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Database definition
import base64
import json
import magic
import requests
from peewee import (
Model, SqliteDatabase,
BlobField, CharField, IntegerField, TextField
from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict
database = SqliteDatabase('recipes.db')
class JSONField(TextField):
A Peewee database field with transparent JSON dump/load.
def db_value(self, value):
return json.dumps(value)
def python_value(self, value):
if value is not None:
return json.loads(value)
class Recipe(Model):
Our base model for a recipe.
# Name of the recipe
title = CharField(null=True)
# URL, should be unique
url = CharField(null=True, unique=True)
# Author
author = CharField(null=True)
# Picture as a binary blob
picture = BlobField(null=True)
# Short description
short_description = TextField(null=True)
# Number of persons as text, as it can be either "N persons" or "N parts"
nb_person = TextField(null=True)
# Preparation and cooking times
preparation_time = IntegerField(null=True) # In minutes
cooking_time = IntegerField(null=True) # In minutes
# List of ingredients
ingredients = JSONField(null=True)
# Instructions
instructions = TextField(null=True)
class Meta:
database = database
def update_from_dict(self, d):
Update field taking values from a dict of values.
# Set fields
for field in ['title', 'url', 'author', 'picture_url',
'short_description', 'preparation_time', 'cooking_time',
'ingredients', 'instructions', 'nb_person']:
value = d.get(field, None)
if value:
setattr(self, field, value)
# Download picture and save it as a blob
if d.get('picture_url', None):
self.picture = requests.get(d['picture_url']).content
def update_from_weboob(self, weboob_obj):
Update fields taking values from the Weboob object.
weboob_dict = dict(weboob_obj.iter_fields())
if weboob_dict.get('nb_person', None):
weboob_dict['nb_person'] = '-'.join(
str(num) for num in weboob_dict['nb_person']
def to_dict(self):
Dict conversion function, for serialization in the API.
serialized = model_to_dict(self)
# Dump picture as a base64 string, compatible with HTML `src` attribute
# for images.
if serialized['picture']:
picture_mime = (
'data:%s;base64' % magic.from_buffer(serialized['picture'],
serialized['picture'] = '%s,%s' % (
return serialized