#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2012, Nathan Grigg # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of this package nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as # is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited # to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a # particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall Nathan Grigg be # liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or # consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of # substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business # interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in # contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) # arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of # the possibility of such damage. # # (also known as the New BSD License) # # Indiscriminate automated downloads from arXiv.org are not permitted. # For more information, see http://arxiv.org/help/robots # # This script usually makes only one call to arxiv.org per run. # No caching of any kind is performed. from __future__ import print_function from xml.etree import ElementTree import sys import re import os if sys.version_info < (2, 6): raise Exception("Python 2.6 or higher required") # Python 2 compatibility code PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if not PY2: from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError print_bytes = lambda s: sys.stdout.buffer.write(s) else: from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import HTTPError, urlopen print_bytes = lambda s: sys.stdout.write(s) # Namespaces ATOM = '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}' ARXIV = '{http://arxiv.org/schemas/atom}' # regular expressions to check if arxiv id is valid NEW_STYLE = re.compile(r'^\d{4}\.\d{4}(v\d+)?$') OLD_STYLE = re.compile(r"""(?x) ^( math-ph |hep-ph |nucl-ex |nucl-th |gr-qc |astro-ph |hep-lat |quant-ph |hep-ex |hep-th |stat (\.(AP|CO|ML|ME|TH))? |q-bio (\.(BM|CB|GN|MN|NC|OT|PE|QM|SC|TO))? |cond-mat (\.(dis-nn|mes-hall|mtrl-sci|other|soft|stat-mech|str-el|supr-con))? |cs (\.(AR|AI|CL|CC|CE|CG|GT|CV|CY|CR|DS|DB|DL|DM|DC|GL|GR|HC|IR|IT|LG|LO| MS|MA|MM|NI|NE|NA|OS|OH|PF|PL|RO|SE|SD|SC))? |nlin (\.(AO|CG|CD|SI|PS))? |physics (\.(acc-ph|ao-ph|atom-ph|atm-clus|bio-ph|chem-ph|class-ph|comp-ph| data-an|flu-dyn|gen-ph|geo-ph|hist-ph|ins-det|med-ph|optics|ed-ph| soc-ph|plasm-ph|pop-ph|space-ph))? |math (\.(AG|AT|AP|CT|CA|CO|AC|CV|DG|DS|FA|GM|GN|GT|GR|HO|IT|KT|LO|MP|MG |NT|NA|OA|OC|PR|QA|RT|RA|SP|ST|SG))? )/\d{7}(v\d+)?$""") def is_valid(arxiv_id): """Checks if id resembles a valid arxiv identifier.""" return bool(NEW_STYLE.match(arxiv_id)) or bool(OLD_STYLE.match(arxiv_id)) class FatalError(Exception): """Error that prevents us from continuing""" class NotFoundError(Exception): """Reference not found by the arxiv API""" class Reference(object): """Represents a single reference. Instantiate using Reference(entry_xml). Note entry_xml should be an ElementTree.Element object. """ def __init__(self, entry_xml): self.xml = entry_xml self.url = self._field_text('id') self.id = self._id() self.authors = self._authors() self.title = self._field_text('title') if len(self.id) == 0 or len(self.authors) == 0 or len(self.title) == 0: raise NotFoundError("No such publication", self.id) self.summary = self._field_text('summary') self.category = self._category() self.year, self.month = self._published() self.updated = self._field_text('updated') self.bare_id = self.id[:self.id.rfind('v')] self.note = self._field_text('journal_ref', namespace=ARXIV) def _authors(self): """Extracts author names from xml.""" xml_list = self.xml.findall(ATOM + 'author/' + ATOM + 'name') return [field.text for field in xml_list] def _field_text(self, id, namespace=ATOM): """Extracts text from arbitrary xml field""" try: return self.xml.find(namespace + id).text.strip() except: return "" def _category(self): """Get category""" try: return self.xml.find(ARXIV + 'primary_category').attrib['term'] except: return "" def _id(self): """Get arxiv id""" try: id_url = self._field_text('id') return id_url[id_url.find('/abs/') + 5:] except: return "" def _published(self): """Get published date""" published = self._field_text('published') if len(published) < 7: return "", "" y, m = published[:4], published[5:7] try: m = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Nov", "Dec"][int(m) - 1] except: pass return y, m def bibtex(self): """BibTex string of the reference.""" lines = ["@article{" + self.id] for k, v in [("Author", " and ".join(self.authors)), ("Title", self.title), ("Eprint", self.id), ("ArchivePrefix", "arXiv"), ("PrimaryClass", self.category), ("Abstract", self.summary), ("Year", self.year), ("Month", self.month), ("Note", self.note), ("Url", self.url), ("File", self.id + ".pdf"), ]: if len(v): lines.append("%-13s = {%s}" % (k, v)) return ("," + os.linesep).join(lines) + os.linesep + "}" class ReferenceErrorInfo(object): """Contains information about a reference error""" def __init__(self, message, id): self.message = message self.id = id self.bare_id = id[:id.rfind('v')] # mark it as really old, so it gets superseded if possible self.updated = '0' def bibtex(self): """BibTeX comment explaining error""" return "@comment{%(id)s: %(message)s}" % \ {'id': self.id, 'message': self.message} def __str__(self): return "Error: %(message)s (%(id)s)" % \ {'id': self.id, 'message': self.message} def arxiv2bib(id_list): """Returns a list of references, corresponding to elts of id_list""" d = arxiv2bib_dict(id_list) l = [] for id in id_list: try: l.append(d[id]) except: l.append(ReferenceErrorInfo("Not found", id)) return l def arxiv_request(ids): """Sends a request to the arxiv API.""" q = urlencode([ ("id_list", ",".join(ids)), ("max_results", len(ids)) ]) xml = urlopen("http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?" + q) # xml.read() returns bytes, but ElementTree.fromstring decodes # to unicode when needed (python2) or string (python3) return ElementTree.fromstring(xml.read()) def arxiv2bib_dict(id_list): """Fetches citations for ids in id_list into a dictionary indexed by id""" ids = [] d = {} # validate ids for id in id_list: if is_valid(id): ids.append(id) else: d[id] = ReferenceErrorInfo("Invalid arXiv identifier", id) if len(ids) == 0: return d # make the api call while True: xml = arxiv_request(ids) # check for error entries = xml.findall(ATOM + "entry") try: first_title = entries[0].find(ATOM + "title") except: raise FatalError("Unable to connect to arXiv.org API.") if first_title is None or first_title.text.strip() != "Error": break try: id = entries[0].find(ATOM + "summary").text.split()[-1] del(ids[ids.index(id)]) except: raise FatalError("Unable to parse an error returned by arXiv.org.") # Parse each reference and store it in dictionary for entry in entries: try: ref = Reference(entry) except NotFoundError as error: message, id = error.args ref = ReferenceErrorInfo(message, id) if ref.id: d[ref.id] = ref if ref.bare_id: if not (ref.bare_id in d) or d[ref.bare_id].updated < ref.updated: d[ref.bare_id] = ref return d class Cli(object): """Command line interface""" def __init__(self, args=None): """Parse arguments""" self.args = self.parse_args(args) if len(self.args.id) == 0: self.args.id = [line.strip() for line in sys.stdin] # avoid duplicate error messages unless verbose is set if self.args.comments and not self.args.verbose: self.args.quiet = True self.output = [] self.messages = [] self.error_count = 0 self.code = 0 def run(self): """Produce output and error messages""" try: bib = arxiv2bib(self.args.id) except HTTPError as error: if error.getcode() == 403: raise FatalError("""\ 403 Forbidden error. This usually happens when you make many rapid fire requests in a row. If you continue to do this, arXiv.org may interpret your requests as a denial of service attack. For more information, see http://arxiv.org/help/robots. """) else: raise FatalError( "HTTP Connection Error: {0}".format(error.getcode())) self.create_output(bib) self.code = self.tally_errors(bib) def create_output(self, bib): """Format the output and error messages""" for b in bib: if isinstance(b, ReferenceErrorInfo): self.error_count += 1 if self.args.comments: self.output.append(b.bibtex()) if not self.args.quiet: self.messages.append(str(b)) else: self.output.append(b.bibtex()) def print_output(self): if not self.output: return output_string = os.linesep.join(self.output) try: print(output_string) except UnicodeEncodeError: print_bytes((output_string + os.linesep).encode('utf-8')) if self.args.verbose: self.messages.append( 'Could not use system encoding; using utf-8') def tally_errors(self, bib): """calculate error code""" if self.error_count == len(self.args.id): self.messages.append("No successful matches") return 2 elif self.error_count > 0: self.messages.append("%s of %s matched succesfully" % (len(bib) - self.error_count, len(bib))) return 1 else: return 0 def print_messages(self): """print messages to stderr""" if self.messages: self.messages.append("") sys.stderr.write(os.linesep.join(self.messages)) @staticmethod def parse_args(args): try: import argparse except: sys.exit("Cannot load required module 'argparse'") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Get the BibTeX for each arXiv id.", epilog="""\ Returns 0 on success, 1 on partial failure, 2 on total failure. Valid BibTeX is written to stdout, error messages to stderr. If no arguments are given, ids are read from stdin, one per line.""", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('id', metavar='arxiv_id', nargs="*", help="arxiv identifier, such as 1201.1213") parser.add_argument('-c', '--comments', action='store_true', help="Include @comment fields with error details") parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help="Display fewer error messages") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="Display more error messages") return parser.parse_args(args) def main(args=None): """Run the command line interface""" cli = Cli(args) try: cli.run() except FatalError as err: sys.stderr.write(err.args[0] + os.linesep) return 2 cli.print_output() cli.print_messages() return cli.code if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())