Problem with raintpl solved, raintpl class updated in inc folder and pull request submitted to raintpl
This commit is contained in:
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class RainTPL{
function assign( $variable, $value = null ){
if( is_array( $variable ) )
$this->var += $variable;
$this->var = $variable + $this->var;
$this->var[ $variable ] = $value;
@ -221,8 +221,10 @@ class RainTPL{
// set the cache_id
$this->cache_id = $cache_id;
if( !$this->check_template( $tpl_name ) && file_exists( $this->tpl['cache_filename'] ) && ( time() - filemtime( $this->tpl['cache_filename'] ) < $expire_time ) )
if( !$this->check_template( $tpl_name ) && file_exists( $this->tpl['cache_filename'] ) && ( time() - filemtime( $this->tpl['cache_filename'] ) < $expire_time ) ){
// return the cached file as HTML. It remove the first 43 character, which are a PHP code to secure the file <?php if(!class_exists('raintpl')){exit;}? >
return substr( file_get_contents( $this->tpl['cache_filename'] ), 43 );
//delete the cache of the selected template
if (file_exists($this->tpl['cache_filename']))
@ -257,24 +259,30 @@ class RainTPL{
$tpl_basename = basename( $tpl_name ); // template basename
$tpl_basedir = strpos($tpl_name,"/") ? dirname($tpl_name) . '/' : null; // template basedirectory
$tpl_dir = self::$tpl_dir . $tpl_basedir; // template directory
$this->tpl['tpl_filename'] = $tpl_dir . $tpl_basename . '.' . self::$tpl_ext; // template filename
$temp_compiled_filename = self::$cache_dir . $tpl_basename . "." . md5( $tpl_dir . serialize(self::$config_name_sum));
$this->tpl['template_directory'] = self::$tpl_dir . $tpl_basedir; // template directory
$this->tpl['tpl_filename'] = $this->tpl['template_directory'] . $tpl_basename . '.' . self::$tpl_ext; // template filename
$temp_compiled_filename = self::$cache_dir . $tpl_basename . "." . md5( $this->tpl['template_directory'] . serialize(self::$config_name_sum));
$this->tpl['compiled_filename'] = $temp_compiled_filename . '.rtpl.php'; // cache filename
$this->tpl['cache_filename'] = $temp_compiled_filename . '.s_' . $this->cache_id . '.rtpl.php'; // static cache filename
// if the template doesn't exsist throw an error
if( self::$check_template_update && !file_exists( $this->tpl['tpl_filename'] ) ){
$this->tpl['checked'] = true;
// if the template doesn't exist and is not an external source throw an error
if( self::$check_template_update && !file_exists( $this->tpl['tpl_filename'] ) && !preg_match('/http/', $tpl_name) ){
$e = new RainTpl_NotFoundException( 'Template '. $tpl_basename .' not found!' );
throw $e->setTemplateFile($this->tpl['tpl_filename']);
// file doesn't exsist, or the template was updated, Rain will compile the template
if( !file_exists( $this->tpl['compiled_filename'] ) || ( self::$check_template_update && filemtime($this->tpl['compiled_filename']) < filemtime( $this->tpl['tpl_filename'] ) ) ){
// We check if the template is not an external source
if(preg_match('/http/', $tpl_name)){
$this->compileFile('', '', $tpl_name, self::$cache_dir, $this->tpl['compiled_filename'] );
return true;
// file doesn't exist, or the template was updated, Rain will compile the template
elseif( !file_exists( $this->tpl['compiled_filename'] ) || ( self::$check_template_update && filemtime($this->tpl['compiled_filename']) < filemtime( $this->tpl['tpl_filename'] ) ) ){
$this->compileFile( $tpl_basename, $tpl_basedir, $this->tpl['tpl_filename'], self::$cache_dir, $this->tpl['compiled_filename'] );
return true;
$this->tpl['checked'] = true;
@ -372,13 +380,18 @@ class RainTPL{
* @access protected
protected function compileCode( $parsed_code ){
// if parsed code is empty return null string
if( !$parsed_code )
return "";
//variables initialization
$compiled_code = $open_if = $comment_is_open = $ignore_is_open = null;
$loop_level = 0;
$loop_level = 0;
//read all parsed code
while( $html = array_shift( $parsed_code ) ){
foreach( $parsed_code as $html ){
//close ignore tag
if( !$comment_is_open && ( strpos( $html, '{/ignore}' ) !== FALSE || strpos( $html, '*}' ) !== FALSE ) )
@ -407,37 +420,47 @@ class RainTPL{
//include tag
elseif( preg_match( '/\{include="([^"]*)"(?: cache="([^"]*)"){0,1}\}/', $html, $code ) ){
if (preg_match("/http/", $code[1])) {
$content = file_get_contents($code[1]);
$compiled_code .= $content;
} else {
//variables substitution
$include_var = $this->var_replace( $code[ 1 ], $left_delimiter = null, $right_delimiter = null, $php_left_delimiter = '".' , $php_right_delimiter = '."', $loop_level );
//variables substitution
$include_var = $this->var_replace( $code[ 1 ], $left_delimiter = null, $right_delimiter = null, $php_left_delimiter = '".' , $php_right_delimiter = '."', $loop_level );
//get the folder of the actual template
$actual_folder = substr( $this->tpl['template_directory'], strlen(self::$tpl_dir) );
// if the cache is active
if( isset($code[ 2 ]) ){
//dynamic include
$compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' .
'if( $cache = $tpl->cache( $template = basename("'.$include_var.'") ) )' .
' echo $cache;' .
'else{' .
' $tpl_dir_temp = self::$tpl_dir;' .
' $tpl->assign( $this->var );' .
( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ).
' $tpl->draw( dirname("'.$include_var.'") . ( substr("'.$include_var.'",-1,1) != "/" ? "/" : "" ) . basename("'.$include_var.'") );'.
'} ?>';
//get the included template
$include_template = $actual_folder . $include_var;
// reduce the path
$include_template = $this->reduce_path( $include_template );
// if the cache is active
if( isset($code[ 2 ]) ){
$compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_called_class().';' .
'if( $cache = $tpl->cache( "'.$include_template.'" ) )' .
' echo $cache;' .
'else{' .
'$tpl->assign( $this->var );' .
( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ).
'$tpl->draw( "'.$include_template.'" );'.
'}' .
$compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_called_class().';' .
'$tpl->assign( $this->var );' .
( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ).
'$tpl->draw( "'.$include_template.'" );'.
//dynamic include
$compiled_code .= '<?php $tpl = new '.get_class($this).';' .
'$tpl_dir_temp = self::$tpl_dir;' .
'$tpl->assign( $this->var );' .
( !$loop_level ? null : '$tpl->assign( "key", $key'.$loop_level.' ); $tpl->assign( "value", $value'.$loop_level.' );' ).
'$tpl->draw( dirname("'.$include_var.'") . ( substr("'.$include_var.'",-1,1) != "/" ? "/" : "" ) . basename("'.$include_var.'") );'.
@ -590,10 +613,15 @@ class RainTPL{
* @return type
protected function reduce_path( $path ){
$path = str_replace( "://", "@not_replace@", $path );
$path = str_replace( "//", "/", $path );
$path = str_replace( "@not_replace@", "://", $path );
return preg_replace('/\w+\/\.\.\//', '', $path );
$path = str_replace( "://", "@not_replace@", $path );
$path = preg_replace( "#(/+)#", "/", $path );
$path = preg_replace( "#(/\./+)#", "/", $path );
$path = str_replace( "@not_replace@", "://", $path );
while( preg_match( '#\.\./#', $path ) ){
$path = preg_replace('#\w+/\.\./#', '', $path );
return $path;
@ -619,27 +647,27 @@ class RainTPL{
$exp = $sub = array();
if( in_array( "img", self::$path_replace_list ) ){
$exp = array( '/<img(.*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/i', '/<img(.*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/i', '/<img(.*?)src="(.*?)"/', '/<img(.*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/i' );
$exp = array( '/<img(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/iU', '/<img(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/iU', '/<img(.[^<]*?)src="(.*?)"/iU', '/<img(.[^<]*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/iU' );
$sub = array( '<img$1src=@$2://$3@', '<img$1src=@$2@', '<img$1src="' . $path . '$2"', '<img$1src="$2"' );
if( in_array( "script", self::$path_replace_list ) ){
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<script(.*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/i', '/<script(.*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/i', '/<script(.*?)src="(.*?)"/', '/<script(.*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/i' ) );
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<script(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/iU', '/<script(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/iU', '/<script(.[^<]*?)src="(.*?)"/iU', '/<script(.[^<]*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/iU' ) );
$sub = array_merge( $sub , array( '<script$1src=@$2://$3@', '<script$1src=@$2@', '<script$1src="' . $path . '$2"', '<script$1src="$2"' ) );
if( in_array( "link", self::$path_replace_list ) ){
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<link(.*?)href=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/i', '/<link(.*?)href=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/i', '/<link(.*?)href="(.*?)"/', '/<link(.*?)href=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/i' ) );
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<link(.[^<]*?)href=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/iU', '/<link(.[^<]*?)href=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/iU', '/<link(.[^<]*?)href="(.*?)"/iU', '/<link(.[^<]*?)href=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/iU' ) );
$sub = array_merge( $sub , array( '<link$1href=@$2://$3@', '<link$1href=@$2@' , '<link$1href="' . $path . '$2"', '<link$1href="$2"' ) );
if( in_array( "a", self::$path_replace_list ) ){
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<a(.*?)href=(?:")(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|javascript:)([^"]+?)(?:")/i', '/<a(.*?)href="(.*?)"/', '/<a(.*?)href=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/i' ) );
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<a(.[^<]*?)href=(?:")(http\:\/\/|https\:\/\/|javascript:|mailto:)([^"]+?)(?:")/iU', '/<a(.[^<]*?)href="(.*?)"/iU', '/<a(.[^<]*?)href=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/iU' ) );
$sub = array_merge( $sub , array( '<a$1href=@$2$3@', '<a$1href="' . self::$base_url . '$2"', '<a$1href="$2"' ) );
if( in_array( "input", self::$path_replace_list ) ){
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<input(.*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/i', '/<input(.*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/i', '/<input(.*?)src="(.*?)"/', '/<input(.*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/i' ) );
$exp = array_merge( $exp , array( '/<input(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")(http|https)\:\/\/([^"]+?)(?:")/iU', '/<input(.[^<]*?)src=(?:")([^"]+?)#(?:")/iU', '/<input(.[^<]*?)src="(.*?)"/iU', '/<input(.[^<]*?)src=(?:\@)([^"]+?)(?:\@)/iU' ) );
$sub = array_merge( $sub , array( '<input$1src=@$2://$3@', '<input$1src=@$2@', '<input$1src="' . $path . '$2"', '<input$1src="$2"' ) );
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
raintpl::$tpl_dir = 'tpl/';
raintpl::$cache_dir = 'tmp/';
raintpl::configure('base_url', htmlspecialchars(BASE_URL));
// Define raintpl instance
$tpl = new raintpl();
@ -22,9 +21,6 @@
$tpl->assign('currency', htmlspecialchars(CURRENCY));
$tpl->assign('email_webmaster', htmlspecialchars(EMAIL_WEBMASTER));
// TODO : Avoid a bug in rainTPL with img near input
$tpl->configure('path_replace_list', array('a', 'img', 'link', 'script'));
// Set sessions parameters
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ input[type=submit] {
border-radius: 10px;
#title, #title a:visited, #install h1 {
#title, #title a, #title a:visited, #install h1 {
background-color: #333;
border-bottom: 0.3em solid green;
color: white;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user