#!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding=utf8 import isbntools import re import requesocks as requests # Requesocks is requests with SOCKS support import subprocess import arxiv2bib as arxiv_metadata import tools import params def download(url): """Download url tofile Check that it is a valid pdf or djvu file. Tries all the available proxies sequentially. Returns the raw content of the file, or false if it could not be downloaded. """ for proxy in params.proxies: r_proxy = { "http": proxy, "https": proxy, } try: r = requests.get(url, proxies=r_proxy) contenttype = False if 'pdf' in r.headers['content-type']: contenttype = 'pdf' elif 'djvu' in r.headers['content-type']: contenttype = 'djvu' if r.status_code != 200 or contenttype is False: continue return r.content, contenttype except requests.exceptions.RequestException: tools.warning("Unable to get "+url+" using roxy "+proxy+". It " + "may not be available.") continue return False isbn_re = re.compile(r"isbn (([0-9]{3}[ -])?[0-9][ -][0-9]{2}[ -][0-9]{6}[-][0-9])") def findISBN(src): """Search for a valid ISBN in src. Returns the ISBN or false if not found or an error occurred.""" if src.endswith(".pdf"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["pdftotext", src, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) elif src.endswith(".djvu"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["djvutxt", src], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) else: return False while totext.poll() is None: extractfull = totext.stdout.readline() extractISBN = isbn_re.search(extractfull.lower().replace('Œ', '-')) if extractISBN: totext.terminate() break err = totext.communicate()[1] if totext.returncode > 0: # Error happened tools.warning(err) return False cleanISBN = False # Clean ISBN is the ISBN number without separators if extractISBN: cleanISBN = extractISBN.group(1).replace('-', '').replace(' ', '') return cleanISBN def isbn2Bib(isbn): """Tries to get bibtex entry from an ISBN number""" try: # Default merges results from worldcat.org and google books return isbntools.dev.fmt.fmtbib('bibtex', isbntools.meta(isbn, 'default')) except: return '' doi_re = re.compile('(?<=doi)/?:?\s?[0-9\.]{7}/\S*[0-9]') doi_pnas_re = re.compile('(?<=doi).?10.1073/pnas\.\d+') doi_jsb_re = re.compile('10\.1083/jcb\.\d{9}') clean_doi_re = re.compile('^/') clean_doi_fabse_re = re.compile('^10.1096') clean_doi_jcb_re = re.compile('^10.1083') clean_doi_len_re = re.compile(r'\d\.\d') def findDOI(src): """Search for a valid DOI in src. Returns the DOI or False if not found or an error occurred. From : http://en.dogeno.us/2010/02/release-a-python-script-for-organizing-scientific-papers-pyrenamepdf-py/ """ if src.endswith(".pdf"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["pdftotext", src, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) elif src.endswith(".djvu"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["djvutxt", src], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: return False while totext.poll() is None: extractfull = totext.stdout.readline() extractDOI = doi_re.search(extractfull.lower().replace('Œ', '-')) if not extractDOI: # PNAS fix extractDOI = doi_pnas_re.search(extractfull.lower().replace('pnas', '/pnas')) if not extractDOI: # JSB fix extractDOI = doi_jsb_re.search(extractfull.lower()) if extractDOI: totext.terminate() break err = totext.communicate()[1] if totext.returncode > 0: # Error happened tools.warning(err) return False cleanDOI = False if extractDOI: cleanDOI = extractDOI.group(0).replace(':', '').replace(' ', '') if clean_doi_re.search(cleanDOI): cleanDOI = cleanDOI[1:] # FABSE J fix if clean_doi_fabse_re.search(cleanDOI): cleanDOI = cleanDOI[:20] # Second JCB fix if clean_doi_jcb_re.search(cleanDOI): cleanDOI = cleanDOI[:21] if len(cleanDOI) > 40: cleanDOItemp = clean_doi_len_re.sub('000', cleanDOI) reps = {'.': 'A', '-': '0'} cleanDOItemp = tools.replaceAll(cleanDOItemp[8:], reps) digitStart = 0 for i in range(len(cleanDOItemp)): if cleanDOItemp[i].isdigit(): digitStart = 1 if cleanDOItemp[i].isalpha() and digitStart: break cleanDOI = cleanDOI[0:(8+i)] return cleanDOI def doi2Bib(doi): """Returns a bibTeX string of metadata for a given DOI. From : https://gist.github.com/jrsmith3/5513926 """ url = "http://dx.doi.org/" + doi headers = {"accept": "application/x-bibtex"} try: r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r.headers['content-type'] == 'application/x-bibtex': return r.text else: return '' except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: tools.warning('Unable to contact remote server to get the bibtex ' + 'entry for doi '+doi) return '' arXiv_re = re.compile(r'arXiv:\s*([\w\.\/\-]+)') def findArXivId(src): """Searches for a valid arXiv id in src. Returns the arXiv id or False if not found or an error occurred. From : https://github.com/minad/bibsync/blob/3fdf121016f6187a2fffc66a73cd33b45a20e55d/lib/bibsync/utils.rb """ if src.endswith(".pdf"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["pdftotext", src, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) elif src.endswith(".djvu"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["djvutxt", src], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: return False while totext.poll() is None: extractfull = totext.stdout.readline() extractID = arXiv_re.search(extractfull) if extractID: totext.terminate() break err = totext.communicate()[1] if totext.returncode > 0: # Error happened tools.warning(err) return False else: return extractID.group(1) def arXiv2Bib(arxiv): """Returns bibTeX string of metadata for a given arXiv id arxiv is an arxiv id """ bibtex = arxiv_metadata.arxiv2bib([arxiv]) for bib in bibtex: if isinstance(bib, arxiv_metadata.ReferenceErrorInfo): continue else: return bib.bibtex() return False HAL_re = re.compile(r'(hal-\d{8}), version (\d+)') def findHALId(src): """Searches for a valid HAL id in src Returns a tuple of the HAL id and the version or False if not found or an error occurred. """ if src.endswith(".pdf"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["pdftotext", src, "-"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) elif src.endswith(".djvu"): totext = subprocess.Popen(["djvutxt", src], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: return False while totext.poll() is None: extractfull = totext.stdout.readline() extractID = HAL_re.search(extractfull) if extractID: totext.terminate() break err = totext.communicate()[1] if totext.returncode > 0: # Error happened tools.warning(err) return False else: return extractID.group(1), extractID.group(2)