beer soda * in return. * Phyks * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Try to get the favicon associated with some URLs, by parsing the header and * trying to get the file favicon.ico at the root of the server * * @param an array $urls of URLs * @return an array {'favicons', 'errors'}. `errors` is an array of URLs for which there could not be any fetched favicon. `favicons` is an array with URLs as keys and an array of favicon urls and sizes ({favicon_url, size}, associative array). */ function getFavicon($urls) { $favicons = array(); $errors = array(); // Convert array to the good format for curl downloader $curl_urls = array(); foreach($urls as $url) { $curl_urls[] = array('url'=>$url); } $contents = curl_downloader($curl_urls); foreach($contents['status_codes'] as $url=>$status) { if($status != 200) { $errors[] = $url; } } foreach($contents['results'] as $url=>$content) { $content = substr($content, 0, strpos($content, '')).''; // We don't need the full page, just the $html = new DOMDocument(); $html->strictErrorChecking = false; @$html->loadHTML($content); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($html); // Try to fetch the favicon URL from the tag foreach($xml->head->children() as $head_tag) { if($head_tag->getName() != 'link') { continue; } $go_next_tag = false; foreach($head_tag->attributes() as $key=>$attribute) { if($go_next_tag || $key != 'rel') { continue; } if(strstr((string) $attribute, 'icon')) { if(isset($head_tag->attributes()['sizes'])) { $sizes = (string)$head_tag->attributes()['sizes']; } else { $sizes = ''; } $favicons[$url] = array( 'favicon_url'=>(string) $head_tag->attributes()['href'], 'sizes'=>$sizes ); $go_next_tag = true; } } } } // Add to errors the URLs without any favicons associated $favicons_keys = array_keys($favicons); foreach($contents['results'] as $url=>$content) { if(!in_array($url, $favicons_keys)) { $errors[] = $url; } } // Check for errorred feeds wether the favicon.ico file at the root exists $second_try = array(); foreach ($errors as $url) { $second_try[] = array( 'input_url'=>$url, 'url'=>rtrim(trim($url), '/?') . '/favicon.ico' ); } $second_try_curl = curl_downloader($second_try, false); $errors = array(); foreach($second_try as $tested_url) { $status_code = (int) $second_try_curl['status_codes'][$tested_url['url']]; if ($status_code >= 200 && $status_code < 400) { $favicons[$tested_url['input_url']] = array( 'favicon_url'=>$tested_url['url'], 'sizes'=>'' ); } else { $errors[] = $tested_url['input_url']; } } return array('favicons'=>$favicons, 'errors'=>$errors); } /** * Downloads all the urls in the array $urls and returns an array with the results and the http status_codes. * * Mostly inspired by blogotext by timovn : * * @todo If open_basedir or safe_mode, Curl will not follow redirections : * * * @param an array $urls of associative arrays {'url', 'post'} for each URL. 'post' is a JSON array of data to send _via_ POST. * @return an array {'results', 'status_code'}, results being an array of the retrieved contents, indexed by URLs, and 'status_codes' being an array of status_code, indexed by URL. */ function curl_downloader($urls, $fetch_content=true) { $chunks = array_chunk($urls, 40, true); // Chunks of 40 urls because curl has problems with too big "multi" requests $results = array(); $status_codes = array(); if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && ini_get('safe_mode') === false) { // Disable followlocation option if this is activated, to avoid warnings $follow_redirect = true; } else { $follow_redirect = false; } foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $multihandler = curl_multi_init(); $handlers = array(); $total_feed_chunk = count($chunk) + count($results); foreach ($chunk as $i=>$url_array) { $url = $url_array['url']; set_time_limit(20); // Reset max execution time $handlers[$i] = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($handlers[$i], array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 15, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => $follow_redirect, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], // Add a user agent to prevent problems with some feeds CURLOPT_HEADER => $fetch_content ? FALSE : TRUE, CURLOPT_NOBODY => $fetch_content ? FALSE : TRUE, )); if (!empty($url_array['post'])) { curl_setopt($handlers[$i], CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($handlers[$i], CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_decode($url_array['post'], true)); } curl_multi_add_handle($multihandler, $handlers[$i]); } do { curl_multi_exec($multihandler, $active); curl_multi_select($multihandler); } while ($active > 0); foreach ($chunk as $i=>$url_array) { $url = $url_array['url']; $results[$url] = curl_multi_getcontent($handlers[$i]); $status_codes[$url] = curl_getinfo($handlers[$i], CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_multi_remove_handle($multihandler, $handlers[$i]); curl_close($handlers[$i]); } curl_multi_close($multihandler); } return array('results'=>$results, 'status_codes'=>$status_codes); }