    // Ban system from sebsauvage
    // Usage :
    // * Use ban_canLogin() to check wether the user CAN login or not
    // * If true, test wether password is correct or not
    // *    If true, call ban_loginOk()
    // *    Else, call ban_loginFailed()
    // * Else, reject auth

    define('DATA_DIR', 'data'); // Data subdirectory
    define('IPBANS_FILENAME', DATA_DIR.'/ipbans.php'); // File storage for failures and bans.
    define('BAN_AFTER', 5); // Ban IP after this many failures.
    define('BAN_DURATION', 1800); // Ban duration for IP address after login failures (in seconds) (1800 sec. = 30 minutes)

    if (!is_dir(DATA_DIR)) { mkdir(DATA_DIR,0705); chmod(DATA_DIR,0705); }
    if (!is_file(DATA_DIR.'/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents(DATA_DIR.'/.htaccess',"Allow from none\nDeny from all\n"); } // Protect data files.

    // Logging function
    // ================
    function logm($message)
        $t = strval(date('Y/m/d_H:i:s')).' - '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].' - '.strval($message)."\n";

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Brute force protection system
    // Several consecutive failed logins will ban the IP address for 30 minutes.
    if (!is_file(IPBANS_FILENAME)) file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export(array('FAILURES'=>array(),'BANS'=>array()),true).";\n?>");
    include IPBANS_FILENAME;

    // Signal a failed login. Will ban the IP if too many failures:
    // ============================================================
    function ban_loginFailed()
        $ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb=$GLOBALS['IPBANS'];
        if (!isset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip])) $gb['FAILURES'][$ip]=0;
        if ($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]>(BAN_AFTER-1))
            logm('IP address banned from login');
        $GLOBALS['IPBANS'] = $gb;
        file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb,true).";\n?>");

    // Signals a successful login. Resets failed login counter.
    // ========================================================
    function ban_loginOk()
        $ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb=$GLOBALS['IPBANS'];
        unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]);
        $GLOBALS['IPBANS'] = $gb;
        file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb,true).";\n?>");
        logm('Login ok.');

    // Checks if the user CAN login. If 'true', the user can try to login.
    // ===================================================================
    function ban_canLogin()
        $ip=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb=$GLOBALS['IPBANS'];
        if (isset($gb['BANS'][$ip]))
            // User is banned. Check if the ban has expired:
            if ($gb['BANS'][$ip]<=time())
            { // Ban expired, user can try to login again.
                logm('Ban lifted.');
                unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]);
                file_put_contents(IPBANS_FILENAME, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb,true).";\n?>");
                return true; // Ban has expired, user can login.
            return false; // User is banned.
        return true; // User is not banned.

    // Returns user IP
    // ===============
    function user_ip()
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        // Then we use more HTTP headers to prevent session hijacking from users behind the same proxy.
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip=$ip.'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip=$ip.'_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; }
        return $ip;