import { VERSION as CACHE_NAME } from '@/constants'; const DEBUG = (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'); // Define the assets to cache const { assets } = global.serviceWorkerOption; let assetsToCache = [...assets, './']; assetsToCache = path => new URL(path, global.location).toString(), ); assetsToCache = assetsToCache.filter( // Remove some assets from cache, such as Webpack hot-reload stuff url => !url.endsWith('hot-update.json'), ); // Define the locations from which we allow caching const ALLOW_CACHING_FROM = [ global.location.origin, ]; global.self.addEventListener('install', (event) => { DEBUG && console.log('SW: installing…'); event.waitUntil( !DEBUG && // Don't cache during dev .then((cache) => { DEBUG && console.log('SW: cache opened.'); cache.addAll(assetsToCache).then( () => { if (DEBUG) { console.log(`SW: cached assets ${assetsToCache}.`); console.log('SW: successfully installed!'); } return global.self.skipWaiting(); // Immediately update the SW }, ); }), ); }); global.self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => { DEBUG && console.log('SW: activating…'); event.waitUntil( // Delete all caches but the current one global.caches.keys().then( cacheNames => Promise.all( => { if (cacheName.indexOf(CACHE_NAME) !== 0) { DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Deleting unused cache ${cacheName}.`); return global.caches.delete(cacheName); } return null; }), ).then(() => DEBUG && console.log('SW: activated!')), ), ); }); global.self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => { const { request } = event; // Do not touch requests which are not GET if (request.method !== 'GET') { DEBUG && console.log(`SW: ignore non-GET request: ${request.method}`); return; } // Do not touch requests from a different origin const requestURL = new URL(request.url); if (ALLOW_CACHING_FROM.indexOf(requestURL.origin) === -1) { DEBUG && console.log(`SW: ignore different origin ${requestURL.origin}`); return; } // Never touch requests going from / to the API if (requestURL.pathname.startsWith('/api')) { // Note that if API is on a different location, it will be ignored by // the previous rule. DEBUG && console.log(`SW: ignore API call ${requestURL.pathname}`); return; } // For the other requests, try to match it in the cache, otherwise do a // network call const resource = cache => cache.match(request).then( (response) => { if (response) { DEBUG && console.log(`SW: serving ${request.url} from cache`); return response; } DEBUG && console.log(`SW: no match in cache for ${request.url}, using network`); return fetch(request); }, ), ); event.respondWith(resource); });