
121 lines
4.1 KiB

import accidentMarker from '@/assets/accidentMarker.svg';
import gcumMarker from '@/assets/gcumMarker.svg';
import interruptMarker from '@/assets/interruptMarker.svg';
import miscMarker from '@/assets/miscMarker.svg';
import obstacleMarker from '@/assets/obstacleMarker.svg';
import potholeMarker from '@/assets/potholeMarker.svg';
import accidentIcon from '@/assets/accident.svg';
import gcumIcon from '@/assets/gcum.svg';
import interruptIcon from '@/assets/interrupt.svg';
import miscIcon from '@/assets/misc.svg';
import obstacleIcon from '@/assets/obstacle.svg';
import potholeIcon from '@/assets/pothole.svg';
export const VERSION = '0.1';
export const NORMAL_ICON_SCALE = 0.625;
export const LARGE_ICON_SCALE = 1.0;
export const ICON_ANCHOR = [0, 0.5];
export const REPORT_TYPES = {
accident: {
description: 'reportLabels.accidentDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.accident',
image: accidentIcon,
marker: accidentMarker,
markerLarge: accidentMarker,
gcum: {
description: 'reportLabels.gcumDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.gcum',
image: gcumIcon,
marker: gcumMarker,
markerLarge: gcumMarker,
interrupt: {
description: 'reportLabels.interruptDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.interrupt',
image: interruptIcon,
marker: interruptMarker,
markerLarge: interruptMarker,
misc: {
description: 'reportLabels.miscDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.misc',
image: miscIcon,
marker: miscMarker,
markerLarge: miscMarker,
obstacle: {
description: 'reportLabels.obstacleDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.obstacle',
image: obstacleIcon,
marker: obstacleMarker,
markerLarge: obstacleMarker,
pothole: {
description: 'reportLabels.potholeDescription',
label: 'reportLabels.pothole',
image: potholeIcon,
marker: potholeMarker,
markerLarge: potholeMarker,
// Display order of the report types
export const REPORT_TYPES_ORDER = ['gcum', 'interrupt', 'obstacle', 'pothole', 'accident', 'misc'];
export const MIN_DISTANCE_REPORT_DETAILS = 40; // in meters
export const MOCK_LOCATION = true;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_USE_GPX = true;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 * 1000; // in milliseconds
// Small area in Montrouge
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MIN = 48.81788;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MIN = 2.31723;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MAX = 48.81952;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MAX = 2.32077;
// Paris
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MIN = 48.854031;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MIN = 2.281279;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MAX = 48.886123;
export const MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MAX = 2.392742;
export const UPDATE_REPORTS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 500; // in meters
// Minimal ratio between upvotes and downvotes needed for a report to be shown
export const REPORT_VOTES_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
export const EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; // in meters
export const DEFAULT_ZOOM = 17;
export const MIN_ZOOM = 10;
export const MAX_ZOOM = 18;
export const ACCURACY_DISPLAY_THRESHOLD = 100; // in meters
export const POSITION_MARKER_RADIUS = 10; // in pixels
let opencyclemapURL = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
if (process.env.THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY) {
opencyclemapURL += `?apikey=${process.env.THUNDERFOREST_API_KEY}`;
export const TILE_SERVERS = {
'cartodb-voyager': 'https://{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
opencyclemap: opencyclemapURL,
export const DEFAULT_TILE_SERVER = 'cartodb-voyager';
export const GEOCODING_API_ENDPOINT = '';
// Delay in milliseconds between two consecutive calls to the backend API when
// doing batch requests
// A vibration sequence for report alarms
// Email address to send issues to
export const CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '';