<?php require_once('data/config.php'); require_once('Storage.class.php'); require_once('UsersIn.class.php'); class Invoice extends Storage { protected $id = 0, $date, $users_in, $buyer, $amount, $what; // date is a DateTime object // buyer is a User object // users_in is a UsersIn objects protected $TABLE_NAME = "Invoices"; protected $fields = array( 'id'=>'key', 'date'=>'date', 'buyer'=>'int', 'amount'=>'int', 'what'=>'text' ); public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->users_in = new UsersIn(); } // Getters // ======= public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getDate($format = "d-m-Y H:i") { if(!empty($this->date)) return $this->date->format($format); else return false; } public function getBuyer() { return $this->buyer; } public function getUsersIn() { return $this->users_in; } public function getAmount() { return (float) $this->amount / 100; // Amount is stored in cents } public function getWhat() { return $this->what; } // Setters // ======= public function setId($id) { $this->users_in->setInvoiceId($id); $this->id = (int) $id; } public function setDate($minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year) { if((int) $minute < 10) $minute = '0'.$minute; $this->date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-n-j G:i', $year.'-'.(int) $month.'-'.(int) $day.' '.(int) $hour.':'.$minute); } public function setGuests($guests) { $this->guests = $guests; } public function setBuyer($buyer) { $this->buyer = (int) $buyer; } public function setAmount ($amount) { $this->amount = (int) ($amount * 100); // Amount is stored in cents } public function setWhat($what) { $this->what = $what; } public function setUsersIn($users_in) { // Note : users_in in param is an array with users in listed and guests for each user $this->users_in->set($users_in); } // Get the amount to pay by person // =============================== public function getAmountPerPerson($id) { $guests = $this->users_in->get(); $guests = $guests[(int) $id]; // Amount is stored in cents return round($this->amount / 100 / (count($this->users_in->get()) + $guests), 2); } // Maps htmlspecialchars on the class before display // ================================================= public function secureDisplay() { $this->id = (int) $this->id; $this->what = htmlspecialchars($this->what); $this->amount = (float) $this->amount; $this->buyer = (int) $this->buyer; return $this; } // Restores object from array // ========================== public function sessionRestore($data, $serialized = false) { if($serialized) { $data = unserialize($data); } $this->setId($data['id']); $this->setWhat($data['what']); $this->amount = (int) $data['amount']; $this->setBuyer($data['buyer']); $this->date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']); } // Override parent load() method // ============================= public function load($fields = NULL, $first_only = false) { $return = parent::load($fields, $first_only); // Execute parent load if(is_array($return)) { foreach(array_keys($return) as $key) { $return[$key]->users_in->load(); // Load users in for each invoice } } elseif(is_a($return, 'Invoice')) { $return->users_in->load(); } return $return; // Return the loaded elements } // Override parent save() method // ============================ public function save() { parent::save(); // Save invoice element $this->users_in->save(); // Save users in } // Override parent delete() method // =============================== public function delete() { parent::delete(); // Delete invoice element $this->users_in->delete(); // Also delete users in } }