import os import errno import json import sys import tools # List of available options : # * folder : folder in which papers are stored # * proxies : list of proxies to use, e.g. ['', "socks5://localhost:4711"] # * format_articles, format_books : masks to rename files # * format_custom : list of lambda functions to apply to rename files. # E.g. : format_custom = [lambda x: x.replace('test', 'some_expr')] # * ignore_fields : list of fields to ignore when returning bibtex # Available masks to rename files are # %f = last name of first author # %l = last name of last author # %j = name of the journal # %Y = published year # %t = title # %a = authors # %v = arXiv version (e.g. '-v1') or nothing if not an arXiv paper def make_sure_path_exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) return True except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: return False class Config(): def __init__(self): self.config_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/") self.config = {} self.load() def get(self, param): return self.config[param] def set(self, param, value): self.config[param] = value def initialize(self): self.set("folder", os.path.expanduser("~/Papers/")) self.set("proxies", ['']) self.set("format_articles", "%f_%l-%j-%Y%v") self.set("format_books", "%a-%t") self.set("format_custom", []) self.set("ignore_fields", ["file", "doi", "tag"]) def load(self): try: folder_exists = make_sure_path_exists(self.config_path) if folder_exists and os.path.isfile(self.config.path + "bmc.json"): initialized = True else: initialized = False except: tools.warning("Unable to create ~/.config folder.") sys.exit(1) if not initialized: self.initialize() else: try: with open(self.config_path + "bmc.json", 'r') as fh: self.config = json.load(fh) except (ValueError, IOError): tools.warning("Config file could not be read.") sys.exit(1) def save(self): try: with open(self.config_path + "bmc.json", 'w') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(self.config)) except IOError: tools.warning("Could not write config file.") sys.exit(1) config = Config()