import { MOCK_LOCATION_GPX_PLAYBACK_SPEED, MOCK_LOCATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MOCK_LOCATION_USE_GPX, MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MIN, MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MAX, MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MIN, MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MAX, } from '@/constants'; let mockGPX = []; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // Use a node_modules require here, this is handled by Webpack to fetch either // a custom mock_gpx.json or a default empty one. mockGPX = require('mock_gpx.json'); // eslint-disable-line global-require } /** * Cheap distance computation based on * */ export function distance(latLng1, latLng2) { const cos = Math.cos((latLng1[0] + latLng2[0]) / 2 * Math.PI / 180); const cos2 = 2 * cos * cos - 1; const cos3 = 2 * cos * cos2 - cos; const cos4 = 2 * cos * cos3 - cos2; const cos5 = 2 * cos * cos4 - cos3; // Multipliers for converting longitude and latitude degrees into distance // ( const kx = 1000 * (111.41513 * cos - 0.09455 * cos3 + 0.00012 * cos5); const ky = 1000 * (111.13209 - 0.56605 * cos2 + 0.0012 * cos4); const dx = (latLng1[1] - latLng2[1]) * kx; const dy = (latLng1[0] - latLng2[0]) * ky; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } export function mockLocationRandom() { let heading = null; if (Math.random() > 0.25) { heading = Math.random() * 360; } let speed = null; if (Math.random() > 0.25) { speed = Math.random() * 9; // in meters/s } const newLocation = { coords: { accuracy: Math.random() * 100, // In meters latitude: ( (Math.random() * (MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MAX - MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MIN)) + MOCK_LOCATION_LAT_MIN ), longitude: ( (Math.random() * (MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MAX - MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MIN)) + MOCK_LOCATION_LNG_MIN ), heading, speed, }, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), }; console.log('New mock location: ', newLocation); return newLocation; } export function mockLocationWithGPX(index, setPosition) { if (mockGPX[index]) { setPosition(mockGPX[index]); if (mockGPX[index + 1]) { const delay = ( Date.parse(mockGPX[index + 1].time) - Date.parse(mockGPX[index].time) ); setTimeout( () => mockLocationWithGPX(index + 1, setPosition), delay / MOCK_LOCATION_GPX_PLAYBACK_SPEED, ); } } } export function mockLocation(setPosition) { if (MOCK_LOCATION_USE_GPX) { mockLocationWithGPX(0, setPosition); return -1; // Return a fake setInterval id } setPosition(mockLocationRandom()); return setInterval( () => setPosition(mockLocationRandom()), MOCK_LOCATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL, ); } export function storageAvailable(type) { let storage; try { storage = window[type]; const x = '__storage_test__'; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return true; } catch (e) { return e instanceof DOMException && ( // everything except Firefox e.code === 22 // Firefox || e.code === 1014 // test name field too, because code might not be present // everything except Firefox || === 'QuotaExceededError' // Firefox || === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED' ) // acknowledge QuotaExceededError only if there's something already stored && storage.length !== 0; } } export function capitalize(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }