import * as api from '@/api'; import * as constants from '@/constants'; import i18n, { messages, getBrowserLocales } from '@/i18n'; import { handleMigrations, loadDataFromStorage } from '@/storage'; import { pointToPointDistance } from '@/tools/geometry'; import { DELETE_REPORT, HAS_VIBRATED_ONCE, INTRO_WAS_SEEN, INTRO_WAS_UNSEEN, IS_DONE_LOADING, IS_LOADING, LOAD_UNSENT_REPORTS, PUSH_REPORT, PUSH_UNSENT_REPORT, REMOVE_UNSENT_REPORT, SET_CURRENT_MAP_CENTER, SET_CURRENT_MAP_ZOOM, SET_CURRENT_POSITION, SET_LAST_REPORT_FETCHING_LOCATION, SET_LOCATION_ERROR, SET_LOCATION_WATCHER_ID, SET_SETTING, SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS, STORE_REPORTS, } from './mutations-types'; export function populateInitialStateFromStorage({ commit }) { return handleMigrations().then(() => { // Load unsent reports from storage const unsentReportsPromise = loadDataFromStorage( 'unsentReports', 'items', ).then( unsentReports => commit(LOAD_UNSENT_REPORTS, { unsentReports: unsentReports || [], }), ); // Load settings from storage const settingsPromise = loadDataFromStorage('settings', [ 'hasGeolocationPermission', 'hasPermanentNotificationPermission', 'hasPlaySoundPermission', 'hasPreventSuspendPermission', 'hasVibratePermission', 'locale', 'shouldAutorotateMap', 'skipOnboarding', 'tileCachingDuration', 'tileServer', ], null).then((dbSettings) => { const settings = dbSettings || {}; if (!(settings.locale in messages)) { settings.locale = null; } if (!settings.locale) { // Get best matching locale from browser const locales = getBrowserLocales(); for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i += 1) { if (messages[locales[i]]) { settings.locale = locales[i]; break; // Break at first matching locale } } } if ( settings.tileCachingDuration !== null && !Number.isInteger(settings.tileCachingDuration) ) { settings.tileCachingDuration = null; } if ( settings.tileServer && !constants.TILE_SERVERS[settings.tileServer] && !settings.tileServer.startsWith('custom:') ) { settings.tileServer = null; } commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'locale', value: settings.locale || 'en', }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'hasGeolocationPermission', value: ( settings.hasGeolocationPermission !== null ? settings.hasGeolocationPermission : true ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'hasPermanentNotificationPermission', value: ( settings.hasPermanentNotificationPermission !== null ? settings.hasPermanentNotificationPermission : true ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'hasPlaySoundPermission', value: ( settings.hasPlaySoundPermission !== null ? settings.hasPlaySoundPermission : true ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'hasPreventSuspendPermission', value: ( settings.hasPreventSuspendPermission !== null ? settings.hasPreventSuspendPermission : true ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'hasVibratePermission', value: ( settings.hasVibratePermission !== null ? settings.hasVibratePermission : true ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'shouldAutorotateMap', value: ( settings.shouldAutorotateMap !== null ? settings.shouldAutorotateMap : false ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'skipOnboarding', value: settings.skipOnboarding || false, }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'tileCachingDuration', value: ( settings.tileCachingDuration !== null ? settings.tileCachingDuration : constants.DEFAULT_TILE_CACHING_DURATION ), }); commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'tileServer', value: settings.tileServer || constants.DEFAULT_TILE_SERVER, }); }); return Promise.all( [settingsPromise, unsentReportsPromise], ); }); } export function fetchReports({ commit }, { center }) { commit(IS_LOADING); return api.getActiveReports() .then((reports) => { // Filter reports which are too far or have too many downvotes const reportsToCommit = reports.filter( (report) => { if (report.attributes.downvotes >= constants.REPORT_DOWNVOTES_THRESHOLD) { return false; } return pointToPointDistance( [, report.attributes.lng], center, ) < 10000; }, ); commit(STORE_REPORTS, { reports: reportsToCommit }); commit(IS_DONE_LOADING); }) .catch((exc) => { commit(IS_DONE_LOADING); throw exc; }); } export function setLastReportFetchingLocation({ commit }, { locationLatLng }) { return commit(SET_LAST_REPORT_FETCHING_LOCATION, { locationLatLng }); } export function downvote({ commit }, { id }) { // Hide details commit(SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS, { id: null, userAsked: null }); return api.downvote(id) .then((report) => { if (report.attributes.downvotes >= constants.REPORT_DOWNVOTES_THRESHOLD) { commit(DELETE_REPORT, { report }); } else { commit(PUSH_REPORT, { report }); } }); } export function upvote({ commit }, { id }) { // Hide details commit(SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS, { id: null, userAsked: null }); return api.upvote(id) .then(report => commit(PUSH_REPORT, { report })); } export function saveReport({ commit }, { type, lat, lng }) { commit(IS_LOADING); return api.saveReport(type, lat, lng) .then((report) => { commit(PUSH_REPORT, { report }); commit(IS_DONE_LOADING); }) .catch((exc) => { commit(IS_DONE_LOADING); throw exc; }); } export function saveUnsentReport({ commit }, { report }) { commit(PUSH_UNSENT_REPORT, { report }); } export function removeUnsentReport({ commit }, { index }) { commit(REMOVE_UNSENT_REPORT, { index }); } export function hideReportDetails({ commit }) { return commit(SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS, { id: null, userAsked: null }); } export function showReportDetails({ commit }, { id, userAsked }) { return commit(SHOW_REPORT_DETAILS, { id, userAsked }); } export function setLocale({ commit }, { locale }) { // Set global Vue-i18n locale i18n.locale = locale; // Commit setting into the store return commit(SET_SETTING, { setting: 'locale', value: locale }); } export function setSetting({ commit }, { setting, value }) { return commit(SET_SETTING, { setting, value }); } export function markHasVibratedOnce({ commit }) { return commit(HAS_VIBRATED_ONCE); } export function markIntroAsSeen({ commit }) { return commit(INTRO_WAS_SEEN); } export function unmarkIntroAsSeen({ commit }) { return commit(INTRO_WAS_UNSEEN); } export function setCurrentMapCenter({ commit, state }, { center }) { if (, index) => item !== center[index])) { commit(SET_CURRENT_MAP_CENTER, { center }); } } export function setCurrentMapZoom({ commit, state }, { zoom }) { if ( !== zoom) { commit(SET_CURRENT_MAP_ZOOM, { zoom }); } } export function setCurrentPosition( { commit }, { coords, timestamp }, ) { const currentLocation = { latitude: coords.latitude, longitude: coords.longitude, hdop: coords.accuracy ? coords.accuracy : null, elevation: coords.elevation ? coords.elevation : null, vdop: coords.altitudeAccuracy ? coords.altitudeAccuracy : null, heading: ( (coords.heading !== null && !Number.isNaN(coords.heading)) ? coords.heading : null ), speed: coords.speed ? coords.speed : null, timestamp, }; commit(SET_CURRENT_POSITION, { currentLocation }); } export function setLocationWatcherId({ commit }, { id }) { return commit(SET_LOCATION_WATCHER_ID, { id }); } export function setLocationError({ commit, state }, { error }) { // Unregister location watcher const { watcherID } = state.location; if (watcherID !== null) { if (constants.MOCK_LOCATION) { clearInterval(watcherID); } else { navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watcherID); } } commit(SET_LOCATION_WATCHER_ID, { id: null }); commit(SET_LOCATION_ERROR, { error }); }