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init(true, false);
//Return an array with date of the start of the month and of the end of the month
function bornes_mois($num_mois,$annee)
$debut_mois = mktime(0, 0, 0,$num_mois, 1, $annee);
$dernier_jour = array(
$fin_mois = mktime(23, 59, 59, $num_mois, $dernier_jour[$num_mois], $annee);
$bornes = array($debut_mois, $fin_mois);
return $bornes;
//Return what A must pay to B
function dettes($A, $B, $debut_mois, $fin_mois)
global $bdd;
//When A paid and B was here
$reqA_B = $bdd->prepare('SELECT id, date, montant, copains, invites FROM depenses WHERE date>'.$debut_mois.' AND date<'.$fin_mois.' AND de=:param1 AND (copains LIKE "%,'.(int) $B.',%" OR copains LIKE "%,'.(int)$B.'" OR copains LIKE "'.(int) $B.',%" OR copains LIKE "'.(int) $B.'")');
//When B paid and A was here
$reqB_A = $bdd->prepare('SELECT id, date, montant, copains, invites FROM depenses WHERE date>'.$debut_mois.' AND date<'.$fin_mois.' AND de=:param1 AND (copains LIKE "%,'.(int) $A.',%" OR copains LIKE "%,'.(int)$A.'" OR copains LIKE "'.(int) $A.',%" OR copains LIKE "'.(int) $A.'")');
//What A already paid to B for the current month
$reqPaiementsA_B = $bdd -> prepare('SELECT paiements.montant AS montant FROM paiements LEFT JOIN depenses ON paiements.id_depense=depenses.id WHERE depenses.date >'.$debut_mois.' AND depenses.date<'.$fin_mois.' AND paiements.de=:de AND paiements.a=:a');
//Same thing for B to A
$reqPaiementsB_A = $bdd -> prepare('SELECT paiements.montant AS montant FROM paiements LEFT JOIN depenses ON paiements.id_depense=depenses.id WHERE depenses.date >'.$debut_mois.' AND depenses.date<'.$fin_mois.' AND paiements.de=:de AND paiements.a=:a');
//$deltaAB : What A must pay to B
$deltaAB = 0;
while($donneesA_B = $reqA_B->fetch())
//We get the price of the meal, divided by the number of people who ate
//nbre de virgule + 1
$deltaAB -= $donneesA_B['montant']/(substr_count($donneesA_B['copains'], ',') + 1 + $donneesA_B['invites']);
while($donneesB_A = $reqB_A->fetch()) //idem
$deltaAB += $donneesB_A['montant']/(substr_count($donneesB_A['copains'], ',') + 1 + $donneesB_A['invites']);
while($donneesPaiementsA_B = $reqPaiementsA_B->fetch()) //idem
$deltaAB -= $donneesPaiementsA_B['montant'];
while($donneesPaiementsB_A = $reqPaiementsB_A->fetch()) //idem
$deltaAB += $donneesPaiementsB_A['montant'];
return $deltaAB;
// When we've "de", "a" and "rbmt", we have to remove the matrix block
// corresponding to it in "rbmt"
if(isset($_GET['de']) && isset($_GET['a']) && isset($_GET['rbmt']))
// If your are not the one to receive, or not admin, you've no right
if($_GET['a'] == $_SESSION['id'] || !empty($_SESSION['admin']))
// If we have to insert a paiment, we get the matrix and replace the
// paiment with 0, then put it back in the database
$req = $bdd->query('SELECT matrix FROM remboursements WHERE id='.$_GET['rbmt']);
$retour = $req->fetch();
$matrix = unserialize($retour["matrix"]);
$matrix[$_GET['de']][$_GET['a']] = 0;
$req = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE remboursements SET matrix=:matrix WHERE id=:id');
$req->bindValue(':matrix', serialize($matrix));
$req->bindValue(':id', $_GET['rbmt']);
header('location: message.php?id=10');
// We prompt to confirm the operation
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Bouffe@Ulm : remboursements</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="misc/design.css" />
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<h1>Remboursements simplifiés</h1>
<form method="post" action="rbmt.php?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];?>">
<input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="1"/>
<input type="submit" value="Confirmer le remboursement" /> ou <a href="rbmt.php">retour aux remboursements</a><br/>
<em>Attention, cette opération n'est pas réversible. Une fois le paiement confirmé, il est impossible de revenir en arrière.</em>
header('location: message.php?id=9');
// We print the list of elements in remboursements
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Bouffe@Ulm : remboursements</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="misc/design.css" />
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<h1>Remboursements simplifiés</h1>
echo '<h2>Remboursements précédents</h2>';
$req = $bdd->prepare('SELECT * FROM remboursements');
// We create a table string and a links string. The first will contain a
// matrix if we want to see one particular rbmt. Links will provide links
// to the other rbmt.
$table = '';
$links = '';
while($data = $req->fetch())
// Reset the list of friend to ''
$liste = '';
// Extract info from $data
// First the date
$date = date('j/m', $data['date']);
// List of friend
$copains = unserialize($data['copains']);
foreach($copains as $nom)
$liste .= ', ' . $nom;
// If we clicked on one particular rbmt
if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] == $data['id'] && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "show")
$table .= "<li>Le {$date}{$liste}";
$matrix = unserialize($data['matrix']);
<th class="centre">Doit\À</th>';
//Construct the header of the table
foreach($copains as $key => $copain)
if($_SESSION['nom'] == $copain)
$copain = '<strong>'.$copain.'</strong>';
$table .= '<th class="centre">'.$copain.'</th>';
$table .= '</tr>';
//For each peer of buddy, print the block in the array
foreach($copains as $keyA=>$copainA)
if($_SESSION['nom'] == $copainA)
$copainA = '<strong>'.$copainA.'</strong>';
$table .= '<tr><th class="centre">'.$copainA.'</th>';
foreach($copains as $keyB=>$copainB)
if($matrix[$keyA][$keyB] <= 0)
$table .= '<td class="centre">-</td>';
if ($keyB == $_SESSION['id'] || !empty($_SESSION['admin']))
$table .= '<td class="centre"><a href="rbmt.php?rbmt='.$data['id'].'&de='.$keyA.'&a='.$keyB.'">'.$matrix[$keyA][$keyB].'</a></td>';
$table .= '<td class="centre">'.$matrix[$keyA][$keyB].'</td>';
$table .= '</tr>';
$table .= '</table></li>';
// Else, we print a link
$links .= "<li><a href='?id={$data['id']}&action=show'>Le {$date}{$liste}</a></li>";
echo '<p><ul>';
if (isset($table)) echo $table;
if (isset($links)) echo $links;
echo '</ul></p>';
echo '<p>';
echo '<a href="index.php">Retour à l\'accueil</a>';
echo '</p>';
echo '</body></html>';