# coding: utf-8 """ This module contains basic utility functions, such as pretty printing of JSON output, checking that a value is within a given interval etc. """ from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import datetime import itertools import json import logging import math import re import requests import unidecode LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Constants NAVITIA_ENDPOINT = "https://api.navitia.io/v1/coverage/fr-idf/journeys" class DateAwareJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Extend the default JSON encoder to serialize datetimes to iso strings. """ def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,E0202 if isinstance(o, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): return o.isoformat() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def pretty_json(data): """ Pretty JSON output. :param data: The data to dump as pretty JSON. :return: The pretty printed JSON dump. :Example: >>> print(pretty_json({"toto": "ok", "foo": "bar"})) { "foo": "bar", "toto": "ok" } """ return json.dumps(data, cls=DateAwareJSONEncoder, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) def batch(iterable, size): """ Get items from a sequence a batch at a time. :param iterable: The iterable to get the items from. :param size: The size of the batches. :return: A new iterable. """ sourceiter = iter(iterable) while True: batchiter = itertools.islice(sourceiter, size) yield itertools.chain([batchiter.next()], batchiter) def is_within_interval(value, min_value=None, max_value=None): """ Check whether a variable is within a given interval. Assumes the value is always ok with respect to a `None` bound. If the `value` is `None`, it is always within the bounds. :param value: The value to check. Can be ``None``. :param min_value: The lower bound. :param max_value: The upper bound. :return: ``True`` if the value is ``None``. ``True`` or ``False`` whether the value is within the given interval or not. .. note:: A value is always within a ``None`` bound. :Example: >>> is_within_interval(None) True >>> is_within_interval(None, 0, 10) True >>> is_within_interval(2, None, None) True >>> is_within_interval(2, None, 3) True >>> is_within_interval(2, 1, None) True >>> is_within_interval(2, 1, 3) True >>> is_within_interval(2, 4, 7) False >>> is_within_interval(2, 4, 1) False """ checks = [] if value and min_value: checks.append(value >= min_value) if value and max_value: checks.append(value <= max_value) return all(checks) def normalize_string(string): """ Normalize the given string for matching. .. todo :: Convert romanian numerals to decimal :Example: >>> normalize_string("tétéà 14ème-XIV, foobar") 'tetea 14eme xiv, foobar' """ # ASCIIfy the string string = unidecode.unidecode(string) # Replace any non-alphanumeric character by space # Keep some basic punctuation to keep syntaxic units string = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9,;:]", " ", string) # Convert to lowercase string = string.lower() # Collapse multiple spaces, replace tabulations and newlines by space string = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", string) return string def uniqify(some_list): """ Filter out duplicates from a given list. :Example: >>> uniqify([1, 2, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] """ return list(set(some_list)) def distance(gps1, gps2): """ Compute the distance between two tuples of latitude and longitude. :param gps1: First tuple of (latitude, longitude). :param gps2: Second tuple of (latitude, longitude). :return: The distance in meters. :Example: >>> int(distance([48.86786647303717, 2.19368117495212], \ [48.95314107920405, 2.3368043817358464])) 14117 """ lat1 = math.radians(gps1[0]) long1 = math.radians(gps1[1]) lat2 = math.radians(gps2[0]) long2 = math.radians(gps2[1]) # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,invalid-name a = ( math.sin((lat2 - lat1) / 2.0)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin((long2 - long1) / 2.0)**2 ) c = 2.0 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a)) earth_radius = 6371000 return earth_radius * c def sort_list_of_dicts_by(flats_list, key): """ Sort a list of dicts according to a given field common to all the dicts. :param flats_list: List of dicts to sort. :param key: The key of the dict items to sort on. :return: A sorted list. :Example: >>> sort_list_of_dicts_by([{1: 2}, {1: 1}], 1) [{1: 1}, {1: 2}] """ return sorted(flats_list, key=lambda x: x[key]) def merge_dicts(*args): """ Merge the two flats passed as argument in a single flat dict object. """ if len(args) == 1: return args[0] flat1, flat2 = args[:2] # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,unbalanced-tuple-unpacking,line-too-long merged_flat = {} for k, value2 in flat2.items(): value1 = flat1.get(k, None) if k in ["urls", "merged_ids"]: # Handle special fields separately merged_flat[k] = list(set(value2 + value1)) continue if not value1: # flat1 has empty matching field, just keep the flat2 field merged_flat[k] = value2 elif not value2: # flat2 field is empty, just keep the flat1 field merged_flat[k] = value1 else: # Any other case, we should keep the value of the more recent flat # dict (the one most at right in arguments) merged_flat[k] = value2 for k in [key for key in flat1.keys() if key not in flat2.keys()]: merged_flat[k] = flat1[k] return merge_dicts(merged_flat, *args[2:]) def get_travel_time_between(latlng_from, latlng_to, config): """ Query the Navitia API to get the travel time between two points identified by their latitude and longitude. :param latlng_from: A tuple of (latitude, longitude) for the starting point. :param latlng_to: A tuple of (latitude, longitude) for the destination. :return: A dict of the travel time in seconds and sections of the journey with GeoJSON paths. Returns ``None`` if it could not fetch it. .. note :: Uses the Navitia API. Requires a ``navitia_api_key`` field to be filled-in in the ``config``. """ time = None # Check that Navitia API key is available if config["navitia_api_key"]: payload = { "from": "%s;%s" % (latlng_from[1], latlng_from[0]), "to": "%s;%s" % (latlng_to[1], latlng_to[0]), "datetime": datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), "count": 1 } try: # Do the query to Navitia API req = requests.get( NAVITIA_ENDPOINT, params=payload, auth=(config["navitia_api_key"], "") ) req.raise_for_status() journeys = req.json()["journeys"][0] time = journeys["durations"]["total"] sections = [] for section in journeys["sections"]: if section["type"] == "public_transport": # Public transport sections.append({ "geojson": section["geojson"], "color": ( section["display_informations"].get("color", None) ) }) elif section["type"] == "street_network": # Walking sections.append({ "geojson": section["geojson"], "color": None }) else: # Skip anything else continue except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError, IndexError, KeyError) as exc: # Ignore any possible exception LOGGER.warning( "An exception occurred during travel time lookup on " "Navitia: %s.", str(exc) ) else: LOGGER.warning( "No API key available for travel time lookup. Please provide " "a Navitia API key. Skipping travel time lookup." ) if time: return { "time": time, "sections": sections } return None