{ "about": { "availableReportsTitle": "The available reports so far are:", "license": "It is released under an MIT license (source code). Icons are based on creations from Wikimedia, Vecteezy, Pixabay or Flaticon. The map background is using tiles from Carto.com or Thunderforest, thanks to OpenStreetMap contributors and Leaflet. Collected reports are available under ODbL license. Manual location picking uses the awesome API from adresse.data.gouv.fr.", "summary": "This app lets you track and share issues with bike lanes.", "usage": "How to use", "usageDescription": "Use the button in the lower right corner to add a new report at your current location. To add a report elsewhere, do a click where you want the report to be shown. Press on a marker on the map to display more informations and report the problem as being still there or solved." }, "buttons": { "back": "Back", "close": "Close", "downvote": "Downvote", "menu": "Menu", "recenterMap": "Recenter map", "reportProblem": "Report problem", "uploadUnsents": "Upload unsent reports", "upvote": "Upvote" }, "geolocation": { "errorFetchingPosition": "Error fetching your position:", "fetching": "Fetching current position\u2026", "geolocation": "Geolocation", "permissionDenied": "access to your position is denied.", "positionUnavailable": "unable to retrieve your position.", "timeout": "position was too long to acquire.", "unavailable": "Sorry, geolocation is not available in your browser." }, "intro": { "checkingPermissions": "Checking permissions", "next": "Next", "ready": "Ready to start", "reportTypes": "Report types", "startReporting": "Start reporting!", "welcome": "Welcome" }, "locationPicker": { "invalidSelection": "Invalid selection", "pickALocationManually": "pick a location manually" }, "map": { "attribution": "Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors" }, "menu": { "About": "Help", "shareMapView": "Share map view", "Settings": "Settings" }, "misc": { "discard": "Discard", "ok": "OK", "or": "or", "retry": "Retry", "spaceBeforeDoublePunctuations": "" }, "permissions": { "geolocation": "Geolocation", "geolocationDescription": "As of current version, your precise geolocation is handled within your device and never sent from it to any external service. The map background is downloaded on demand from the tile provider and it has then access to an estimate of the displayed position. If you refuse to share your geolocation, you can still pick a location manually but you will miss some geolocation dependent features.", "playSound": "Play sound", "preventSuspend": "Prevent device from going to sleep", "preventSuspendDescription": "When the map is displayed, the device will be prevented from going to sleep.", "vibrate": "Vibrate" }, "reportCard": { "Reported": "Reported" }, "reportDialog": { "unableToSendDescription": "There was a network issue preventing from sending the latest report.", "unableToSendTitle": "Unable to send latest report" }, "reportLabels": { "accident": "Accident", "accidentDescription": "Any accident on the road (automatically removed after one hour).", "gcum": "Parking fail", "gcumDescription": "A car poorly parked on a bike lane. Such reports are automatically deleted after one hour, as they are by nature temporary (automatically removed after one hour).", "interrupt": "Interruption", "interruptDescription": "An interruption of the bike lane (works, unexpected end of the bike lane, etc.).", "misc": "Other", "miscDescription": "A problem on the road which does not fit in any other category.", "obstacle": "Obstacle", "obstacleDescription": "An obstacle on the bike lane (stones, bulky waste, etc.).", "pothole": "Pothole", "potholeDescription": "A pothole in the ground." }, "settings": { "customTileServer": "Custom tile server", "customTileServerURL": "Custom tile server URL", "customTileServerURLHint": "For example: http://tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "locale": "Language", "skipOnboarding": "Skip onboarding", "tileServer": "Map tiles server" }, "shareMapViewModal": { "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard!", "copyURLToShareCurrentMapView": "Copy the URL below to share the current map view.", "shareCurrentMapView": "Share current map view" } }