{include="header"} {if condition="$view == 'list_users'"}
You can also add a user.
Id | Login | Display Name | E-mail address | Is admin ? | Edit | Delete |
{$value->getId()} | {$value->getLogin()} | {$value->getDisplayName()} | {$value->getEmail()} | {$value->getAdmin() ? "Yes" : "No"} | Edit | {if condition="$value->getId() != $current_user->getId()"}Delete{/if} |
The personal token for this user to be used with the API is : {$user_data->getJsonToken()}.
If you think it might be compromised, you can generate a new one.
Your personal token to use the API is : {$json_token}.
If you think it might be compromised, you can generate a new one.