import Vue from 'vue'; import localforage from 'localforage'; import { DEFAULT_TILE_CACHING_DURATION, DEFAULT_TILE_SERVER, } from '@/constants'; import * as types from './mutations-types'; // Handle the required migrations export const initialState = { hasGoneThroughIntro: false, hasVibratedOnce: false, isLoading: false, location: { error: null, gpx: [], watcherID: null, }, lastReportFetchingLocation: [null, null], map: { center: [null, null], zoom: null, }, reportDetails: { id: null, previousId: null, userAsked: null, }, reports: [], unsentReports: [], settings: { locale: 'en', hasGeolocationPermission: true, hasPermanentNotificationPermission: true, hasPlaySoundPermission: true, hasPreventSuspendPermission: true, hasVibratePermission: true, shouldAutorotateMap: false, skipOnboarding: false, tileCachingDuration: DEFAULT_TILE_CACHING_DURATION, tileServer: DEFAULT_TILE_SERVER, }, }; export const mutations = { [types.DELETE_REPORT](state, { report }) { const reportIndex = state.reports.findIndex(item => ===; if (reportIndex !== -1) { Vue.delete(state.reports, reportIndex); } }, [types.HAS_VIBRATED_ONCE](state) { state.hasVibratedOnce = true; }, [types.INTRO_WAS_SEEN](state) { state.hasGoneThroughIntro = true; }, [types.INTRO_WAS_UNSEEN](state) { state.hasGoneThroughIntro = false; }, [types.IS_DONE_LOADING](state) { state.isLoading = false; }, [types.IS_LOADING](state) { state.isLoading = true; }, [types.LOAD_UNSENT_REPORTS](state, { unsentReports }) { state.unsentReports = unsentReports; }, [types.PUSH_REPORT](state, { report }) { const reportIndex = state.reports.findIndex(item => ===; if (reportIndex === -1) { state.reports.push(report); } else { Vue.set(state.reports, reportIndex, report); } }, [types.PUSH_UNSENT_REPORT](state, { report }) { state.unsentReports.push(report); localforage.setItem('unsentReports.items', state.unsentReports); }, [types.REMOVE_UNSENT_REPORT](state, { index }) { state.unsentReports.splice(index, 1); localforage.setItem('unsentReports.items', state.unsentReports); }, [types.SET_CURRENT_MAP_CENTER](state, { center }) { Vue.set(, 'center', center); }, [types.SET_CURRENT_MAP_ZOOM](state, { zoom }) { Vue.set(, 'zoom', zoom); }, [types.SET_CURRENT_POSITION](state, { currentLocation }) { state.location.gpx.push(currentLocation); }, [types.SET_LAST_REPORT_FETCHING_LOCATION](state, { locationLatLng }) { state.lastReportFetchingLocation = locationLatLng; }, [types.SET_LOCATION_ERROR](state, { error }) { Vue.set(state.location, 'error', error); }, [types.SET_LOCATION_WATCHER_ID](state, { id }) { Vue.set(state.location, 'watcherID', id); }, [types.SET_SETTING](state, { setting, value }) { localforage.setItem(`settings.${setting}`, value); state.settings[setting] = value; }, [types.SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS](state, { id, userAsked }) { if (id === null) { // If closing the details, keep track of what the id was to prevent // reopening the details immediately. Vue.set(state.reportDetails, 'previousId',; } Vue.set(state.reportDetails, 'id', id); Vue.set(state.reportDetails, 'userAsked', userAsked); }, [types.STORE_REPORTS](state, { reports }) { state.reports = reports; }, };