Your Bouffe@Ulm instance is already configured. You should either delete data/config.php to access this page or delete the install.php for security reasons if you are ok with the configuration.
Go to your instance.

'); if(!function_exists("file_get_contents") && !function_exists("file_put_contents")) { $error = "Functions file_get_contents and file_put_contents seems to not be available on your PHP installation. You should enable them first."; $block_form = true; } if(!is_writable('data/')) { $error = "The script seems to be unable to write to data/ folder (to write the data/config.php configuration file). You should give write access during install and disable them after (chmod 777 -R data/ to install and chmod 755 -R data/ after installation for example). You'll need right access on this folder each time you will want to edit settings."; $block_form = true; } if(!is_writable('db_backups/')) { $error = "The script seems to be unable to write to db_backups/ folder (to write the database backups). You should give write access."; $block_form = true; } if(!empty($_POST['mysql_host']) && !empty($_POST['mysql_login']) && !empty($_POST['mysql_db']) && !empty($_POST['admin_login']) && !empty($_POST['admin_password']) && !empty($_POST['currency']) && !empty($_POST['instance_title']) && !empty($_POST['base_url']) && !empty($_POST['timezone']) && !empty($_POST['email_webmaster']) && check_token(600, 'install') && !empty($_POST['lang'])) { $mysql_host = $_POST['mysql_host']; $mysql_login = $_POST['mysql_login']; $mysql_db = $_POST['mysql_db']; $mysql_password = $_POST['mysql_password']; $mysql_prefix = (!empty($_POST['mysql_prefix'])) ? $_POST['mysql_prefix'] : ''; $instance_title = (!empty($_POST['instance_title'])) ? $_POST['instance_title'] : 'Bouffe@Ulm'; try { $db = new PDO('mysql:host='.$mysql_host.';dbname='.$mysql_db, $mysql_login, $mysql_password); //Create table "Users" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'Users (id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, login VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255), display_name VARCHAR(255), password VARCHAR(130), admin TINYINT(1), json_token VARCHAR(32), notifications TINYINT(1)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); //Create table "Invoices" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'Invoices (id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, date DATETIME, buyer INT(11), amount INT(11), what TEXT) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); //Create table "Users_in_invoices" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'Users_in_invoices (invoice_id INT(11) NOT NULL, KEY invoice_id (invoice_id), user_id INT(11), KEY user_id (user_id), guests INT(11)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); //Create table "Paybacks" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'Paybacks (id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, date DATETIME, invoice_id INT(11), KEY invoice_id (invoice_id), amount INT(11), from_user INT(11), to_user INT(11)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); // Create table "GlobalPaybacks" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'GlobalPaybacks (id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, date DATETIME, closed TINYINT(1)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); // Create table "Users_in_GlobalPaybacks" $db->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$mysql_prefix.'Users_in_GlobalPaybacks (global_payback_id INT(11) NOT NULL, KEY global_payback_id (global_payback_id), user1_id INT(11), user2_id INT(11), amount INT(11)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci'); } catch (PDOException $e) { $error = 'Unable to connect to database and create database, check your credentials and config.
Error message : '.$e->getMessage().'.'; } if(!filter_var($_POST['email_webmaster'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $email = 'Webmaster\'s e-mail address is invalid.'; } if(empty($error)) { if(function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) { $salt = strtr(base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)), '+', '.'); } else { mt_srand(microtime(true)*100000 + memory_get_usage(true)); $salt = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); } $salt = sprintf("$2a$%02d$", 10) . $salt; //prefix for blowfish $config = "setLogin($_POST['admin_login']); $admin->setDisplayName($_POST['admin_display_name']); $admin->setPassword($admin->encrypt($_POST['admin_password'])); $admin->setAdmin(true); $admin->newJsonToken(); $admin->save(); header('location: index.php'); exit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $erreur = 'An error occurred when inserting user in the database.
Error message : '.$e->getMessage().'.'; } } else $error = 'Unable to write configuration to config file data/config.php.'; } } ?> Bouffe@Ulm - Installation

Bouffe@Ulm - Installation


'; } ?>

This small form will guide you through the installation of Bouffe@Ulm. You must fill in all the fields.


Toggle visible

Note : You must create this database first.

Note : Leave the field blank to not use any.

General options

Note : This is the base URL from which you access this page. You must keep the trailing "/" in the above address.

For example : Europe/Paris. See the doc for more info.




Toggle visible

type="submit" value="Install">