Rework caching expiration handling

Check expiration of cached items when serving them instead of computing
an expiration date when first caching them. If the user changes the
caching duration after a request was cached, the new setting will be
used now.
This commit is contained in:
Lucas Verney 2019-01-05 15:52:12 +01:00
parent 07ab80542d
commit cecf1fd8a5
1 changed files with 125 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Object.keys(TILE_SERVERS).forEach((tileServer) => {
// Get duration (in s) before (cache) expiration from headers of a fetch
// request.
function getExpiresFromHeaders(headers) {
function _getExpiresFromHeaders(headers) {
// Try to use the Cache-Control header (and max-age)
if (headers.get('cache-control')) {
const maxAge = headers.get('cache-control').match(/max-age=(\d+)/);
@ -65,6 +65,60 @@ function getExpiresFromHeaders(headers) {
return null;
// Get tile caching duration from config
function _getTileCachingDurationPromise() {
// Get tile caching duration from settings
let tileCachingDurationPromise = (
Promise.resolve(0) // no caching by default
if (
localforage.driver() === localforage.INDEXEDDB
) {
tileCachingDurationPromise = loadDataFromStorage(
'settings', 'tileCachingDuration',
return tileCachingDurationPromise;
// Check expiration of an item in cache
// Return the response is not expired. Deletes it from cache and returns null
// otherwise.
function _checkExpiration(cache, request, response) {
return _getTileCachingDurationPromise().then((cachingDurationFromConfig) => {
const cachedDate = Date.parse(response.headers.get('sw-cached-date'));
const now = new Date();
// Check wether it is expired according to config
if (cachingDurationFromConfig > 0) {
const expirationDateFromConfig = new Date(cachedDate.valueOf());
expirationDateFromConfig.getSeconds() + cachingDurationFromConfig,
if (expirationDateFromConfig > now) {
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Found ${request.url} in cache.`);
return response;
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Deleting expired ${request.url} from cache.`);
// If no special caching from config or not expired from config, check
// whether it is expired from HTTP headers.
const cachingDurationFromHeaders = response.headers.get('sw-http-cache-duration');
const expirationDateFromHeaders = new Date(cachedDate.valueOf());
expirationDateFromHeaders.getSeconds() + cachingDurationFromHeaders,
if (expirationDateFromHeaders > now) {
return response;
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Deleting expired ${request.url} from cache.`);
return null;
global.self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
DEBUG && console.log('SW: installing…');
@ -135,81 +189,80 @@ global.self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
cache => cache.match(request).then(
(response) => {
// Helper function to fetch data from the network
const _fetchFromNetwork = (
// Note: We HAVE to use fetch(request.url) here to ensure we
// have a CORS-compliant request. Otherwise, we could get back
// an opaque response which we cannot inspect
// (
() => fetch(request.url).then(
liveResponse => _getTileCachingDurationPromise().then(
(cachingDurationFromConfig) => {
// This is caching duration specified in HTTP headers
const cachingDurationFromHeaders = _getExpiresFromHeaders(
) || 0;
// If any form of caching is possible, do it
if (
cachingDurationFromConfig > 0
|| cachingDurationFromHeaders > 0
) {
// Recreate a Response object from scratch to put
// it in the cache, with the extra header for
// managing cache expiration.
const cachedResponseFields = {
status: liveResponse.status,
statusText: liveResponse.statusText,
headers: {
'SW-Cached-Date': (new Date()).toUTCString(),
'SW-HTTP-Cache-Duration': cachingDurationFromHeaders,
liveResponse.headers.forEach((v, k) => {
cachedResponseFields.headers[k] = v;
// We will consume body of the live response, so
// clone it before to be able to return it
// afterwards.
const returnedResponse = liveResponse.clone();
return liveResponse.blob().then((body) => {
DEBUG && console.log(
`SW: caching tiles ${request.url}.`,
// Put the duplicated Response in the cache
request, new Response(body, cachedResponseFields),
// Return the live response from the network
return returnedResponse;
// Otherwise, just return the live result from the network
return liveResponse;
// If there is a match from the cache
if (response) {
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: serving ${request.url} from cache.`);
const expirationDate = Date.parse(response.headers.get('sw-cache-expires'));
const now = new Date();
// Check it is not already expired and return from the
// cache
if (expirationDate > now) {
return response;
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Found ${request.url} in cache.`);
return _checkExpiration(cache, request, response).then(
(notExpiredResponse) => {
if (notExpiredResponse) {
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Serving ${request.url} from cache.`);
return notExpiredResponse;
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: Serving ${request.url} from network, expired in cache.`);
return _fetchFromNetwork();
// Otherwise, let's fetch it from the network
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: no match in cache for ${request.url}, using network.`);
return fetch(request.url).then((liveResponse) => {
// Get tile caching duration from settings
let tileCachingDurationPromise = (
Promise.resolve(0) // no caching by default
if (
localforage.driver() === localforage.INDEXEDDB
) {
tileCachingDurationPromise = loadDataFromStorage(
'settings', 'tileCachingDuration',
return tileCachingDurationPromise.then((tileCachingDuration) => {
// This is caching duration from settings
const cachingDuration = (
tileCachingDuration || 0
// This is caching duration specified in HTTP headers
const cachingDurationFromHeaders = getExpiresFromHeaders(
) || 0;
// If any form of caching is possible, do it
if (tileCachingDuration > 0 || cachingDurationFromHeaders > 0) {
// Compute expires date from caching duration
const expires = new Date();
// Caching duration cannot be less than
// specified by HTTP headers.
+ Math.max(cachingDuration, cachingDurationFromHeaders),
// Recreate a Response object from scratch to put
// it in the cache, with the extra header for
// managing cache expiration.
const cachedResponseFields = {
status: liveResponse.status,
statusText: liveResponse.statusText,
headers: { 'SW-Cache-Expires': expires.toUTCString() },
liveResponse.headers.forEach((v, k) => {
cachedResponseFields.headers[k] = v;
// We will consume body of the live response, so
// clone it before to be able to return it
// afterwards.
const returnedResponse = liveResponse.clone();
return liveResponse.blob().then((body) => {
DEBUG && console.log(
`SW: caching tiles ${request.url} until ${expires.toUTCString()}.`,
// Put the duplicated Response in the cache
cache.put(request, new Response(body, cachedResponseFields));
// Return the live response from the network
return returnedResponse;
// Otherwise, just return the live result from the network
return liveResponse;
return _fetchFromNetwork();
@ -250,13 +303,7 @@ global.self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
cache => cache.keys().then(
keys => keys.forEach(
key => cache.match(key).then((cachedResponse) => {
const expirationDate = Date.parse(cachedResponse.headers.get('sw-cache-expires'));
const now = new Date();
// Check it is not already expired
if (expirationDate < now) {
DEBUG && console.log(`SW: purging (expired) tile ${key.url} from cache.`);
_checkExpiration(cache, key, cachedResponse);