2013-09-05 23:07:40 +02:00
* Don't cache the username
2013-09-06 23:21:05 +02:00
* JSON output => do index view
2013-09-06 22:08:13 +02:00
2013-08-09 23:43:56 +02:00
2013-08-13 19:37:11 +02:00
inc/Invoices.class.php :
2013-09-05 23:07:40 +02:00
* Storage of users in ?!?
2013-09-05 23:46:51 +02:00
* Add / Edit a bill
2013-08-13 19:37:11 +02:00
2013-08-17 19:28:42 +02:00
Manage paybacks :
2013-09-05 23:07:40 +02:00
* TODO : Payback system (class should be ok)
2013-09-06 20:07:28 +02:00
* TODO : Global payback
2013-08-25 23:06:47 +02:00
2013-08-30 20:07:52 +02:00
To test :
2013-08-25 23:06:47 +02:00
* Connection form
2013-08-30 20:07:52 +02:00
* Remember me ?
2013-08-25 23:06:47 +02:00
* Edit notice
* Add / Edit user
* Change password
2013-08-26 09:29:30 +02:00
* Change settings