## Package needed * sqlalchemy * cherrypy * numpy * pycrypto * psycopg2 for communication with the PostgreSQL database ## API * /api/sensors * Returns all the available sensors with their types * /api/sensors/ * Returns the infos for the specified sensor. * /api/types * Returns all the available measure types * /api/time * Returns the current timestamp of the server side. * /api/energy_providers * Returns all available energy providers * /api/energy_providers/> * Returns the targeted energy provider * /api//get/watts/by_id/ * Get measure with id nb * Get measure nth to last measure if nb < 0 (behaviour of Python lists) * /api//get/[watts|kwatthours|euros]/by_id// * Get all the measures with id between nb1 and nb2 (nb1 < nb2) * Get all the measures between nb1 and nb2 starting from the end if nb1, nb2 < 0 (behaviour of Python lists) * Get the energy / cost associated with these measures if kwatthours or euros is specified * /api//get/watts/by_time/ * Idem as above, but with timestamps * /api//watt_to_euros// * Returns the price associated to the consumption (in kWh) for the specified provider * /api//get/[watts|kwatthours|euros]/by_time/// * Idem as above, but with timestamps * idem avec id * idem with ids step > 0