# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2017 Phyks (Lucas Verney) # # This file is part of a woob module. # # This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this woob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime from woob.browser.pages import JsonPage, HTMLPage, pagination from woob.browser.filters.standard import ( CleanDecimal, CleanText, Currency, Date, Env, Format, Regexp, RegexpError ) from woob.browser.filters.html import AbsoluteLink, Attr, Link, XPathNotFound from woob.browser.elements import ItemElement, ListElement, method from woob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, NotLoaded from woob.capabilities.housing import ( City, Housing, HousingPhoto, UTILITIES, ENERGY_CLASS, POSTS_TYPES, ADVERT_TYPES ) from woob.tools.capabilities.housing.housing import PricePerMeterFilter from .constants import AVAILABLE_TYPES, QUERY_TYPES, QUERY_HOUSE_TYPES class CitiesPage(JsonPage): def iter_cities(self): cities_list = self.doc if isinstance(self.doc, dict): cities_list = self.doc.values() for city in cities_list: city_obj = City() city_obj.id = city city_obj.name = city yield city_obj class HousingPage(HTMLPage): @method class get_housing(ItemElement): klass = Housing obj_id = Format( '%s:%s', Env('type'), Attr('//div[boolean(@data-property-reference)]', 'data-property-reference') ) obj_advert_type = ADVERT_TYPES.PROFESSIONAL def obj_type(self): type = Env('type')(self) if type == 'location': if 'appartement-meuble' in self.page.url: return POSTS_TYPES.FURNISHED_RENT else: return POSTS_TYPES.RENT elif type == 'achat': return POSTS_TYPES.SALE else: return NotAvailable def obj_url(self): return self.page.url def obj_house_type(self): url = self.obj_url() for house_type, types in QUERY_HOUSE_TYPES.items(): for type in types: if ('/%s/' % type) in url: return house_type return NotAvailable obj_title = CleanText('//h1[has-class("OfferTop-title")]') obj_area = CleanDecimal( Regexp( CleanText( '//div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[has-class("MiniData-item")][1]' ), r'(\d*\.*\d*) .*', default=NotAvailable ), default=NotAvailable ) obj_cost = CleanDecimal( '//span[has-class("OfferTop-price")]', default=NotAvailable ) obj_price_per_meter = PricePerMeterFilter() obj_currency = Currency( '//span[has-class("OfferTop-price")]' ) obj_location = Format( '%s - %s', CleanText('//p[@data-behat="adresseBien"]'), CleanText('//p[has-class("OfferTop-loc")]') ) obj_text = CleanText('//div[has-class("OfferDetails-content")]/p[1]') obj_phone = Regexp( Link( '//a[has-class("OfferContact-btn--tel")]' ), r'tel:(.*)' ) def obj_photos(self): photos = [] for photo in self.xpath('//div[has-class("OfferSlider")]//img'): photo_url = Attr('.', 'src')(photo) photo_url = photo_url.replace('640/480', '800/600') photos.append(HousingPhoto(photo_url)) return photos obj_date = datetime.date.today() def obj_utilities(self): price = CleanText( '//p[has-class("OfferTop-price")]' )(self) if "charges comprises" in price.lower(): return UTILITIES.INCLUDED else: return UTILITIES.EXCLUDED obj_rooms = CleanDecimal( '//div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[has-class("MiniData-item")][2]', default=NotAvailable ) obj_bedrooms = CleanDecimal( '//div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[has-class("MiniData-item")][3]', default=NotAvailable ) def obj_DPE(self): try: electric_consumption = CleanDecimal(Regexp( Attr('//div[has-class("OfferDetails-content")]//img', 'src'), r'https://dpe.foncia.net\/(\d+)\/.*' ))(self) except (RegexpError, XPathNotFound): electric_consumption = None DPE = "" if electric_consumption is not None: if electric_consumption <= 50: DPE = "A" elif 50 < electric_consumption <= 90: DPE = "B" elif 90 < electric_consumption <= 150: DPE = "C" elif 150 < electric_consumption <= 230: DPE = "D" elif 230 < electric_consumption <= 330: DPE = "E" elif 330 < electric_consumption <= 450: DPE = "F" else: DPE = "G" return getattr(ENERGY_CLASS, DPE, NotAvailable) return NotAvailable def obj_details(self): details = {} dispo = Date( Regexp( CleanText('//p[has-class("OfferTop-dispo")]'), r'.* (\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d)', default=datetime.date.today().isoformat() ) )(self) if dispo is not None: details["dispo"] = dispo priceMentions = CleanText( '//p[has-class("OfferTop-mentions")]', default=None )(self) if priceMentions is not None: details["priceMentions"] = priceMentions agency = CleanText( '//p[has-class("OfferContact-address")]', default=None )(self) if agency is not None: details["agency"] = agency for item in self.xpath('//div[has-class("OfferDetails-columnize")]/div'): category = CleanText( './h3[has-class("OfferDetails-title--2")]', default=None )(item) if not category: continue details[category] = {} for detail_item in item.xpath('.//ul[has-class("List--data")]/li'): detail_title = CleanText('.//span[has-class("List-data")]')(detail_item) detail_value = CleanText('.//*[has-class("List-value")]')(detail_item) details[category][detail_title] = detail_value for detail_item in item.xpath('.//ul[has-class("List--bullet")]/li'): detail_title = CleanText('.')(detail_item) details[category][detail_title] = True try: electric_consumption = CleanDecimal(Regexp( Attr('//div[has-class("OfferDetails-content")]//img', 'src'), r'https://dpe.foncia.net\/(\d+)\/.*' ))(self) details["electric_consumption"] = ( '{} kWhEP/m².an'.format(electric_consumption) ) except (RegexpError, XPathNotFound): pass return details class SearchPage(HTMLPage): def do_search(self, query, cities): form = self.get_form('//form[@name="searchForm"]') form['searchForm[type]'] = QUERY_TYPES.get(query.type, None) form['searchForm[localisation]'] = cities form['searchForm[type_bien][]'] = [] for house_type in query.house_types: try: form['searchForm[type_bien][]'].extend( QUERY_HOUSE_TYPES[house_type] ) except KeyError: pass form['searchForm[type_bien][]'] = [ x for x in form['searchForm[type_bien][]'] if x in AVAILABLE_TYPES.get(query.type, []) ] if query.area_min: form['searchForm[surface_min]'] = query.area_min if query.area_max: form['searchForm[surface_max]'] = query.area_max if query.cost_min: form['searchForm[prix_min]'] = query.cost_min if query.cost_max: form['searchForm[prix_max]'] = query.cost_max if query.nb_rooms: form['searchForm[pieces]'] = [i for i in range(1, query.nb_rooms + 1)] form.submit() def find_housing(self, query_type, housing): form = self.get_form('//form[@name="searchForm"]') form['searchForm[type]'] = query_type form['searchForm[reference]'] = housing form.submit() class SearchResultsPage(HTMLPage): @pagination @method class iter_housings(ListElement): item_xpath = '//article[has-class("TeaserOffer")]' next_page = Link('//div[has-class("Pagination--more")]/a[contains(text(), "Suivant")]') class item(ItemElement): klass = Housing obj_id = Format( '%s:%s', Env('type'), Attr('.//span[boolean(@data-reference)]', 'data-reference') ) obj_url = AbsoluteLink('.//h3[has-class("TeaserOffer-title")]/a') obj_type = Env('query_type') obj_advert_type = ADVERT_TYPES.PROFESSIONAL def obj_house_type(self): url = self.obj_url(self) for house_type, types in QUERY_HOUSE_TYPES.items(): for type in types: if ('/%s/' % type) in url: return house_type return NotLoaded obj_url = AbsoluteLink('.//h3[has-class("TeaserOffer-title")]/a') obj_title = CleanText('.//h3[has-class("TeaserOffer-title")]') obj_area = CleanDecimal( Regexp( CleanText( './/div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[@data-behat="surfaceDesBiens"]' ), r'(\d*\.*\d*) .*', default=NotAvailable ), default=NotAvailable ) obj_cost = CleanDecimal( './/strong[has-class("TeaserOffer-price-num")]', default=NotAvailable ) obj_price_per_meter = PricePerMeterFilter() obj_currency = Currency( './/strong[has-class("TeaserOffer-price-num")]' ) obj_location = CleanText('.//p[has-class("TeaserOffer-loc")]') obj_text = CleanText('.//p[has-class("TeaserOffer-description")]') def obj_photos(self): url = CleanText(Attr('.//a[has-class("TeaserOffer-ill")]/img', 'src'))(self) # If the used photo is a default no photo, the src is on the same domain. if url[0] == '/': return [] else: return [HousingPhoto(url)] obj_date = datetime.date.today() def obj_utilities(self): price = CleanText( './/strong[has-class("TeaserOffer-price-num")]' )(self) if "charges comprises" in price.lower(): return UTILITIES.INCLUDED else: return UTILITIES.EXCLUDED obj_rooms = CleanDecimal( './/div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[@data-behat="nbPiecesDesBiens"]', default=NotLoaded ) obj_bedrooms = CleanDecimal( './/div[has-class("MiniData")]//p[@data-behat="nbChambresDesBiens"]', default=NotLoaded ) def obj_details(self): return { "dispo": Date( Attr('.//span[boolean(@data-dispo)]', 'data-dispo', default=datetime.date.today().isoformat()) )(self), "priceMentions": CleanText('.//span[has-class("TeaserOffer-price-mentions")]')(self) }