file_get_contents and file_put_contents seems to not be available on your PHP installation. You should enable them first."; $block_form = true; } if(!empty($_POST['mysql_host']) && !empty($_POST['mysql_login']) && !empty($_POST['mysql_db']) && !empty($_POST['admin_login']) && !empty($_POST['admin_pass'])) { $mysql_host = $_POST['mysql_host']; $mysql_login = $_POST['mysql_login']; $mysql_db = $_POST['mysql_login']; $mysql_password = $_POST['mysql_password']; $mysql_prefix = $_POST['mysql_prefix']; $instance_title = (!empty($_POST['instance_title'])) ? $_POST['instance_title'] : 'Bouffe@Ulm'; try { $db = new Storage(array('host'=>$mysql_host, 'login'=>$mysql_login, 'password'=>$mysql_password, 'db'=>$mysql_db); //TODO : Create tables } catch (PDOException $e) { $error = 'Unable to connect to database, check your credentials.'; } if(empty($error)) { if(function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) { $salt = mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM); } else { mt_srand(microtime(true)*100000 + memory_get_usage(true)); $salt = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); } define('SALT', $salt); $config = " define('VERSION_NUMBER', '2.0'); define('MYSQL_HOST', '".$mysql_host."'); define('MYSQL_LOGIN', '".$mysql_login."'); define('MYSQL_PASSWORD', '".$mysql_password."'); define('MYSQL_DB', '".$mysql_db."'); define('MYSQL_PREFIX', '".$mysql_prefix."'); define('INSTANCE_TITLE', '".$instance_title."'); define('BASE_URL', '".$_POST['base_url']."'); define('SALT', '".$salt."');"; if(file_put_contents("inc/config.php", $config)) { try { $admin = new User(); $admin->setLogin($_POST['admin_login']); $admin->setPassword($_POST['admin_password']); $admin->setAdmin(true); $admin->save(); header('location: index.php'); exit(); } catch ($e) { //TODO } } else $error = 'Unable to write configuration to config file inc/config.php.'; } } } ?> Bouffe@Ulm - Installation

Bouffe@Ulm - Installation


'; } ?>

This small form will guide you through the installation of Bouffe@Ulm.


Note : You must create this database first.

General options

Note : This is the base URL from which you access this website. You must keep the trailing "/" in the above address.


type="submit" class="center">