# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright(C) 2014 Bezleputh # # This file is part of a woob module. # # This woob module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This woob module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this woob module. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import math import re from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime from woob.browser.filters.json import Dict from woob.browser.elements import ItemElement, ListElement, DictElement, method from woob.browser.pages import JsonPage, HTMLPage, pagination from woob.browser.filters.standard import (CleanText, CleanDecimal, Currency, Regexp, Env, BrowserURL, Filter, Format) from woob.browser.filters.html import Attr, CleanHTML, XPath from woob.capabilities.base import NotAvailable, NotLoaded, Currency as BaseCurrency from woob.capabilities.housing import (Housing, HousingPhoto, City, UTILITIES, ENERGY_CLASS, POSTS_TYPES, ADVERT_TYPES, HOUSE_TYPES) from woob.tools.capabilities.housing.housing import PricePerMeterFilter from woob.tools.compat import unquote class CitiesPage(JsonPage): ENCODING = 'UTF-8' def build_doc(self, content): content = super(CitiesPage, self).build_doc(content) if content: return content else: return [{"locations": []}] @method class get_cities(DictElement): item_xpath = '0/locations' class item(ItemElement): klass = City obj_id = Dict('label') obj_name = Dict('label') class SearchPage(HTMLPage): @pagination @method class iter_housings(ListElement): item_xpath = '//div[starts-with(@id, "bloc-vue-")]' def next_page(self): js_datas = CleanText( '//div[@id="js-data"]/@data-rest-search-request' )(self).split('?')[-1].split('&') try: resultsPerPage = next( x for x in js_datas if 'resultsPerPage' in x ).split('=')[-1] currentPageNumber = next( x for x in js_datas if 'currentPageNumber' in x ).split('=')[-1] resultCount = CleanText( '(//div[@id="js-data"]/@data-result-count)[1]' )(self) totalPageNumber = math.ceil( int(resultCount) / int(resultsPerPage) ) next_page = int(currentPageNumber) + 1 if next_page <= totalPageNumber: return self.page.url.replace( 'page=%s' % currentPageNumber, 'page=%d' % next_page ) except StopIteration: pass class item(ItemElement): klass = Housing price_selector = './/span[@class="price-label"]|./div/div[@class="item-price-pdf"]' def is_agency(self): agency = CleanText('.//span[has-class("item-agency-name")]')(self.el) return 'annonce de particulier' not in agency.lower() def condition(self): if len(self.env['advert_types']) == 1: is_agency = self.is_agency() if self.env['advert_types'][0] == ADVERT_TYPES.PERSONAL: return not is_agency elif self.env['advert_types'][0] == ADVERT_TYPES.PROFESSIONAL: return is_agency return Attr('.', 'data-classified-id', default=False)(self) obj_id = Attr('.', 'data-classified-id') obj_type = Env('query_type') obj_title = CleanText('./div/h2[@class="item-type"]') def obj_advert_type(self): if self.is_agency(): return ADVERT_TYPES.PROFESSIONAL else: return ADVERT_TYPES.PERSONAL def obj_house_type(self): type = self.obj_title(self).split()[0].lower() if type == "appartement" or type == "studio" or type == "chambre": return HOUSE_TYPES.APART elif type == "maison" or type == "villa": return HOUSE_TYPES.HOUSE elif type == "parking": return HOUSE_TYPES.PARKING elif type == "terrain": return HOUSE_TYPES.LAND else: return HOUSE_TYPES.OTHER def obj_location(self): script = CleanText('./script')(self) try: # Should be standard JSON+LD data script = json.loads(script) except ValueError: try: # But explorimmo can't write JSON correctly and there # is a trailing "}" script = json.loads(script.strip().rstrip('}')) except ValueError: script = None if not script: return NotLoaded try: return '%s (%s)' % ( script['address']['addressLocality'], script['address']['postalCode'] ) except (KeyError): return NotLoaded def obj_cost(self): cost = CleanDecimal(Regexp(CleanText(self.price_selector, default=''), r'de (.*) à .*', default=0))(self) if cost == 0: return CleanDecimal(self.price_selector, default=NotAvailable)(self) else: return cost obj_currency = Currency(price_selector) def obj_utilities(self): utilities = CleanText( './div/div/span[@class="price-label"]|' './div/div[@class="item-price-pdf"]|' './div/div/span[@class="item-price"]' )(self) if "CC" in utilities: return UTILITIES.INCLUDED else: return UTILITIES.UNKNOWN obj_text = CleanText('./div/p[@itemprop="description"]') obj_area = CleanDecimal( Regexp( obj_title, r'(.*?)([\d,\.]*) m2(.*?)', '\\2', default=None ), replace_dots=True, default=NotLoaded ) obj_url = Format( "https://immobilier.lefigaro.fr/annonces/annonce-%s.html", CleanText('./@data-classified-id') ) obj_price_per_meter = PricePerMeterFilter() def obj_phone(self): phone = CleanText('./div/div/ul/li[has-class("js-clickphone")]', replace=[('Téléphoner : ', '')], default=NotLoaded)(self) if '...' in phone: return NotLoaded return phone def obj_details(self): charges = CleanText('.//span[@class="price-fees"]', default=None)(self) if charges: return { "fees": charges.split(":")[1].strip() } else: return NotLoaded def obj_photos(self): url = CleanText('./div[has-class("default-img")]/img/@data-src')(self) if url: url = unquote(url) if "http://" in url[3:]: rindex = url.rfind("?") if rindex == -1: rindex = None url = url[url.find("http://", 3):rindex] return [HousingPhoto(url)] else: return NotLoaded class TypeDecimal(Filter): def filter(self, el): return Decimal(el) class FromTimestamp(Filter): def filter(self, el): return datetime.fromtimestamp(el / 1000.0) class PhonePage(JsonPage): def get_phone(self): return self.doc.get('phoneNumber') class HousingPage2(JsonPage): @method class get_housing(ItemElement): klass = Housing def is_agency(self): return Dict('agency/isParticulier')(self) == 'false' obj_id = Env('_id') def obj_type(self): transaction = Dict('characteristics/transaction')(self) if transaction == 'location': if Dict('characteristics/isFurnished')(self): return POSTS_TYPES.FURNISHED_RENT else: return POSTS_TYPES.RENT elif transaction == 'vente': type = Dict('characteristics/estateType')(self).lower() if 'viager' in type: return POSTS_TYPES.VIAGER else: return POSTS_TYPES.SALE else: return NotAvailable def obj_advert_type(self): if self.is_agency: return ADVERT_TYPES.PROFESSIONAL else: return ADVERT_TYPES.PERSONAL def obj_house_type(self): type = Dict('characteristics/estateType')(self).lower() if 'appartement' in type: return HOUSE_TYPES.APART elif 'maison' in type: return HOUSE_TYPES.HOUSE elif 'parking' in type: return HOUSE_TYPES.PARKING elif 'terrain' in type: return HOUSE_TYPES.LAND else: return HOUSE_TYPES.OTHER obj_title = Dict('characteristics/titleWithTransaction') obj_location = Format('%s %s %s', Dict('location/address'), Dict('location/cityLabel'), Dict('location/postalCode')) def obj_cost(self): cost = TypeDecimal(Dict('characteristics/price'))(self) if cost == 0: cost = TypeDecimal(Dict('characteristics/priceMin'))(self) return cost obj_currency = BaseCurrency.get_currency('€') def obj_utilities(self): are_fees_included = Dict('characteristics/areFeesIncluded', default=None)(self) if are_fees_included: return UTILITIES.INCLUDED else: return UTILITIES.EXCLUDED obj_text = CleanHTML(Dict('characteristics/description')) obj_url = BrowserURL('housing_html', _id=Env('_id')) def obj_area(self): area = TypeDecimal(Dict('characteristics/area'))(self) if area == 0: area = TypeDecimal(Dict('characteristics/areaMin'))(self) return area obj_date = FromTimestamp(Dict('characteristics/date')) obj_bedrooms = TypeDecimal(Dict('characteristics/bedroomCount')) def obj_rooms(self): # TODO: Why is roomCount a list? rooms = Dict('characteristics/roomCount', default=[])(self) if rooms: return TypeDecimal(rooms[0])(self) return NotAvailable obj_price_per_meter = PricePerMeterFilter() def obj_photos(self): photos = [] for img in Dict('characteristics/images')(self): m = re.search('http://thbr\.figarocms\.net.*(http://.*)', img.get('xl')) if m: photos.append(HousingPhoto(m.group(1))) else: photos.append(HousingPhoto(img.get('xl'))) return photos def obj_DPE(self): DPE = Dict( 'characteristics/energyConsumptionCategory', default="" )(self) return getattr(ENERGY_CLASS, DPE, NotAvailable) def obj_GES(self): GES = Dict( 'characteristics/greenhouseGasEmissionCategory', default="" )(self) return getattr(ENERGY_CLASS, GES, NotAvailable) def obj_details(self): details = {} details['fees'] = Dict( 'characteristics/fees', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['agencyFees'] = Dict( 'characteristics/agencyFees', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['guarantee'] = Dict( 'characteristics/guarantee', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['bathrooms'] = Dict( 'characteristics/bathroomCount', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['creationDate'] = FromTimestamp( Dict( 'characteristics/creationDate', default=NotAvailable ), default=NotAvailable )(self) details['availabilityDate'] = Dict( 'characteristics/estateAvailabilityDate', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['exposure'] = Dict( 'characteristics/exposure', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['heatingType'] = Dict( 'characteristics/heatingType', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['floor'] = Dict( 'characteristics/floor', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['bedrooms'] = Dict( 'characteristics/bedroomCount', default=NotAvailable )(self) details['isFurnished'] = Dict( 'characteristics/isFurnished', default=NotAvailable )(self) rooms = Dict('characteristics/roomCount', default=[])(self) if len(rooms): details['rooms'] = rooms[0] details['available'] = Dict( 'characteristics/isAvailable', default=NotAvailable )(self) agency = Dict('agency', default=NotAvailable)(self) details['agency'] = ', '.join([ x for x in [ agency.get('corporateName', ''), agency.get('corporateAddress', ''), agency.get('corporatePostalCode', ''), agency.get('corporateCity', '') ] if x ]) return details def get_total_page(self): return self.doc.get('pagination').get('total') if 'pagination' in self.doc else 0 class HousingPage(HTMLPage): @method class get_housing(ItemElement): klass = Housing obj_id = Env('_id') obj_title = CleanText('//h1[@itemprop="name"]') obj_location = CleanText('//span[@class="informations-localisation"]') obj_cost = CleanDecimal('//span[@itemprop="price"]') obj_currency = Currency('//span[@itemprop="price"]') obj_text = CleanHTML('//div[@itemprop="description"]') obj_url = BrowserURL('housing', _id=Env('_id')) obj_area = CleanDecimal(Regexp(CleanText('//h1[@itemprop="name"]'), r'(.*?)(\d*) m2(.*?)', '\\2'), default=NotAvailable) obj_price_per_meter = PricePerMeterFilter() def obj_photos(self): photos = [] for img in XPath('//a[@class="thumbnail-link"]/img[@itemprop="image"]')(self): url = Regexp(CleanText('./@src'), r'http://thbr\.figarocms\.net.*(http://.*)')(img) photos.append(HousingPhoto(url)) return photos def obj_details(self): details = dict() for item in XPath('//div[@class="features clearfix"]/ul/li')(self): key = CleanText('./span[@class="name"]')(item) value = CleanText('./span[@class="value"]')(item) if value and key: details[key] = value key = CleanText('//div[@class="title-dpe clearfix"]')(self) value = CleanText('//div[@class="energy-consumption"]')(self) if value and key: details[key] = value return details