import json import bottle import peewee from cuizin import add_recipe from cuizin import db app = bottle.Bottle() @app.hook('after_request') def enable_cors(): """ Add CORS headers at each request. """ # The str() call is required as we import unicode_literal and WSGI # headers list should have plain str type. bottle.response.headers[str('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')] = str('*') bottle.response.headers[str('Access-Control-Allow-Methods')] = str( 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH' ) bottle.response.headers[str('Access-Control-Allow-Headers')] = str( 'Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token' ) @app.route('/api/v1', ['GET', 'OPTIONS']) def api_v1_index(): return { 'recipes': '/api/v1/recipes' } @app.route('/api/v1/recipes', ['GET', 'OPTIONS']) def api_v1_recipes(): # CORS if bottle.request.method == 'OPTIONS': return '' return { 'recipes': [ recipe.to_dict() for recipe in ] }'/api/v1/recipes') def api_v1_recipes_post(): data = json.load(bottle.request.body) if 'url' not in data: return { 'error': 'No URL provided' } recipes = [] try: recipes = [add_recipe(data['url']).to_dict()] except peewee.IntegrityError: recipes = [ db.Recipe.url == data['url'] ).first().to_dict()] return { 'recipes': recipes } @app.route('/api/v1/recipe/:id', ['GET', 'OPTIONS']) def api_v1_recipe(id): # CORS if bottle.request.method == 'OPTIONS': return '' return { 'recipes': [ recipe.to_dict() for recipe in == id ) ] } @app.get('/static/') def get_static_files(filename): """Get Static files""" return bottle.static_file(filename) # TODO: root=