* i18n * Vérification des variables dans les classes + throw exception * tokens + ban system * remember me * htmlspecialchars => on users objects install.php : ============= * Link beside password field to toggle visible / not visible * TRUNCATE before CREATE TABLE in install.php inc/Invoices.class.php : ======================== * Better way to store date ? (use specific date types) * Better way to store users in ? * Modify load() method to handle complex queries (such as WHERE date < DATE_1 AND date > DATE_2) * Buyer as user object ? index.php?do=new_invoice : ========================== * Improve date handling for form display * Onchange not working as wanted index.php?do=settings : ======================= * Prefill the timezone field * Fill the fields with POST * Handle checkboxes in PHP ? * JavaScript to handle singular / plural + months