Cuizin ====== Cuizin is a tool wrapping around [Web Outside Of Browsers]( to help you sort and organize recipes you find online. You can also manually add new recipes. ![Homepage](screenshots/home.png) More screenshots are available in the [`screenshots` folder](screenshots/). ## Installation Cuizin requires Python 3 and may not be compatible with Python 2. ``` $ git clone … # Clone this repository $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install Python dependencies $ npm install # Install JS dependencies for the frontend $ npm run build # Build the JS dependencies ``` Ideally, Python dependencies should be installed in a virtual environment. If you serve the app from a subdirectory (and not the root of your domain), you might want to run `URL_PREFIX=/subdir/ npm run build` instead of `npm run build` to use the correct path to call the API. Note that the trailing slash is important. ## Usage Run `python -m cuizin` to run the built-in webserver. Conversely, you can use WSGI to serve the application directly (`application` variable is exported in `cuizin/`). You can customize the behavior of the app by passing environment variables: * `CUIZIN_HOST` to set the host on which the webserver should listen to (defaults to `localhost` only). Use `CUIZIN_HOST=` to make it world-accessible. * `CUIZIN_PORT` to set the port on which the webserver should listen. Defaults to `8080`. * `CUIZIN_DEBUG` to enable or disable the debug from Bottle (defaults to `False`). * `WEBOOB_MODULES_PATH` to set the path to the local clone of the Weboob modules. Default to using the `weboob-modules` package installed by `pip` (and which you should regularly update with `pip install --upgrade weboob-modules`). If you serve the app with a reverse proxy, you should serve the content of `cuizin/dist` (static frontend files) directly, without passing it down to the Bottle webserver. ## Updating If you are updating the app, the database schema may have changed. There is a set of migrations under the `migrations` folder which is a set of standalone scripts to run to update your database schema. Each script is named after the commit it is handling. ## Contributing All contributions are welcome, feel free to open a MR. Just in case, if you plan on working on some major new feature, please open an issue before to get some feedbacks. All the code lies under `cuizin` directory. Frontend code lies under `cuizin/js_src`. `build` and `config` folders at the root of this repository are used for the frontend build. Additionnally, you can use `make dev` to spawn a development webserver to serve the JS frontend and auto-update/auto-reload when you make changes. The spawned JS server will be set up at `localhost:8081` and you should start the backend Python server at `localhost:8080` with `python -m cuizin` along it. You can simply open the app at `localhost:8081` and start developping, it will automatically call the API from the `python -m cuizin` process, on port `8080`. ## License This software is released under an MIT License.