flat.bedrooms : '?' }} {{ $tc("flatsDetails.bedrooms", flat.bedrooms) }}
<template v-if="flat.photos && flat.photos.length > 0">
<Slider :photos="flat.photos"></Slider>
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Description") }}</h3>
<p>{{ flat.text }}</p>
<p class="right">{{ flat.location }}</p>
<p>First posted {{ flat.date ? flat.date.fromNow() : '?' }}.</p>
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Details") }}</h3>
<tr v-for="(value, key) in flat.details">
<th>{{ key }}</th>
<td>{{ value }}</td>
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Metadata") }}</h3>
{{ $t("flatsDetails.postal_code") }}
<template v-if="flat.flatisfy_postal_code.postal_code">
{{ flat.flatisfy_postal_code.name }} ({{ flat.flatisfy_postal_code.postal_code }})
<template v-else>
{{ $t("flatsDetails.nearby_stations") }}
<template v-if="displayedStations">
{{ displayedStations }}
<template v-else>
{{ $t("flatsDetails.Times_to") }}
<template v-if="Object.keys(flat.flatisfy_time_to).length">
<ul class="time_to_list">
<li v-for="(time_to, place) in flat.flatisfy_time_to" :key="place">
{{ place }}: {{ humanizeTimeTo(time_to["time"]) }}
<template v-else>
{{ $t("flatsDetails.SquareMeterCost") }}
{{ flat.sqCost }} {{ flat.currency }}
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Location") }}</h3>
<FlatsMap :flats="flatMarkers" :places="timeToPlaces" :journeys="journeys"></FlatsMap>
<form v-on:submit="updateFlatNotes">
<textarea ref="notesTextarea" rows="10">{{ flat.notes }}</textarea>
<p class="right"><input type="submit" value="Save"/></p>
<div class="right-panel">
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Contact") }}</h3>
<div class="contact">
<template v-if="flat.phone">
<template v-for="phoneNumber in flat.phone.split(',')">
<a :href="'tel:+33' + normalizePhoneNumber(phoneNumber)">{{ phoneNumber }}</a><br/>
<template v-else>
{{ $t("flatsDetails.no_phone_found") }}
<p>{{ $tc("common.Original_post", 42) }}
<li v-for="(url, index) in flat.urls">
<a :href="url">
{{ $tc("common.Original_post", 1) }} {{ index + 1 }}
<i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h3>{{ $t("flatsDetails.Visit") }}</h3>
<div class="visit">
<h3>{{ $t("common.Actions") }}</h3>
<template v-if="flat.status !== 'user_deleted'">
<li ref="notationButton">
<template v-for="n in range(notation)">
<button class="btnIcon" v-on:mouseover="handleNotationHover(n)" v-on:mouseout="handleNotationOut()" v-on:click="updateFlatNotation(n)">
<i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<template v-for="n in range(5 - notation)">
<button class="btnIcon" v-on:mouseover="handleNotationHover(notation + n)" v-on:mouseout="handleNotationOut()" v-on:click="updateFlatNotation(notation + n)">
<i class="fa fa-star-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<button v-on:click="updateFlatStatus('user_deleted')" class="fullButton">
<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{{ $t("common.Remove") }}
<template v-else>
<button v-on:click="updateFlatStatus('new')" class="fullButton">
<i class="fa fa-undo" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{{ $t("common.Restore") }}
import flatPickr from 'vue-flatpickr-component'
import moment from 'moment'
import 'font-awesome-webpack'
import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css'
import FlatsMap from '../components/flatsmap.vue'
import Slider from '../components/slider.vue'
import { capitalize, range } from '../tools'
export default {
components: {
created () {
document.title = this.title // Set title
// Fetch data when the component is created
// Scrolls to top when view is displayed
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
watch: {
// Fetch data again when the component is updated
'$route': 'fetchData',
title () {
document.title = this.title
data () {
return {
// TODO: Flatpickr locale
'overloadNotation': null,
'flatpickrConfig': {
static: true,
altFormat: 'h:i K, M j, Y',
altInput: true,
enableTime: true,
onChange: selectedDates => this.updateFlatVisitDate(selectedDates.length > 0 ? selectedDates[0] : null)
computed: {
isLoading () {
return this.$store.getters.isLoading
title () {
return 'Flatisfy - ' + this.$route.params.id
flatMarkers () {
return this.$store.getters.flatsMarkers(this.$router, flat => flat.id === this.$route.params.id)
flat () {
return this.$store.getters.flat(this.$route.params.id)
'flatpickrValue' () {
if (this.flat && this.flat.visit_date) {
return this.flat.visit_date.local().format()
return null
timeToPlaces () {
return this.$store.getters.timeToPlaces(this.flat.flatisfy_constraint)
notation () {
if (this.overloadNotation) {
return this.overloadNotation
return this.flat.notation
journeys () {
if (Object.keys(this.flat.flatisfy_time_to).length > 0) {
const journeys = []
for (const place in this.flat.flatisfy_time_to) {
section => journeys.push({
geojson: section.geojson,
options: {
color: section.color ? ('#' + section.color) : '#2196f3',
dashArray: section.color ? 'none' : '2, 10'
return journeys
return []
displayedStations () {
if (this.flat.flatisfy_stations.length > 0) {
const stationsNames = this.flat.flatisfy_stations.map(station => station.name)
return stationsNames.join(', ')
} else {
return null
methods: {
fetchData () {
this.$store.dispatch('getFlat', { flatId: this.$route.params.id })
updateFlatNotation (notation) {
notation = notation + 1
if (notation === this.flat.notation) {
this.$store.dispatch('updateFlatNotation', { flatId: this.$route.params.id, newNotation: 0 })
this.$store.dispatch('updateFlatStatus', { flatId: this.$route.params.id, newStatus: 'new' })
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('updateFlatNotation', { flatId: this.$route.params.id, newNotation: notation })
this.$store.dispatch('updateFlatStatus', { flatId: this.$route.params.id, newStatus: 'followed' })
updateFlatStatus (status) {
this.$store.dispatch('updateFlatStatus', { flatId: this.$route.params.id, newStatus: status })
updateFlatNotes () {
const notes = this.$refs.notesTextarea.value
{ flatId: this.$route.params.id, newNotes: notes }
updateFlatVisitDate (date) {
if (date) {
date = moment(date).utc().format()
{ flatId: this.$route.params.id, newVisitDate: date }
humanizeTimeTo (time) {
const minutes = Math.floor(time.as('minutes'))
return minutes + ' ' + this.$tc('common.mins', minutes)
handleNotationHover (n) {
this.overloadNotation = n + 1
handleNotationOut () {
this.overloadNotation = null
normalizePhoneNumber (phoneNumber) {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/ /g, '')
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/\./g, '')
return phoneNumber
capitalize: capitalize,
range: range
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grid-row: 1;
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padding-left: 1em;
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button {
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td {
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word-break: break-all;
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