{include="header"} {if condition="$error != ''"}


{/if} {if condition="$view == 'list_users'"}

List of users

You can also add a user.

{loop="users"} {/loop}
Id Login Display Name Is admin ? Edit Delete
{$value->getId()} {$value->getLogin()} {$value->getDisplayName()} {$value->getAdmin() ? "Yes" : "No"} Edit {if condition="$value->getId() != $current_user->getId()"}Delete{/if}
{elseif condition="$view == 'edit_user'"}

{$user_id != -1 ? 'Edit' : 'Add'} a user

Toggle visible {if condition="$user_id != -1"}
Note : Leave blank this field if you don't want to edit password. {/if}

Give admin rights to this user ?

{if condition="$user_id != -1"}{/if}

{elseif condition="$view == 'password'"}

Edit your password

Toggle visible
