Cyclassist ========== > Track and share issues (work, interruption in routes, parked cars) in > realtime on bike lanes! This app is made of two parts: a client webapp and a server part to store and serve the issues. This code is the code running behind As of current version, only the client side part (code running on your local device) handles your geolocation. **Your geolocation is never sent** to the server or any external resource. ## OpenData The data collected by is available under an [ODbL]( license. You can get the most up to date JSON dump of available reports at ## Hosting your own ### Client part #### Build setup ``` bash # Install JS dependencies yarn install # Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 yarn dev # Build for production with minification yarn build # Build for production and view the bundle analyzer report yarn build --report ``` #### Useful environment variables You can pass a few environment variables to the `yarn build|dev` commands to adapt the behavior to your needs. * `PUBLIC_PATH=https://.../foobar` to serve the app from a subdirectory. * `API_BASE_URL=https://...` to specify the location of the server (defaults to `/`). The value should end with a trailing slash. * `TILE_SERVER=` to pass a specific tile server to use rather than the default one. ### Server part #### Build setup ``` bash # Install Python dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt # Start the server python -m server ``` It is better to use a dedicated `virtualenv` if you can :) #### Useful environment variables You can pass a few environment variables to the `python -m server` command to adapt its behavior: * `HOST=` to specify the host to listen to (defaults to `` which means `localhost` only). * `PORT=` to specify the port to listen on (defaults to `8081`). * `DATABASE=` to specify a [database URL]( to connect to (defaults to `sqlite:///reports.db` which means a SQLite database named `reports.db` in the current working directory). #### Serving in production You can use the `` script at the root of the git repository to serve the server side part. ## Contributing The quickest way to get started is to simply run ``` API_BASE_URL= yarn dev ``` to spawn the client-side webapp, listening on `localhost:8080` and ``` python -m server ``` to spawn the server-side part, listening on `localhost:8081`. ## License This software is licensed under an MIT license, unless explicitly mentionned otherwise. Icons are made from the original works: * [Bike icon]( licensed under CC BY on Wikimedia. * [Car icon]( licensed under CC BY-SA on Wikimedia. * [Pothole icon]( licensed under CC BY-SA on Wikimedia. * [Work icons]( were designed by Vecteezy. * [Trash icon]( is coming from Pixabay under CC0 license. * [Accident icon]( is coming from Flaticon.