<?php // Provided lang = English $i18n = array(); $i18n['before_double_ponctuation'] = ''; $i18n['add_bill'] = 'Add a bill'; $i18n['change_password'] = 'Change your password'; $i18n['see_global_paybacks'] = 'See global paybacks'; $i18n['disconnect'] = 'Disconnect'; $i18n['manage_global_paybacks'] = 'Manage global paybacks'; $i18n['edit_users'] = 'Edit users'; $i18n['edit_homepage_notice'] = 'Edit notice on homepage'; $i18n['settings'] = 'Settings'; $i18n['balance'] = 'Balance'; $i18n['home_table_caption'] = 'Read <em>line</em> owes <em>case</em> € to column. You can click on links to confirm the payback.'; $i18n['owes'] = 'Owes'; $i18n['to'] = 'To'; $i18n['detailed_list_bills'] = 'Detailed list of bills'; $i18n['for_last_month'] = 'for last month'; $i18n['display_all_bills'] = 'Display all bills'; $i18n['only_last_month_bills'] = 'Display only last month bills'; $i18n['no_bills'] = 'No bills added yet'; $i18n['expense'] = 'Expense'; $i18n['what'] = 'What'; $i18n['amount'] = 'Amount'; $i18n['date'] = 'Date'; $i18n['users_in'] = 'Users in'; $i18n['and'] = 'and'; $i18n['guest'] = 'guest'; $i18n['guests'] = 'guests'; $i18n['add'] = 'Add'; $i18n['edit_password'] = 'Edit your password'; $i18n['new_password'] = 'New password'; $i18n['confirm_new_password'] = 'Confirm new password'; $i18n['email_address'] = 'Email address'; $i18n['notifications_for'] = 'Notifications for'; $i18n['notif_everything'] = 'everything involving you'; $i18n['notif_global_paybacks'] = 'global paybacks only'; $i18n['nothing'] = 'nothing'; $i18n['note_dont_edit_passwords'] = "Leave blank the password fields if you don't want to edit the password."; $i18n['update'] = 'Update'; $i18n['personal_token_user'] = 'Personal token for this user'; $i18n['personal_token_title'] = 'Your personal token to use the API'; $i18n['personal_token_is'] = 'Your personal token to use the API is'; $i18n['personal_token_user_is'] = 'The personal token for this user to be used with the API is'; $i18n['compromised_token'] = 'If you think it might be compromised, you can'; $i18n['generate_new_one'] = 'generate a new one'; $i18n['global_paybacks_list'] = 'Global paybacks list'; $i18n['no_global_payback'] = 'No global paybacks available'; $i18n['add_global_payback'] = 'Add a new global payback'; $i18n['you_can_also'] = 'You can also'; $i18n['add_user'] = 'add a user'; $i18n['display_name'] = 'Display name'; $i18n['is_admin'] = 'Is admin'; $i18n['edit'] = 'Edit'; $i18n['delete'] = 'Delete'; $i18n['optionnal'] = 'optionnal'; $i18n['give_admin_rights'] = 'Give admin rights to this user'; $i18n['yes'] = 'Yes'; $i18n['no'] = 'No'; $i18n['homepage_notice'] = 'Homepage notice'; $i18n['note_use_html'] = 'You can use HTML formatting in this form.'; $i18n['database'] = 'Database'; $i18n['settings_note'] = "Use these settings carefully. Your database won't be updated by the script as it was during install and you'll have to manually update it."; $i18n['mysql_host'] = 'MySQL host'; $i18n['mysql_login'] = 'MySQL login'; $i18n['mysql_password'] = 'MySQL password'; $i18n['note'] = 'Note'; $i18n['mysql_password_note'] = "Leave the above field blank if you don't want to change your password."; $i18n['mysql_db'] = 'MySQL database to use'; $i18n['mysql_db_note'] = 'You <em>must</em> create this database first.'; $i18n['mysql_prefix'] = 'Prefix for the created tables'; $i18n['mysql_prefix_note'] = 'Leave the field blank to not use any. You must create the necessary tables manually.'; $i18n['general_options'] = 'General options'; $i18n['instance_title'] = 'Title to display in pages'; $i18n['base_url'] = 'Base URL'; $i18n['base_url_note'] = 'This is the base URL from which you access this page. You must keep the trailing "/" in the above address.'; $i18n['currency'] = 'Currency'; $i18n['timezone'] = 'Timezone'; $i18n['timezone_doc'] = '<em>For example:</em> Europe/Paris. See the doc for more info.'; $i18n['update_settings'] = 'Update settings'; $i18n['template'] = 'Template'; $i18n['lang'] = 'Lang'; $i18n['webmaster_email'] = "Webmaster's email"; $i18n['connected_as'] = 'Connected as'; $i18n['go_back'] = 'Go back to previous page'; $i18n['connection'] = 'Connection'; $i18n['username'] = 'Username'; $i18n['password'] = 'Password'; $i18n['toggle_visible'] = 'Toggle visible'; $i18n['remember_me'] = 'Remember me'; $i18n['connect'] = 'Connect'; $i18n['forgotten_password'] = 'Forgotten password'; $i18n['users'] = 'Users'; $i18n['you_owe_him'] = 'You owe him'; $i18n['he_owes_you'] = 'He owes you'; $i18n['paid_by'] = 'Paid by'; $i18n['confirm_payback'] = 'Confirm payback'; $i18n['remains'] = 'Remains'; $i18n['delete_payback'] = 'Delete payback'; $i18n['paid'] = 'Paid'; $i18n['users_list'] = 'List of users'; $i18n['id'] = 'Id'; $i18n['login'] = 'Login'; $i18n['a_user'] = 'a user'; $i18n['list_previous_global_paybacks'] = 'List of previous global paybacks'; $i18n['closed'] = 'Closed'; $i18n['payback'] = 'Payback'; $i18n['number'] = 'n°'; $i18n['add_global_payback'] = 'Add a global payback'; $i18n['add_global_payback_text_1'] = 'You can add a global payback using this page. Such a payback aims at minimizing as much as possible the number of individual paybacks between users. So, the index page table will be resetted and a new table will be created. This new table will be available in the "see global paybacks" page and will contain as least exchange as possible.'; $i18n['add_global_payback_text_2'] = 'For example, if a user A owes 5'.CURRENCY.' to a user B and if B owes 5'.CURRENCY.' to C, after the global paybacks, these paybacks will simplify and A will owe 5'.CURRENCY.' to C only.'; $i18n['add_global_payback_strong'] = "It's not possible to revert this operation, unless you handle the restoration of data in your database manually. Be sure you want to launch this procedure before clicking on the button below."; $i18n['add_global_payback_note'] = "A backup of your database right now will be made and stored in the db_backup folder at the root of your instance. You'll be able to restore the current status of your database in case of error from your part."; $i18n['select_users_global_payback'] = "If you confirm the creation of a global payback, please select right below the users you want to include in the payback."; $i18n['users_to_include'] = 'Users to include'; $i18n['select'] = 'Select'; $i18n['nobody'] = 'Nobody'; $i18n['everybody'] = 'Everybody'; $i18n['add_global_payback_confirm'] = "You are going to add a global payback which includes the selected user. Confirm?"; $i18n['confirm'] = 'Confirm'; $i18n['a_bill'] = 'a bill'; $i18n['doesnt_exist'] = "doesn't exist"; $i18n['deleted_user'] = 'Deleted user'; $i18n['confirm_global_payback'] = "Are you sure you want to confirm this payback? This action can't be undone easily."; $i18n['go_back_list_global_paybacks'] = 'Go back to global paybacks list'; $i18n['submit'] = 'Submit'; $errors['unknown_username_password'] = 'Unknown username or password.'; $errors['token_error'] = 'Token error. Please resubmit the form.'; $errors['password_mismatch'] = 'The content of the two passwords fields doesn\'t match.'; $errors['user_already_exists'] = 'A user with the same login or display name already exists. Choose a different login or display name.'; $errors['write_error_data'] = 'The script can\'t write in data/ dir, check permissions set on this folder.'; $errors['write_error_db_backups'] = 'The script can\'t write in db_backup/ dir, check permissions set on this folder.'; $errors['db_dump_failed'] = 'Unable to dump the database. No changes were made.'; $errors['unable_write_config'] = 'Unable to write data/config.php file. Check permissions.'; $errors['negative_amount'] = 'Negative amount not allowed.'; $errors['template_error'] = 'Template not available.'; $errors['unauthorized'] = 'You are not authorized to do that.'; $errors['no_users'] = 'You must add at least one more user beside you.'; $errors['what_unknown'] = 'You must add something to describe this invoice in "what" field.'; $errors['incorrect_amount'] = 'Incorrect amount or amount is zero.'; $errors['email_invalid'] = 'Incorrect email address.';