Fix issue #9 + global payback
TODO : * Finish to fix globals paybacks * Bad handling of cents when paying back… :/
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
// Get the amount to pay by person
// ===============================
public function getAmountPerPerson($id) {
public function getAmountPerPerson($id, $round = true) {
$users_in = $this->users_in->get();
$guests = 0;
@ -97,7 +97,12 @@
// Amount is stored in cents
return (isset($users_in[(int) $id])) ? round($this->amount / 100 / (count($users_in) + $guests) * (1 + $users_in[(int) $id]), 2) : 0; // Note : $users_in[(int) $id] is the number of guests for user $id
if($round) {
return (isset($users_in[(int) $id])) ? round($this->amount / 100 / (count($users_in) + $guests) * (1 + $users_in[(int) $id]), 2) : 0; // Note : $users_in[(int) $id] is the number of guests for user $id
else {
return (isset($users_in[(int) $id])) ? $this->amount / 100 / (count($users_in) + $guests) * (1 + $users_in[(int) $id]) : 0; // Note : $users_in[(int) $id] is the number of guests for user $id
// Maps htmlspecialchars on the class before display
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
'user_already_exists'=>array('fr'=>'Un utilisateur avec le même login ou nom d\'affichage existe déjà. Choisissez un login ou un nom d\'affichage différent.', 'en'=>'A user with the same login or display name already exists. Choose a different login or display name.'),
'write_error_data'=>array('fr'=>'Le script ne peut pas écrire dans le dossier data/, vérifiez les permissions sur ce dossier.', 'en'=>'The script can\'t write in data/ dir, check permissions set on this folder.'),
'write_error_db_backups'=>array('fr'=>'Le script ne peut pas écrire dans le dossier db_backups/, vérifiez les permissions sur ce dossier.', 'en'=>'The script can\'t write in db_backup/ dir, check permissions set on this folder.'),
'db_dump_failed'=>array('fr'=>'Échec de la sauvegarde de la base de données. Aucune modification n\'a eu lieu.', 'en'=>'Unable to dump the database. No changes were made.'),
'unable_write_config'=>array('fr'=>'Impossible d\'écrire le fichier data/config.php. Vérifiez les permissions.', 'en'=>'Unable to write data/config.php file. Check permissions.'),
'negative_amount'=>array('fr'=>'Montant négatif non autorisé.', 'en'=>'Negative amount not allowed.'),
'template_error'=>array('fr'=>'Template non disponible.', 'en'=>'Template not available.'),
@ -527,7 +528,10 @@
$invoice->setDate(0, int2ampm($_POST['date_hour']), $_POST['date_day'], $_POST['date_month'], $_POST['date_year']);
@ -903,153 +907,159 @@
else {
system("mysqldump -q -h \"".MYSQL_HOST."\" -u \"".MYSQL_LOGIN."\" -p\"".MYSQL_PASSWORD."\" \"".MYSQL_DB."\" > db_backups/".date('d-m-Y_H:i'));
$users_in = array();
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user1_id) {
$user1_id = intval($user1_id);
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user2_id) {
$user2_id = intval($user2_id);
if($user1_id == $user2_id) {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
elseif(!empty($users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id])) {
if($users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id] > 0) {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
else {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = -$users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id];
$users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id] = 0;
else {
// Get the amount user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
// Confirm all paybacks when user2 is buyer
$invoices = new Invoice();
$invoices = $invoices->load(array('buyer'=>$user2_id));
if($invoices !== false) {
foreach($invoices as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user1_id) !== false) {
$paybacks = new Payback();
$paybacks = $paybacks->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user2_id, 'from_user'=>$user1_id));
if($paybacks === false) {
$payback = new Payback();
$payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Add the amount to what user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] += $payback->getAmount();
// Confirm all paybacks when from is buyer
$invoices = new Invoice();
$invoices = $invoices->load(array('buyer'=>$user1_id));
if($invoices !== false) {
foreach($invoices as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user2_id) !== false) {
$paybacks = new Payback();
$paybacks = $paybacks->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user1_id, 'from_user'=>$user2_id));
if($paybacks === false) {
$payback = new Payback();
$payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Substract the amount to what user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] -= $payback->getAmount();
// Now, let's simplify the matrix ! :)
// First, get the total balance by user (gains - debts)
$balances = array();
$simplified_balances = array();
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user) {
$balances[$user] = 0;
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user2) {
if(!empty($users_in[$user][$user2])) {
$balances[$user] -= $users_in[$user][$user2];
if(!empty($users_in[$user2][$user])) {
$balances[$user] += $users_in[$user2][$user];
$simplified_balances[$user][$user2] = 0;
// Round at 0.01 currency
foreach($balances as $key=>$balance) {
$balances[$key] = round($balance, 2);
// Do while $balances is not identically filled with zeros
$i = 0;
while(count(array_unique($balances)) != 1 or $balances[key($balances)] != 0) {
// Sort balances in abs values, desc
uasort($balances, "sort_array_abs");
// Get the largest one in abs
// The following largest with opposite sign must pay him back the max
$user1 = key($balances);
foreach($balances as $user2=>$value) {
if($value * $balances[$user1] < 0) {
if($balances[$user1] > 0) {
$simplified_balances[$user2][$user1] = round(abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user1] = round($balances[$user1] - abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user2] = round($balances[$user2] + abs($value), 2);
else {
$simplified_balances[$user1][$user2] = round(abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user1] = round($balances[$user1] + abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user2] = round($balances[$user2] - abs($value), 2);
if($global_payback->getUsersIn()->isEmpty()) {
if(system(escapeshellcmd("mysqldump -q -h \"".MYSQL_HOST."\" -u \"".MYSQL_LOGIN."\" -p\"".MYSQL_PASSWORD."\" \"".MYSQL_DB."\" > db_backups/".date('d-m-Y_H:i'))) === FALSE) {
$tpl->assign('error', $errors['db_dump_failed'][LANG]);
$tpl->assign('block_error', true);
else {
$users_in = array();
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user1_id) {
$user1_id = intval($user1_id);
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user2_id) {
$user2_id = intval($user2_id);
if($user1_id == $user2_id) {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
elseif(!empty($users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id])) {
if($users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id] > 0) {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
else {
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = -$users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id];
$users_in[$user2_id][$user1_id] = 0;
else {
// Get the amount user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] = 0;
$global_payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Confirm all paybacks when user2 is buyer
$invoices = new Invoice();
$invoices = $invoices->load(array('buyer'=>$user2_id));
// Clear the cache
($cached_files = glob(raintpl::$cache_dir."*.rtpl.php")) or ($cached_files = array());
array_map("unlink", $cached_files);
if($invoices !== false) {
foreach($invoices as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user1_id) !== false) {
$paybacks = new Payback();
$paybacks = $paybacks->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user2_id, 'from_user'=>$user1_id));
header('location: index.php?do=manage_paybacks&'.$get_redir);
if($paybacks === false) {
$payback = new Payback();
$payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Add the amount to what user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] += $payback->getAmount();
// Confirm all paybacks when from is buyer
$invoices = new Invoice();
$invoices = $invoices->load(array('buyer'=>$user1_id));
if($invoices !== false) {
foreach($invoices as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user2_id) !== false) {
$paybacks = new Payback();
$paybacks = $paybacks->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user1_id, 'from_user'=>$user2_id));
if($paybacks === false) {
$payback = new Payback();
$payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Substract the amount to what user1 owes to user2
$users_in[$user1_id][$user2_id] -= $payback->getAmount();
// Now, let's simplify the matrix ! :)
// First, get the total balance by user (gains - debts)
$balances = array();
$simplified_balances = array();
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user) {
$balances[$user] = 0;
foreach($_POST['users_in'] as $user2) {
if(!empty($users_in[$user][$user2])) {
$balances[$user] -= $users_in[$user][$user2];
if(!empty($users_in[$user2][$user])) {
$balances[$user] += $users_in[$user2][$user];
$simplified_balances[$user][$user2] = 0;
// Round at 0.01 currency
foreach($balances as $key=>$balance) {
$balances[$key] = round($balance, 2);
// Do while $balances is not identically filled with zeros
$i = 0;
while(count(array_unique($balances)) != 1 or $balances[key($balances)] != 0) {
// Sort balances in abs values, desc
uasort($balances, "sort_array_abs");
// Get the largest one in abs
// The following largest with opposite sign must pay him back the max
$user1 = key($balances);
foreach($balances as $user2=>$value) {
if($value * $balances[$user1] < 0) {
if($balances[$user1] > 0) {
$simplified_balances[$user2][$user1] = round(abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user1] = round($balances[$user1] - abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user2] = round($balances[$user2] + abs($value), 2);
else {
$simplified_balances[$user1][$user2] = round(abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user1] = round($balances[$user1] + abs($value), 2);
$balances[$user2] = round($balances[$user2] - abs($value), 2);
if($global_payback->getUsersIn()->isEmpty()) {
else {
$global_payback->setDate(date('i'), date('G'), date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
// Clear the cache
($cached_files = glob(raintpl::$cache_dir."*.rtpl.php")) or ($cached_files = array());
array_map("unlink", $cached_files);
header('location: index.php?do=manage_paybacks&'.$get_redir);
else {
$tpl->assign('error', $errors['token_error'][LANG]);
@ -1130,7 +1140,7 @@
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = '-';
else {
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = -round($balances[$user2->getId()][$user1->getId()], 2);
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = -$balances[$user2->getId()][$user1->getId()];
$balances[$user2->getId()][$user1->getId()] = '-';
@ -1145,12 +1155,12 @@
if($invoices_list_balances !== false) {
foreach($invoices_list_balances as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getUsersIn()->inUsersIn($user1->getId())) {
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = round($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] + $invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user1->getId()), 2);
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = $balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] + $invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user1->getId(), false);
$payback_balance = new Payback();
$payback_balance = $payback_balance->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'from_user'=>$user1->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user2->getId()), true);
if($payback_balance !== false)
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = round($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] - $payback_balance->getAmount(), 2);
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = $balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] - $payback_balance->getAmount();
@ -1161,12 +1171,12 @@
if($invoices_list_balances !== false) {
foreach($invoices_list_balances as $invoice) {
if($invoice->getUsersIn()->inUsersIn($user2->getId())) {
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = round($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] - $invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user2->getId()), 2);
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = $balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] - $invoice->getAmountPerPerson($user2->getId(), false);
$payback_balance = new Payback();
$payback_balance = $payback_balance->load(array('invoice_id'=>$invoice->getId(), 'from_user'=>$user2->getId(), 'to_user'=>$user1->getId()), true);
if($payback_balance !== false)
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = round($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] + $payback_balance->getAmount(), 2);
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = $balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] + $payback_balance->getAmount();
@ -1178,14 +1188,21 @@
foreach($users_list as $user1) {
foreach($users_list as $user2) {
if($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] != '-' && $balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] != 'X')
$balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()] = round($balances[$user1->getId()][$user2->getId()], 2);
if(!$current_user->getAdmin()) {
$user_balance = 0;
foreach($users_list as $user1) {
$user_balance = round($user_balance - $balances[$current_user->getId()][$user1->getId()], 2);
$user_balance = round($user_balance + $balances[$user1->getId()][$current_user->getId()], 2);
$user_balance = $user_balance - $balances[$current_user->getId()][$user1->getId()];
$user_balance = $user_balance + $balances[$user1->getId()][$current_user->getId()];
$tpl->assign('user_balance', $user_balance);
$tpl->assign('user_balance', round($user_balance,2));
$tpl->assign('users', secureDisplay($users_list));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user