Flatisfy ======== Flatisfy is your new companion to ease your search of a new housing :) **Note**: This software is under heavy development at the moment, and the database schema could change at any time. Do not consider it as being production ready. However, I am currently using it for my own housing search and it is working fine :) It uses [Weboob](http://weboob.org/) to get all the housing posts on most of the websites offering housings posts, and then offers a bunch of pipelines to filter and deduplicate the fetched housings. It can be used as a command-line utility, but also exposes a web API and visualisation, to browse through the results. _Note_: It is targeted at French users (due to the currently supported websites), and in particular at people living close to Paris, as I developped it for my personal use, and am currently living in Paris :) Any feedback and merge requests to better support other countries / cities are more than welcome! _Note_: In this repository and across the code, I am using the name "flat". I use it as a placeholder for "housing" and consider both are interchangeable. This code is not restricted to handling flats only! ## Getting started 1. Clone the repository. 2. Install required Python modules: `pip install -r requirements.txt`. 3. Init a configuration file: `python -m flatisfy init-config > config.json`. Edit it according to your needs (see doc). 4. Build the required data files: `python -m flatisfy build-data --config config.json`. 5. Use it to `fetch` (and output a filtered JSON list of flats) or `import` (into an SQLite database, for the web visualization) a list of flats matching your criteria. 6. Install JS libraries and build the webapp: `npm install && npm run build:dev` (use `build:prod` in production). 7. Use `python -m flatisfy serve --config config.json` to serve the web app. ## Documentation See the [dedicated folder](doc/). ## OpenData I am using the following datasets, available under `flatisfy/data_files`, which covers Paris. If you want to run the script using some other location, you might have to change these files by matching datasets. * [LaPoste Hexasmal](https://datanova.legroupe.laposte.fr/explore/dataset/laposte_hexasmal/?disjunctive.code_commune_insee&disjunctive.nom_de_la_commune&disjunctive.code_postal&disjunctive.libell_d_acheminement&disjunctive.ligne_5) for the list of cities and postal codes in France. * [RATP stations](https://data.ratp.fr/explore/dataset/positions-geographiques-des-stations-du-reseau-ratp/table/?disjunctive.stop_name&disjunctive.code_postal&disjunctive.departement) for the list of subway stations with their positions in Paris and nearby areas. Both datasets are licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL): https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/. ## License The content of this repository is licensed under an MIT license, unless explicitly mentionned otherwise. ## Contributing See the `CONTRIBUTING.md` file for more infos. ## Thanks * [Weboob](http://weboob.org/) * The OpenData providers listed above! * Navitia for their really cool public transportation API. * A lots of Python modules, required for this script (see `requirements.txt`). * [Kresus](https://framagit.org/bnjbvr/kresus) which gave me part of the original idea (at least proved me such software based on scraping can achieve a high quality level :)